What's up with Mercy's winrate?

Actually agree with this, it only works for pro players but can’t deny that it works for them

You are silver, people will get mad at you for anything because they don’t understand the game.

It’s a misuse of an ultimate in my rank (high masters and GM)

Well the only way to make Valkyrie engaging and impactful is by misusing it. Sorry but I rather not.

People are reported for whipping out a pistol as Mercy.

Silver and Gold are the majority of the player base.

So way to defeat your own argument.

Why is Mercy’s winrate dropping? Because she’s no longer S tier in every situation ever.

The fact you had to write this really says you seem to be for spamming about Mercy.

But I’m glad you picked a topic that wasn’t spammed before. I am actually okay with that.

Where did I mention gold?

----------------------------- THE POINT ------------------>

…Your Head…

you see, so many forums out there discuss the issue with valk so im not going to bother with it. but I’ll state this, just because it looks good and can do AoE heals doesn’t mean that it is good. Yes it is interesting but does interesting equal good? i fear not.

another misconception. shooting down that widow or pharah can cost my team’s death, can be like 2 deaths from my team and i was out there killing 1 massive disadvantage but of course it depends on what i going around the game.

Thank God none of us are these three then… We are normal players.

Winston’s primary can outdamage it…

Actually, find it easier tbh. Whenever I use my ultimate the enemy team often counters by expending an ultimate themselves.

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I’m literally debating against two mercy mains, one who says that mercy’s ult makes her impossible to hit and another who says that she gets focused as soon as she reveals herself. Just found that funny.

I do agree with what you said to a certain extent when it comes to hit scans like widow but soldier or mcree I would disagree


Let’s agree to disagree which each other then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mercy have been a healing bot (Pocket healer) since OW Beta I don’t know what are you even trying to say with this, her gameplay have been the same sine 2016. Valkyrie made her more active and less dependent of her teammates which is something your people complained to death about "Nobody takes care of me i’m with stupid people all the game ".

New Ress makes you the most impactful hero in the game every 30 seconds, unlike old ress who could be completely negated if you constantly died or couldn’t charge it on time.

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Except the enhanced abilities in Valkyrie are all team dependent. (excluding her gun because no one uses it in competitive). As for flying, it literally puts a bigger target on you.

Honestly don’t see the problem here…

I have had games where I was against someone who just gave 0 Fs and shot me down the second I pressed Q. I’ve even been shot down by a Mei in my Ult before.

But most of the time, people don’t even BOTHER shooting at Mercy. The ones that are ballsy enough to try, though, are typically confident in their ability to kill her. And those are scary.

Good thing they needed her healing so you have more of a reason to damage boost then.

Low pick rate almost always means low win rate. Just how it is.

1- Ok yea, thats a pretty dumb point for me to argue tbf

2-Winston also has one of the shortest ranged guns in the game whereas mercy can heal for a much greater distance and if the winston chooses to focus on the target(s) that mercy is pocketing he is bound to die

3- I mean Valk lasts 15 secs, if they use a trans or a visor your team could wait it out and re-initiate with valk + blade or something because that ult would be used if the genji uses his blade on his own better to bait the ult with Valk which is much longer and re-initiate while its still active

Torb, Symm and Bastion are characters usually near the bottom of the pickrate, but always have the highest winrates.

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Sure, but there really is nothing that would change my opinion on those two as counters to valk unless the use ult