What's the point of Mercy?

Again, no. When Zarya presses Q, the Graviton comes out immediately. She creates an effect that has to be dealt with or avoided by the enemy team.

When Mercy presses E, nothing exists for 2 seconds. She is literally NOT taking part in the fight while the ability is casting.

By the logic you’re presenting, a hiding Mercy is taking part just as much as a Mercy that has pressed E and now has to wait two seconds. The hiding Mercy, in fact, can still make split decisions or act on all of her kit. She can still observe the match and make callouts. A Mercy that has pressed E has had MOST of her options removed until it’s finished.

What you’re saying is like claiming that an invisible Sombra isn’t participating if she’s sitting in the back and waiting for something to do.

So we’re back to asking: what makes you the arbiter of deciding something that’s harmful or controversial?

I am not speaking of justification…I am saying it happens.



Successfully (ie both patient and doctor are alive at the end of the process)

Factually, neither of these is a requirement of rez

Even though he has ALOT of utility I think Baptiste+Mercy will be the new meta. They both enable DPS like crazy so I have hope.

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But the grav does nothing untill it lands or hits a solid object.
So either Zarya did nothing with her grav, the way you make it seem with Mercy.
Or she used it but just messed up.

Depending on what that Sombra is doing that is true.
If she is invisible sitting on point B and doing nothing while the team attacks point A, she’s indeed doing nothing.

If she is invisible behind enemy lines, scouting, looking for a possiblity and communicating with the team, she’s doing something.

Apperently you, because you are so focused on me being the arbiter on it…

Maybe look-up the definition of harmfull and controversial and then come back again, because you apperently have no idea what those words mean.

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The moment Zarya presses Q, she produces a Grav that exist independent of herself. Whether it’s hit an object or not, the property is out there. If you kill or CC Zarya after the Grav has been produced, it’s too late. The Grav itself still must be dealt with.

When Mercy presses E, nothing exists yet. If she dies or gets CCed in any way, it’s like she never pressed the button at all. Oh wait, except her team is now at a colossal disadvantage.

Glad we agree then.

You’re avoiding the question. The definitions of subjective words do not explain why YOU are qualified to determine their subjectivity.

Let me rephrase, to be consistent in getting it off, you have to do those. Doing it any other time has the potential to see it wasted.

I can certainly see how it is easier to perform with no enemies aroudn or with cover, but it indeed is possible to consistently (and by that, I dont mean every-single-time) rez under combat conditions.

I know this to be true because I have done it and have also seen others at high, mid, and low tiers of play do so

As such, I dont see these as a “have to”

“It can be done” is not an argument against “you have to do this to play optimally”.

For example, “it can be done” can be applied to Soldier getting a 6K and surviving if he walks directly into the enemy team and presses Q. The problem is, it’s so risky that the fact that it’s possible doesn’t negate the fact that it’s suboptimal.

Using a Rez in the open, in the middle of a team fight, is a suboptimal use of the ability. The fact that you can survive it and successful pull off the Rez does not negate the fact that doing so is suboptimal.

To me, optimal play is using rez successfully as many times as possible, preferably on the most impactful members of your team…tho of course the character who dies when you have rez available isnt necessarily that individual

Sometimes, this means rez’ing a teammate whose corpse is in the middle of a teamfight

Success is optimal, not suboptimal

Factually, this is not what “optimal” means.

Factually, gauging the value of a choice by its success is called “Hindsight Bias”.

Factually, it is optimal to have as many teammates alive and in play as possible

Factually, rez’ing a teammate adds 1 to the number of teammates alive and in play

Factually, that is still not what “optimal” means.

Factually, the fact that a teammate was Rezzed does not negate the risk that was undertaken for the Rez.

Factually, it is optimal to be alive rather than dead

Factually, a beneficial situation does not negate a bad decision, just because it worked out.

Same accounts for Zarya when the grav gets eaten, the grav just dissapeared like it never existed.

You can’t say Zarya used her ability when it hasn’t done anything yet and then say Mercy hasn’t used her ability when it hasn’t done anything yet.

Agree on what? Because I didn’t agree with anything, I posted 2 situations in your context.

Again, for the 5th time or so already, I never said I was. You said I was.
And if you look up the definition of a controversial subject.

Which is: “giving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or public disagreement.”

You would know that there is no need for an arbitrary figure, one can see it by just reading the topics at hand.

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Once again, after Zarya presses Q, the effect for Graviton has been made. She creates an effect that must be independently dealt with.

This effect exists before the CC ultimate, and even if it’s eaten, blocked, deflected or dodged, still exists before the CC ultimate.

When Mercy presses E, nothing exists before the Rez ability. If Mercy is killed, the Rez never happens. If Zarya is killed after she presses Q, the Grav projectile still needs to be dealt with, even if dealing with it means eating it.

You agreed that a character that stands back and waits for an opportunity and does things like conveying information or diverting enemy attention is participating in a fight, like a hiding Mercy or an invisible Sombra.

And for the 5th time, by asking someone to show you an ability that “is not controversial”, you are saying that YOU have the ability to determine whether or not it is.

The effect doesn’t start untill the graviton hits a solid object.
It’s only then that the ability does what it subscribes it does.

I didn’t…
Sombra scouting in the enemy backline is something completly different than a Mercy hiding somewhere on the map.

No I ask somebody, in this case you, to offer me a post that hasn’t been met with a lot of disagreement.

Now if you decide to respond to me again, please learn your words and abilities else there’s no way of having anyform of discussion when you need education on the most basic abilities that have been in this game for almost 3 years and some common english words.

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Graviton has two forms: a projectile, and then an AOE.

After Zarya presses Q, the projectile exists no matter what. It MUST be dealt with or avoided. If the projectile lands on an object, it then becomes an AOE.

But either way, Zarya creates an effect the moment she presses Q.

No it isn’t. Mercy hiding to avoid enemy detection is specifically an action taken to assist her team by forcing the enemy team to either find her or overlook her presence to create a better opportunity to Rez.

Which I said is pointless, because 90% of ideas meet with disagreement.

Not only that, but there is an entire Google Doc which the “Revert Mercy” movement used to post ideas to that haven’t been addressed. So if all you want are ideas, there you go.

No, I’m just actually concerned with the definitions of words unlike you.

Splitting hairs is not the same as being concerned with important distinctions. It’s actually quite sad that you think this way

See you later king of the arrogant! :smiley:

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Implying that the words “may not” are an important distinction in this context. OMEGALUL


Also, see you next reply.