What's the point of the trial? She is already in the game

If she is already in the game why remove access to her? Why even bother with a trial in the first place if the character isn’t finished baking?

Is it purely for marketing? I really don’t get it


We are just free beta testers. So they can make some adjustment before releasing her completely.


They been doing it like this since Mauga in S7. Probably used to pick up balancing numbers and stuff.

She seems balanced to me so we’ll probably get another Venture type release with very minimal changes.

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It’s for feedback for a final balance pass before proper release. Though in this case she’s so well-received I think they should just keep her in.




Wouldn’t they get the numbers anyway if she was just properly released?

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Yeah, it’s a mix of them wanting to market and balance early.


There’s no PTR any more so this is their way of gauging metrics like performance and player feedback before the official release.


Yes, but they could also need to do that after a disastrously poorly balanced launch like Lifeweaver, which is probably why they started

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I have been asking myself since the day they made the firs trial. At that point it is the actual release date of the hero.

Yes, entirely, though they also completely kill the hype for the start of a new season.

Plus, they thought : “why not making support an even more hellish role by making them wait 15-20 minutes so they can get wrecked by an uneven matchmaking on top of an already miserable situation for them”

FOMO. They want people to flood the game for a weekend.


To figure out how she’s played, if she’s too strong, too weak…

Not exactly quantum physics here.


She is already out so she is
finished. The game already receives patches regularly so just balance her in the patch with everyone else??? This limited time character garbage is getting old.

Or pre-release her for a few days and get one patch in earlier, minimizing the time she’s over- or underpowered.

Seems sensible to me :woman_shrugging:


they dont want to do beta test anymore so everything they want to test is put into the live game so they can get enough statistics and feedback from real players and matches rather than relying on a handful of beta testers on the beta server/client who are unable to play with other people unless they also use the same client

its like an open beta, and a lot of the changes like QP hacked are sorta just rolling trial phases to test for reception and balance. also, the reason why Juno is coming next season and not this season is because of the seasonal model. they have some sort of internal goal to release a new hero every 2-3 seasons or something. if they released her now then it would interrupt that cycle and make the next season less “interesting”

She is already in the game files and coded. No point in removing her to balance or tweak things. Devs are just too lazy to belt out these changes asap.

Obviously to playtest her before release.

I don’t know if you are aware of this, but this is a very common practice in video games.


They have playtesters in office so that is already done?

Which won’t give you nearly as much information as releasing her to the public? This is not rocket science

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