Whats wrong with OW2?

I see some people hate OW2 and some people absolutely love it. ( Like me)
Can we bridge the gap and get some concise reasons for either or?

I like OW2 because

  • Tanking feels amazing with a nice blend of proper peel/dmg absorption and damage #s
    -Because one less tank is on the map dps isn’t as pressured by one tank at all times because there was two. Now the tank has to frontline and focus on helping their dps pressure the enemy dps
    -5v5 is a lot more fast passed and puts more emphasis on individual skill rather then a rock paper scissors match with counters.
  • The new noises are cool.

Overall, I’m more excited for OW2 than I have been for any other event involving video games in the past few years. Why do some of you have grievances with the game?


I want spending time or money on the game to be my choice. I don’t want to be strong armed into playing as much as a streamer or coughing up cash to unlock new heroes.

In a game that completely revolves around hero picks, the one thing you can’t lock away from players is the heroes.


Same , but you opened the box of the Pandora with this one. You shall not speak positively about OW2 in this realm mortal! You and this thread is DOOMED! :scream:



People don’t like change.

We also don’t have all the information yet. we have pieces but we still can’t see the whole puzzle.

Hero locks is the only truly concerning thing mentioned so far. If they had left that out there’d be nothing of genuine concern to worry about.


Im not very happy about those changes either. I wish they would allow for all heroes in competitive modes. That’s a big reason I don’t play a lot of r6 even though they did a pretty good job with the way they do heroes.

I hope blizzard revises the way they do hero locks but I don’t think its a complete turn off (Plus I love grinding so I might be a little bias)

I dont like tanking in OW2
I dont like changes to my main
I dont like 5v5
I dont like removing 2CP

For other side? I like them reworking doom so i will see him less. But not playing give me that as well.


Who do you main?

Lmao I don’t like doom either I feel bad for the doom players tho.

Rein, i was always agains cancel charge and didnt liked shield nerfs

Welp, i understant them being sad about it. Still hate doom and be happy to not play agains him if i will turn on the game.

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Mostly locking heroes on the BP. Specially if they are on level 55 and not 15 for example.
That and people that don’t like that they will have to spend more money if they want all the skins that will be released on BP and shop.

Thats about it I think.

Yeah rein was screwed by the changes and Junker queen replaced him. I hope they find a way to make him more playable.

I do hope they find a middle ground between non-monetized heroes and what we have now. They are pushing a lot of customers away for just a few more play hours from people who are addicted (like me lol)

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I think they’ve fixed so much that’s wrong with overwatch. I’m most excited for overwatch to actually be a test of skill. OW1 is “oh this ball is really good let’s stack counter him with Cree mei Ana hog brig”. In OW2 people are actually going to have to overcome that balls skill with their own skill if they want to win.


Thats one of the changes I’m most excited about. From playing the beta I think they have a good balance of counters still existing but not absolutely ruining the ability to play a hero.

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I’m pretty torn.

after trying it out in the betas I like 5v5. but that was it.
I don’t like push at all, in my opinion by far the worst mode. it feels like the match is often decided with the first teamfight.
A visual and auditory downgrade. This isn’t Overwatch, it’s Orangewatch. all the skins and new gun sounds are just there to have something new. (The gun sounds also give me a headache, so I won’t be able to play the game for long or I have to mute it, which is a major disadvantage)
Then the pay/playwall thing with new heroes and the nonpresevation of Overwatch.

That means the core gameplay is better, but everything around it is worse.

I really enjoyed 5v5. Made resource management a little harder with less targets to suck from but I feel more free to engage and net kills as moira

My issues, in no particular order:

  1. Push needs work. Has a very big decided in the first few minutes issue.
  2. More characters need adjustments for 5v5, particularly supports.
  3. Not keen on new heroes being locked behind a pay/grind wall.
  4. Concerned about battle pass grind in general. Worried it may be too long.
  5. Concerned about the future of the PVE. Hoping we’re not looking at a Diablo Immoral situation.
  6. Worried we may have a queue time issue after launch.

In general, I’m very excited for gameplay changes. 5v5 is fun, tanking feels incredible with launch brig levels of survivability and ability to step right into the enemy’s face. push could use some work, but is still more consistently fun than 2cp. I’m excited for hero reworks and finally getting new content for the game that got me into pc gaming.
I was unbelievably excited until the battle pass leak. I was onboard for going f2p and I expected a battle pass. But i expected a battle pass with just cosmetics, and for gameplay content to remain free forever like they promised at the very beginning of OW1. When blizzard failed to mention less than a month before launch that they would be breaking a major promise from their first game, it killed any faith I had left in blizzard.
I’m very excited to get my hands on the game, and will be playing it on launch. I’m just furious with scummy business decisions on blizzards part.

I enjoyed push a lot. It felt very brawly and as a brawly tank main I had a lot of fun But I see a lot of complaints like that so they need to look at push.

One of my bigger issues with OW2. The supports got the shortest end of the stick with changes and need pretty substantial reworks or buffs to work in OW2. Besides those I disagree with the others because I

  1. Like grinding. EX:Fortnite

  2. The PVE looked good in 2019 and they did an amazing job with all PVE events

  3. I think Q times will be a lot better then OW1 since every game only needs 2 tanks instead of 4 and we are by far the smallest % of the playerbase (So far maybe OW2 will change that)

I hope they see their wrongdoing but if they don’t I’m ok with this necessary evil IF means we get at least 2 heros and 2 maps Plus massively revamped events every year with new game modes and amazing cosmetics.

If blizzard can demonstrate to me that Overwatch 2 is worth playing I’ll play it.

That would have to mean that it would be very different from every other free to play game. It would have to be worth playing.

With almost all free to play games the business model is to create just enough fun to incentivize people and then create a situation so painful that people would pay to not deal with it. Then provide a way of not dealing with it for cash.

The problem with this is you could also not deal with it by just uninstalling and playing something fun instead.

So far the “universal law” of F2P games seems to be that anything that would incentivize a purchase also incentivizes uninstallation, and one of those is cheaper than the other.

(Plus OW1 in 2022 is still broken in the same way as it was in its 2015 beta, and I won’t spend a cent more until they earn the last one.)

I don’t mind grinding either. Just worried it might be too long a grind.

I’m excited for the PVE, but my concern is more about the predatory monetization we’re seeing from other Activision games.

I think the queue bottleneck is going to be supports, not tanks. Many because of the lack of adjustments the support role got. In the regular group I play with, no one else even wanted to touch supports by the end of the beta. I don’t think my experience here is uncommon.

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My thing is locking new heroes, every argument for it is pretty weak in my opinion, and don’t really stand logically. If you entice a new player to play cause they find that new hero appealing they are not gonna grind to play that character i know i would not. Locking heroes in lvl tier highlights that the reward tier’s are prolly lacking if they need to lock heroes to entice people to buy the BP.