Can we please address/fix the TP destruction bugs?

Please? The TP is Symmetra’s defining ability. The fact that its so liable to destruction really hinders Sym players.

I’m going to link a video timestamp showing what I mean. But I have an important additon: Sometimes it’s not even obvious things like moving platforms that destroy the TP, sometimes it will destroy itself at random if you put it in an arbitrary spot.

I agree with the video poster in that Sym’s deployables should be given the BOB treatment and just be moved and not destroyed. (9:00 mark)

Here are TWO examples of the random self-destruct bug I mentioned above:

Why does this stuff happen? Well I think it’s a byproduct of the shoddy fix put in a number of months back to prevent Sym players from placing the shield generator in wonky positions.

Fixing these bugs should be a TOP priority for addressing Sym. TP should also consistently spawn under her feet 100% of the time to make escaping grav and deploying turret bombs more consistent and not suicide / wasted 12 seconds that can lose a game.


Just took this video. Note that there was no icon in the killfeed, it looks like the TP self-destructed without even forming.


Good evidence. Let’s get this fixed!

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Knowing things they’ll just fix the bugs that help Sym and ignore the ones that break her. :woman_shrugging:

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the quirky TP is really the biggest thing that is holding her back…

yea her gun is meh and her turrets are easily destroyed… but with a consistent TP she would be able to do much more.

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Keeping this alive. Just watched a stream where the TP randomly destroyed itself again near Volskaya point A, near no platforms nor map edges.
