Whats with Sombra in every single match now a days?

I mean, you could even read what I wrote…

you can ask him if you like.

Yeah, they are doing their analysis backwards. They want to say, “obviously they are getting this because people are selecting her, on attack rather than defense for cart maps (which is obviously a pretty damn dubious claim) and it is having enough of an effect which explains the win rate” (which is also extremely dubious, even if the first claim was right, which is… unlikely).

So they can then claim it means she is overpowered, regardless of what the stats are showing.

Win rates don’t matter. Sombra’s problem is not being fun to play against - that is, beyond the normally acceptable “not fun to play against” level. It’s the same problem dps Doom had. Bad win rates, highly frustrating to play against, moved to tank.

Sombra will get another rework in the future, hopefully sooner rather than later, and hopefully fix the frustration of playing against her once and for all.

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No character is fun to play into when losing. The “Sombra is OP!!” people just have the awareness and gamesense of rocks.

And I still beat Sombra players with zero awareness and the game sense of a rock. What does that say about the Sombra player?

ᕙ⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠ᕗ

That they are bad at the game?

Not sure what you’re looking for here, there are certainly Sombra players stuck in Bronze 5 for good reason.

…but if you come to the forum for 5 years straight to chronically whine and call the historically worst performing hero in game “OP,” it’s a skill issue.

She’s a menace in QP.
The instant someone dies to a DPS they usually go Sombra to get revenge on them the rest of the game.

At least this means I don’t encounter Pharah as much when I play Junkrat because it’s likely they’ll go Sombra instead.


I feel she is poorly designed. If it were up to me, Sombra would definitely be getting buffed. However, her 1v1 potential is hilariously overtuned at the moment. The fact that you need a cleanse hero to scare them is just a testament to that fact.

She was just made as a last ditch effort to get Aaron Keller to rank up so he could play with his son in ranked… Pathetic.

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I wonder… what if they reduced Virus’ damage but made it chain to enemies within a certain radius? Like Winston’s right click in PvE.

I wish I knew how to use the workshop, maybe I could test that.

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That would genuinely be interesting and give her a bit more aoe damage against her counters. And also perhaps teammates would be more cognizant of her presence if it is damaging them as well. Oh, and also because I hate them. :innocent:

No thanks, virus shouldn’t have been added in the first place, just remove it and Sombra will be less annoying

It is exactly what he said

I finally got this information from the lions mouth himself

Apparently it was simpler than I thought so :man_shrugging:

Incidentally I’ve spoken with RobotWizard over Discord extensively, and he came up with a way to test and prove it.

But IRL stuff got to busy for him, so he probably never got around to that project.


Well, Sombra has 5 major things going for her… And all of them kinda break the game.

  • Hyper mobility, her mobility options are second to none (Before you argue, look at point 2)

  • She can’t be seen whilst performing her hyper mobility, everybody else can. Meaning she is virtually untrackable.

  • The “ping” system having no cooldown, combined with Sombra’s untrackable stealth, allows entire teams to know where entire enemy teams are in real time with 100% accuracy, without the enemy team even knowing that it’s happening. Alongside this, they have absolutely no way to stop it from happening even if they do. It’s ----UNCOUNTERABLE----

  • She has the best escape mechanism in the entire game, that not only is on a tiny cooldown, but it free from restrain on all axis’, AND almost immediately, puts her back into stealth to make her untrackable again.

  • She used to have ALL OF THE ABOVE, with the downside of her being hard to play and her damage being lower than other DPS as a consequence so she wasn’t capable of solo destroying players in literally 0.5 seconds, then immediately returning to stealth. Well? That’s gone now. Her damage is absolutely top tier, still has her hack, now also has a fast moving projectile DoT so she doesn’t even have to actually shoot to do damage, or even stay in the fight. Making her ult generation ridiculously simple.

Simply put. There are no counters to her current playstyle, whereas everybody else has them. She also absolutely DUMPS on so many of the “meta” heros, especially those that heavily rely on abilities (Doomfist, as a prime example), There is too much in her favour for her to not be played. Infact, you could argue, she has a favourable matchup against the entire roster based solely on her stealth mechanic.

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This is just as much a cop out answer as you accuse the “overbuff is trash” crowd of giving.

There is a difference between just losing and a character being designed to be unfair and frustrating to play into. Sombra falls into the latter, hence her being reworked 3 times already and constantly kept in the dumpster as far as balancing goes. The same way Widow, Doom, Hog and Mercy have all eaten multiple nerfs and/or reworks off the back of being oppressive and unfun to play into and how Ball is currently wallowing at the bottom of the trash heap for the same reason.

Sombra exists as a necessary evil to counter all the jank in the game, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t extraordinarily unfun to play into when she does pop up.


Winning doesn’t matter if you’re miserable the entire game

Where’s the fun in playing fair?

:space_invader: :space_invader: :space_invader:


Do you think Sombra gets free kills?

I see doom+widow+sombra quite often. Fun times!!

Hi, I’m a nasty little Sombra main, I’ll apologize in advanced I guess.

The reason why players might use Sombra so much is because it has always taken so much effort to use her well, and even then, she has to have the stars aligned in order to get good picks and plays. Since her rework, players might feel like they need to put MORE work in…again lol, after her re rework after overwatch 2. I have games where I will get so many kills and push the objective hard, pressure valuable targets, but it won’t result in a win as often as it might a good ol soldier 76. Sombra players might feel like they aren’t good enough even though they are, she’s just very weird. All that being said, I don’t see her in my games that often when I’m not her? And if I do, I shoot her, her damage sucks :grinning: .

I’ll say this, I know the enemy team HATES me, everyone hates Sombra. Someone I live with constantly screams OMG I HATE SOMBRA in another room lol. People have thought she sucked, but she’s op because she hacks you and ults you, because she can escape (but not as good as Moira or Reaper now, or when you destroyed her translocator.) If she’s hated this much…get rid of her. Replace her with another character, have the voice actor play it instead. She’s been so controversial that even though I like her the most, she’d be fine not in overwatch anymore.

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