What's with all the Mercy hate lately?

I am genuinely curious. I’m seeing a ton of people saying they don’t want to have Mercy on their team, that they would use hero bans to prevent their teammates from picking Mercy, etc. Where is this coming from?

It used to be that a good Mercy on your team was revered, since she would be basically unkillable and could give you a second chance when possible, fly all over the map, pocket an OP DPS, etc. Heck, people have always said that a good way to earn endorsements was to just play Mercy. What changed? Is this from a specific ELO/platform or something?


Mercy is an accessory. She doesn’t actively contribute anything to the team that helps you win. She doesn’t do damage or otherwise apply pressure and her healing sucks. Meanwhile: the enemy supports are getting picks whenever they can and spamming anti/discord/etc or otherwise using their utility to get an edge.

Then she has one of the worst ults too, which she farms by taking would-be ult charge from her co-support, which could’ve been a second Nano, Orbital Ray, Kitsune Rush - you name it.

A lot of the frustration also stems from most of her players being OTPs that can’t swap or play other heroes…


I mean, sure, but that has always been the case. And I’m noticing unparalleled levels of Mercy hate recently, and not the usual enemy Mercy hate which is totally understandable.

This is nothing new.

High rank players consider Mercy to be a joke pick and that she should not heal as to minmax ult charge into actually good support ults. A big issue born from Valk being nerfed into the ground is that all ult charge going to her feels subpar, if not wasted.

They even called it ‘‘Mercy cannibalizing ult charge from better supports’’.

Basically, Mercy isnt a good hero outside of being slippery. She has almost no impact outside of pocketing broken Godscans. Both SatRay and KRush are both stronger ultimates that do everything Mercy wants to do.

Before losing Mass Rez, before Valk became a meme ult, before the DPS passive, etc. Mercy is a weak hero and has been for quite a long time, but people love to blame her for OP Godscans.


Not “lately”, but “usual”.


Mercy used to be a potent and versatile pick in the right hands.

Since then she’s been passively nerfed (via the DPS passive) and powercrept (by multiple new supports with bloated kits), including two new support ults that do what Valkyrie does but better… and now she’s also being powercrept by other supports getting much better perks than hers.

Nowadays even in teamcomps and situations where you would expect her to shine, she gets surpassed by some other support. She’s no longer considered good in mobile comps, she’s not the first pick for poke comps… a few seasons ago we said she was at least still good for pocketing broken hitscans but right now Sojourn’s about as broken as they get and Mercy’s still getting left behind.

¯_(ツ)_/¯ Blizzard claims she is fine.


Yeah, people have finally noticed that they dont need Mercy to abuse Sojourn/Ashe/Soldier. They can just play better supports with better ults and win easier than with a Mercy pocketing them.


It’s cyclical since 2016…

I lost track of it but I think it will be replaced by Widowmaker hate soon.

You shouldn’t make much of it. Those posters / players don’t make much sense, never did.


But it will somehow still be Mercy’s fault.


I see, that’s a shame. I really enjoy Mercy gameplay but the more I climb the more useless she feels. Maybe my “used to” is just my lower-rank perspective ^^’

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I get one with the kitten of discord title that’s also not very good literally every other game and sometimes I wanna off-heal :woman_shrugging:


Mercy hate isnt a “lately” thing at all

It is 24/7/365 on this forum

Sad but true

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I’m not sure of the connection you’re trying to make.

Is this the new way to make fun of people’s levels?

I completely disagree with you OP, i’ve been hating Mercy since OW1 S1, not just lately.
Pay some respect to my dedication to that hatred please.


The ubiquitousness of the insta-lock mediocre mercy player that I always have to accommodate with my hero selection is grating. Doesn’t that directly connect to the question the OP is asking? Although, “lately” is more like… ever since OW2 came out; i feel like going f2p caused an increase in the frequency of those players.


I do understand where you’re coming from, as a mostly support player sometimes I want to play Lifeweaver(sue me, I promise I’m good at him lmao) but it’s an instant loss going with Mercy unless we’re steamrolling. Same with Lucio, Brig… She does take a spot that locks a lot of heroes out of the roster. Still, the same could be said about any of these other heroes, but I guess they’re not as ubiqutous

There are no instant loss heroes



There are no instant loss heroes

Oh I’m not talking about Mercy herself being an instant loss, just the combination of LW + Mercy being severely difficult to manage in a match. Same as, say, Lucio + Brig. Not impossible, but realistically only working in a steamroll

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I main lifeweaver and often play chicken with them. I have a NASA PC and generally load in before everyone else, so I always get to lock well before the Mercy. Then it’s just a matter of waiting to see if they’ll decide they want to win the game if our DPS aren’t good enough to enable Mercy/Lifeweaver. I’m usually objectively contributing more so the team generally puts it on them to swap lol. Sue me; I deserve to hard lock my main sometimes too :ok_woman:


None of this ensures an “instant loss”

All of the mentioned combos can and do appear in winning teams, including close wins