What's the point of the trial? She is already in the game

Well, no, no point in removing her, you’re right. That’s just marketing to get her out in S12.

Your choice is basically between “get her in S12” or “get her in S12 and play her for two days prior to that which probably leads to a better balanced version on official release”. Option #2 seems fine to me. Better than option #1 for sure.

Option 2 just kills the hype. If they don’t like the character from the 2 days they will just dodge the whole season.

I don’t care about hype, I play games to have fun :woman_shrugging: Playing her a few weeks before she officially comes out doesn’t really affect my fun negatively, idk. I’m pretty sure it’s the same for most other people.


You’d think they would use common sense for that stuff.

“there is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path”

These hero play test weekends are blizzard attempting to walk the path, and see if what they have on paper plays out in the game the way they anticipate it will.

Hint: And you’re well aware of this, it almost never works out the way they think… I really like that they’re doing this for all the new heroes.


lol um if you say so friend.

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Fishing you back in when the next battlepass drops with goodies for her, I spose

She plays OK but that Jetpack movement feels bad, free testing we are.

testing to see how much they need to buff her to sell more skins, wink.

You get real data on the hero from the entire player base. It allows you to adjust the hero’s kit before the actual launch. It will make for a smoother launch.

They have a competitor game that’s gonna come out with a beta pretty soon, so they want to do something to keep people thinking about their game. They also don’t want to ditch the season model because it’s part of the monetization and so they don’t want to officially launch the new hero halfway through a season. So a compromise, do a limited window early hands on trial to drum up interest and get people logging in and thinking about the game. That part is 100% marketing, generate hype to avoid getting sidelined and losing their revenue stream.

They may also be using this trial to get data to make sure juno is successful when she is officially released. Makes it easier to main the new hero if it’s strong, which makes it easier to sell skins to those players. And this hero looks to be a very promising cash cow in that respect.

They won’t remove her, they will just disable her and take her icon out of the gallery. Then when the season swaps over they’ll flip the switch and she’ll be back.

They wont make money of they will release her rn. Something big in shop will come up in season 12

It’s also possible that things like customizations or translations are not done yet

She’s already in the game, yes, but the trial is for Blizzard to grab data for balancing purposes before her official release.

They did the same thing with Mauga and Venture.

Well, if there is a beta, why don’t they just release the game why just make it a beta why give a trial for the game?!??!

…is what this kid would say because apparently he doesn’t understand how video games work.

Well that’s certainly a typical forumer way to spin something completely normal into something overly negative. Yes, let’s complain that we get to try new content early so that it’s more balanced and fun when it launches in a few weeks…

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Isn’t that what people on these forums do though pretty much exclusively? lol

you call those playtesters? they can’t even be bothered to test the interactions of heroes…


Because why waste money on beta tester, or dev’s time, when players will (hapiliy) do it for them for free?