What's with all this standing around?

We draw the line at minimum requirements.

Which was done. What would be terrible is to change those requirements AFTER the fact. The only exception being if they grossly over estimated load times or set a wide margin for error they could adjust later.

Which is obviously what happened when they made the first adjustment you referred too.

However, people are at this point barely loading in on time. Do we say “to bad” to people who bought the game BEFORE your new proposed adjustment?

Do we tell them they should lose access to a playable experience so someone who has the privilege of having more disposable income can shave a few seconds per match?


The advancement of technology does not follow an identical line with that of a persons income and ability to upgrade with it.

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they have already reduced it multiple times, if they did it again I’d have less time to play osu before the game starts


Only if they move the defenders spawn closer

Just for the prep phase

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Except as I have already pointed out the requirements WILL change with overwatch 2…there is almost no doubt that they will increase… For the new shinier engine…so what then?

You say that people are barely loading in on time… But I don’t believe I have ever come across them… At least, not once the game has already loaded, for subsequent rounds… Who are these people, why are they on such terrible hardware, playing a competitive game, why should they not take responsibility for themselves instead of making everyone else suffer?if you go into a competitive game with poor hardware then you must accept the disadvantage that comes with that…and as I already said, a very low frame rate has an even larger negative impact on ones overall performance in a match than simply loading in slightly late…and how large portion of the playerbase are such players?

Now, to give practical suggestions… a very simple thing suggested above would be to reduce the distance of the initial spawn to the defenders first point of defence…and shave 10 seconds off minimum

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An engine change does not mean increased load times. In fact it could mean the opposite.

Literally had someone say in chat literally yesterday “ I am going to be playing poorly while the models load for the next 30 seconds”.

Your lack of awareness or rather the people around you not announcing their hardware situation to you does not make them non-existent.

You are not suffering.

Within reason. Lower framerates are way different then missing an entire first push because of a dumb decision to reduce the setup time.

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I don’t think I have ever seen a game with upgraded visuals etc. that performs better than its five-year-old predecessor…

As to the person who made that statement… It is indeed unfortunate for that person but he should not be playing competitive… end of story…

you claim that low frame rate is less detrimental than missing a single push… I would argue that is entirely untrue… low frame rate throughout the entirety of the match has a far greater impact than one single missed push…

you say that I do not suffer… You are wrong… There are many games where I have felt exasperated at the unnecessarily long waiting times and it has made my performance worse because it is so demoralising to have to spend more unnecessary time in a game that is extremely one-sided anyway… the sting of defeat is also far worse in a game that took a long time…as Jeff stated…you can call it a first world problem all you want … This is simply a suggestion to improve the experience for most players…it is not up to you to assess whether I “suffer” or not…

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can you let me go to the bathroom in peace thanks

Well SSDs are much cheaper than they used to be. You can get a 500GB M.2 SSD of Amazon for 80 bucks or less.

But on the flip side, not everyone is swimming in cash because the world is currently going to **** with covid and all that, so yeah, not exactly the best time to pick up an SSD. But whenever you can grab one, do it, I had one for mine and it is a great game changer for … everything.

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I already have 2 tb’s.

The thing I will never understand is arguing for the destruction of another’s experience for the sake of MARGINALLY improving your own.

That’s what OP was saying?

And I didn’t say anything that close to “destroying other experiences”.

I said when you can, grab one, it will help.

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Oh… it’s YOU…

That guy who leaves and joins my game like 5 times because he probably can’t just wait for the game to actually end.

Or the guy who is literally doing laps around the spawn spamming all of his cooldowns and voicelines.

I always wondered what you were like in person.

One thing that we could do is have it a bit like we had before and keep it on the loading screen until everyone has loaded… I think they had that as a bug before but if they did that and significantly reduced the assembly time I would be okay with that…I don’t remember it being too excessively long then… But as it is now it is far too excessive…

and yeah I would venture to say that an SSD is affordable for most people nowadays… let’s say that overwatch is €16, an SSD can be found for double of that price…And for those who well and truly can’t afford it, maybe they shouldn’t be playing overwatch if it poses such a significant problem… They have other more pressing priorities…. But the strange thing is I’ve played on integrated graphics for most of my gaming career, and I played on the hard disk drive for most of my overwatch career and I never experienced crazy long times…The longest load was the initial load of the game from launcher…

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Or how about we just leave it how it is because it’s fine.

That sounds like a fallacy… If something can be improved, there is no reason not to… The world was “fine” before we had computers…does that mean we shouldn’t have developed computers…it’s like just because some people can’t afford a computer for email, we make everyone use snail mail?

Making it shorter would not improve the game though

… so … rather than being allowed to futz around in spawn you just wanna stare at a loading screen?

It would do just that… how is it fun to stand around? As opposed to getting straight into the action…

rather than being allowed to futz around in spawn you just wanna stare at a loading screen?

Strange as it may sound… Yes… that waiting time for the loading screen was never that significant…even when it made you wait for everyone… We could just have that and cut down the assembly time to 5 to 10 seconds…

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I… have a feeling many many others would feel differently. The spawn rooms aren’t exactly exciting but they do have things to “play” with. Part of the fun of having a better computer and connection than others is getting a couple extra tries at making baskets or “singing” before everyone loads in.

Not really no… That gets old REAL fast…when I load up a game of overwatch, I want to shoot stuff, I want to kill stuff… If I wanted to sing I would play karaoke dancefloor… If I wanted to play basketball I would play actual basketball…

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I agree for koth maps, the long wait is really annoying and you have to deal with it 3 times, but every other map is so that the defenders can get in proper position and be ready.

would it be nice if they spawned in closer? yes, but a change like that for every map this late into the games life isn’t happening