I highly doubt it’s happening as often as you say it is.
That didn’t answer my question. “They have this high-ranking title, so they have to be good.”
The only thing it shows is people hating Mercy for whatever asinine reason. “They picked the player they wanted to! They don’t play up to my level of what I think they should be playing at!”
It also didn’t answer my question.
But Mercy mains don’t?
Your entire post reaks of “I’m better than you, look upon me with awe.”
Triple replying is kinda wild lol you good? Wanna get a fourth one in? I replied so the forum doesn’t stop you from it.
Lol. Lmao, even. It takes one glance at my match history. Yes, it is happening that often. She is one of the most popular characters in the game.
That’s kind of pedantic, isn’t it?
Mind you, I love a good Mercy player, but in my example you’re not doing your team any favors by picking LW with her. I’m trying to understand where the Mercy hate comes from, so all I’m saying is I can see why some people might come to think that way when she is both
a) A favor pick of many one-tricks (nothing wrong with that)
b) Mostly incompatible with a lot of other support heroes (nothing wrong with that)
I still wouldn’t ban her because I feel like it’s better to let your own teammate shine in what they’re good at rather than forcing them to play a hero they don’t know how to play. I can play basically any support but I would feel quite down if, say, LW was banned every match, especially when I feel he would cover the difficulties we’re having in a certain comp.
You edited your post to include that question, and I didn’t see it. It’s just poking fun at the title; idrc about the source of it. A little laff that the kids can relate to.
Mercy is absolutely the most-locked co-support I get. I am 100% sure if it. It’s very common. She’s a very popular hero. I don’t blame people for finding her fun; I do too and have quite a few hours on her. But it is very often—my “literally every other game” is obviously an exaggeration… but honestly not by much.
I don’t think it’s a big deal for me to at least ask that they be good. I’d ask that of any of my teammates lol should I drag rein players into it too?
Idk can they let up every once in a while and not play Mercy when we have literally no one on our team for her to staff?
Oh no. I used three repiles for 3 different thoughts.
The world will now implode.
it is annoying that she rez’s the guy you just killed or rez’s the broken part of 5v5… the tank. still thats all shes got and if she doesnt have that might as well not play her at all since she would be useless. rez is a BIG FACTOR on her impact in the game
also i always loved the aesthetic of the hero but yea her bringing back to life the dude you just killed is frustrating sometimes
(also in low elo everyone forgets there is a mercy that can rez the enemy. ive seen people not even try to stop her hehe)
I edited it literally seconds after my original post, because I answered the question it asked.
Also, jokes are funny! Yours was not <3
And yet she’s still not the top picked support.
Based off of what? Mercy still has a high win rate, so there’s something there.
Not even yourself? Weird.
Well, OP, I think my friend has contributed to your question in their own roundabout way here. I predict this will spiral into further derailment the more they try to hyperanalyze my personal experience, hahaha. We can always hash it out if you see me in game sometime.
I don’t mean to hyperanalyze you, but based on your previous statements regarding Mercy, i can tell you had a traumatic experience with Switzerland.
Wait… and my Rein/Ana hate is because one time an old person was mean to me… chills.
What do you mean “lately”?
Wait till we get to Bastion and the one time a toaster chared your slice of bread.
Why do my posts always devolve into arguments?
I see you have Dorito in your name. Do you support obesity and/or diabetes, and if so do you believe Hog is concerned enough with his health or should we plan an intervention ? In such case, what support would be most competent to accompany him on his journey towards healing, and why do society’s aesthetic standards contribute to Road’s inner unhappiness?
Not only that, but I believe we are in dire need of more fat characters in the roster, and I find it shameful we do not have that representation in the support role. I find it more worrysome that half the heroes in the game have a 3cm waistline and should take a few lessons with hog
As a fellow henchman of toxic positivity, i salute you. Our work is a tough one down here.
Blessed be your quest to enlarge those 3cms.
All the things you listed are why Mercy is so often hated on. It’s not a new stance people have taken. But it’s not so much a Mercy problem as it is a Pocket problem.
Mercy, in a vacuum, is fine. She’s the, pardon the pun, Swiss Army Knife of the Support role. She dips her fingers into just about every pie a Support character can, barring any mitigation abilities, but doesn’t particularly excel at anything.
Besides pocketing, that is. An Ashe on her own is a powerful threat, but an Ashe that’s got a 30% increase to all her damage and Ult charge gains, a free, endless supply of 60 HP/s when she takes damage, and a free second chance, if she does die?
Mercy is hated for the same reasons Aphrodite is hated in Smite/Smite 2, and Yummi is hated in League - The playstyle they encourage is frustrating, annoying to play against and annoying to play with. Well, for everyone that isn’t their pocket, anyway. And it’s one of the many reasons these types of characters tend to be underperformers, most of the time, as if you buff them, you’re also indirectly buffing their best pairings. And when they become strong, they become even more infuriating.
So the only way to properly stop the Mercy hate is to rework her to not be a Pocket. But, given what happened the last time Mercy was reworked, the devs are reluctant to do it again. So now, we’re left in a really awkward middle ground that feels bad for Mercy players and that feels bad for anyone playing into or with a Mercy. Because Mercy is, in herself, below average on all counts, but as soon as she’s got a Carry to pocket, she and her +1 become an absolute nightmare to contend with, and your team gets left with only 1 Support, as the Mercy is boosting the best Carry on your team.