What's the point of Mercy?

As I said above, this is technically not true. If the projectile got eaten, then there was at least still a projectile to eat.

When Mercy presses E, her Rez literally does absolutely nothing until the cast time ends.

She’s a pretty face on the team.

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But she doesn’t have this. They are 2 different things.

Mercy is…easy? And consistent?
Which means: You are more likely to run into a decent Mercy main than some decent Baptiste main.
Yeah, his kit is really strong. But Mercy can fill the role just fine too.
If anything, I’m a bit scared about Ana rivaling for that slot with him.

Can we please get a count going for how many "factually"s exist on this thread?


I’d make it a drinking game, but I don’t want to responsible for any deaths.


To be one of the entry main healers/and for players that enjoy her to play.

“Baptiste is mercy but better”

can bappy do this?

He has a strong kit, but every healer does one thing better than the other. and Mercy (a good mercy) is brilliant at doing things like this :heart_eyes_cat:

Mercy is more mobile, has no reload and is far more reliable.

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I personally think that both has their own values as a healer. Baptiste can prevents death, while mercy can reverse death. The immortality field actually has a weakness, when the field is destroyed or run out of it’s duration, the allies inside it will have a very low health that even one pharah rocket can at least guarantee 3 kills if all six allies is in the field. Baptiste also lack the mobility compare to mercy (in my opinion). His ult is quite similiar to mercy’s but mercy’s ult allows her to move, while his can’t. They both have their strength and weakness, but I personally don’t think that baptiste is going to shadow her.