What's the point of Mercy?

Personally, I find that it is a good thing to have a dead teammate to be alive again


What I said was that a good outcome does not justify the poor choice that led to it.

That is “Hindsight Bias”.

I have already stated that having a dead teammate return to life is a good thing

It is optimal for this to happen, and suboptimal for this to not happen

I have already said that this is not what “suboptimal” nor “optimal” means.

Playing optimally means making the best decision with the least risk involved. A high-risk Rez is the OPPOSITE of optimal play, no matter if it works or not.

I have already stated that having a live teammate is optimal when considering whether one’s team is better off with a live teammate or a dead teammate, albeit perhaps this might not be the case if the dead teammate is a griefing mei or a character intentionally feeding

I dont think there is anything else to add here

I have already said that the outcome of a teammate living does not undo the terrible risk it took to perform the Rez.

I agree that there is nothing else to add.

Factually, the risk of a given rez is variable.

Some are more risky than others, and many would not involve “terrible risk”

Lol no, playing optimally is assessing if the risk is worth the reward and then making the correct play.

Sometimes you need to make a high risk, high reward play.

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Factually, this started when talking about a very risky situation, so factually, any other situation does not apply.

If you’re forced to make a risky play, then it wasn’t a risky decision. You had no choice.

But a risky decision is not magically less risky just because it worked out.

Factually, this piece of the overall discussion was and is about using rez, and doing so can be very risky or not risky at all or anything inbetween, depending on the circumstances

Factually, other situations do not matter because the context was talking about using Rez in the middle of a risky, dangerous fight.

Factually, in a discussion of the value and use of rez, all situations when it can potentially be used are germaine to the conversation

Factually, no it is not when the specific subject was about risky Rezes.

Factually, almost all (and the outliers are very, very rare) rez attempts carry with them some element of risk

False equivalence fallacy. Not every Rez has the same risk of death. Some are far more risky than others.

Factually, this piece of this overall discussion concerns itself with rez, and its risk varies from one instance to another

Factually, the subject brought up was using Rez in the middle of a fight where Mercy was almost guaranteed to die. It concerns itself with Rezzes ONLY of that level of risk.

Factually, I have already explained that this piece of this discussion is about rez without regard to circumstance.

I dont have anything to add in that regard at this time

Factually, I have already why your explanations are flawed in regards to risk versus optimization.

I also don’t have anything to add, so… :woman_shrugging:

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Right, and in that case Zarya did nothing.

She didnt. If it got eaten, then there was no ability in play at all since its effect was removed. Zarya in that case did nothing.

Same applied, since it did nothing and there was no effect, Mercy did nothing.