Whats with Sombra in every single match now a days?

Flanker easy mode for all the ranged hitscan/sojourn babies


I am a support refugee forced onto DPS because of queue times and I dunno how to play anything else lol

Play pharah and then start crying as soon as they go triple hitscan zarya :cry::cry::cry:

“They turned Sombra from a DPS support into an assassin. People got upset and wanted it this way. Now they’re crying again, and us Sombra mains are left in a bind because our hero was essentially destroyed! Thanks, Blizzard!”

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I have no sympathy for Pharah players lol. I insta lock soldier immediately with no remorse

one of her voice lines is “where is the fun in playing fair”


guess thats why i play her. legal hacking

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It is because a player can feel powerful and not at super high risk while playing her, whether or not it leads to a win.

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Sombra has never had a positive WR at any rank in OW history as far as I’m aware. She’s mainly just been an OWL hero. After the rework, Blizz said that her WR shot up by 4-5%. It still remained in the negatives but that’s a great jump nonetheless.

I don’t think you understood what Falcon was saying.

h ttps://twitter.com/GreyFalcon_OW/status/1727107510782620089
Read the comments, it’s literally the third point he makes

I don’t think you understand that 2CP isn’t in the game, and he was talking about 2CP.

Which is why I don’t think you understand what Falcon was saying.

What DOES make a difference is heroes which you pick right out of the gate, and swap first time you die, along with many other things, I did a very large writeup of it.

Every game has either sombra or bastion or sometimes both (but not often). Both fun-sucking heroes. Well done blizz.

Recetly I see much Sombra/Hog/Doom
and right when you see one of them in your team you just prey they are good
cause it’s always - or they are dominating or having 2/17 :smiling_face_with_tear:

When does it mention 2CP in the tweet? I’m pretty sure winrate applies in all game modes that are not arcade modes

And overbuff data is not exactly the most reliable metric either

That was the context of attack and defense sided.

Do I have to explain sample size to you?

But yes, win rates are not a good metric, but I covered that here

Look, I think you don’t get my point, which is playing different heroes on attack / defense heroes DID give a large difference in win rate, but that was in the context of 2cp, which we don’t have any more.

We have PLENTY of other stuff which messes up win rates, which I cover here.

But “Well attack / defense heroes have wildly different win rates” is
 a dubious position these days, in a large part, because 2cp doesn’t exist any more.

Once you understand the history of Falcons positions on a lot of this stuff came out of a lot of conversations between us about the different effects of the game and win rates, you will understand why I’m like “I don’t think you understand the details around this”.

One of the big things you have got messed up is say
 there was still 2cp, and you saw Sombra had a below average win rate, that DOESN’T mean she is an attacker hero. It means she has a below average win rate. The thing you would have to establish is that firstly she is used more on attack than defense, and the lack of win rate is covered by that effect.

You haven’t done either, and for a mode which doesn’t exist now. Hybrid and cart doesn’t have nearly the same level of effect as it did for 2cp. KOTH doesn’t have it at all, and neither does push.

This is nonsense, and either you misinterpreted what Greyfalcon was saying or he is confused as well.

Yes, Overwatch WR isn’t the only stat that matters, and Overbuff isn’t absolutely perfect, but both are the best tools we have for determining a characters overall strength(especially when combined with PR).

It’s the first.

Yeah, you have to take some stuff into account though. But, yeah, it is the best we have got outside of when the devs tell us the stats at their end. (or for when people were talking about OWL, the OWL stats we got were pretty extensive).

i much rather have a sombra on the enemy team than a widow


The “Overbuff is worthless” crowd just drives me nuts. First it’s “private profiles” nonsense, then “swap when losing”, and now “attack vs defense,” except they are all just thinly veiled excuses the throw out data they don’t like.

Yeah, you have to take some things into account and a simple glance at WR isn’t as exact as we’d like, but it’s like the majority of the community doesn’t understand sample sizes, polling, or how to interpret any data
 just “Nope, Overbuff is trash!”

and this dude. “Low WR means they are good on attack?!” How could you possibly twist that to make sense?

It’s like he glanced at a post about time differences on attack vs defense and how it weighed into WR, and without applying a bit of thought into how/why and questioning anything, he got confused at the title and former his own opinion.

So payload maps are not attack sided and defence sided?

His post was also made like last year November, so even if he was mentioning 2CP, why would he mention it in the context of overwatch 2?