Whats with Sombra in every single match now a days?

Havent played in awhile and come back and literally, every match is a Sombra. is she the go to pick now or something?


I wonder why reworking a hero into the lowest skill floor DPS in the game has magically skyrocketed their pickrate!

In all seriousness, it has been dying down, actually. You should have seen her in her prime. The game was so aggravating because you would always get the useless Sombra “main” refusing to switch and they would always get the hitscan main testing her out.

It’s as simple as easy value. Her mains will cry about her performance, but defend the rework that actually lowered her winrate because they are addicted to the free kills. It is some Twilight Zone nonsense, fam.


because she is very strong right now
and her virus and spray combo kills most dps and supports unless they have cleanse or other forms of self healing


She’s an easy answer to just about any team comp. She thrives in uncoordinated play, so if you’re in the medal ranks or play a lot of QP, you’ll see her constantly. Very very irritating how they remade her into a noob stomper that no longer needs to sync up with her team to get immense value


Is her winrate really lower since the rework? I never knew that, but it makes sense. Weird how Sombra mains are no longer clamoring for a buff like they used to. I think you’re right, she’s the ultimate “free kill” hero and actually winning the game is secondary to Sombra main’s desire to feel superior without playing superior

  1. she’s fun
  2. make doomfist players mad (invaluable)

no one knows since we dont have the data but on overbuff with limited open profiles her pickrate did skyrocket. her winrate remained the same of course but thats probably due to a lot of factors. people trying her out and yea if enough people play a hero they will float to about 50 percent. like old mccree

is she stronger in low elos? i for sure think so, i mean its a lot easier to get value out of her now but of course i dont think she is immensely overpowered. still she is very good in low/mid elos so if you are gonna learn to play sombra NOW is the time

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Yeah I don’t think she’s overpowered at the highest levels of play. But she IS an absolute noob stomper and feels much worse to play against compared to the other noob stompers like Reaper or Junkrat or whatever


because people want more casual and fun heroes

also a pain for wb, widow, zen and any many slow characters


she is neither casual or fun for everyone on the receiving end


But Sombra has a negative winrate anyway, so I don’t know why you’re complaining.

Sombra is the new Bastion

And please do not confuse the lack of skill of Sombra with Bastion

The rework is trash; boosting Silvers to Diamond


the negative winrate from what? Overbuff? Greyfalcon’s explanation on winrate is that it does not matter, because the maths behind the winrate is just garbage.

His explanation TLDR
<50% winrate means this character is good on attack
more than 50% winrate means this character is good on defence

easy math.
Negative sombra winrate means you have higher chance to win the match.

Did you even read what I posted? Negative winrate means they are attacker sided, not that you are more likely to beat sombra because winrate means nothing or is basically useless

Sombra is a reliable counter to a lot of the jank that exists in Overwatch. The downside being that she’s woefully unfun to play into which I think sums up Blizzard’s balancing pretty nicely.

“Instead of just reworking the parts that are frustrating, we’ll add another frustrating mechanic to check the existing frustrating mechanics.”


I despise nu-Sombra

I want my translocator back

She’s very easy to play and cowardly players like to choose her to be invisible 24/7. That and to spawn camp… she’s just the absolute worst hero in game.

Basically people pick her because they can’t win a fair fight lmao

Her kit is very accessible that’s why and generally people can’t deal with her at the lower end.

  • Autoaim silence that is lenient around walls
  • Good primary damage
  • Easy to land burst damage ability
  • AOE ult that you can’t really mess up using
  • Low cooldown escape tool
  • Invisiblity
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