What's the point of Mercy?

Doesn’t describe current Resurrect, the moment one stops healing and presses the button to Resurrect, you go into the animation to do so. That’s part of the ability and you’re currently using that ability in an attempt to bring a teammate back, supporting your team.

When you press E, you’re using Resurrect. That or you have unbound your keys.

Again no, she goes into the animation of said ability.

So there is one coherent idea from the movement?
Or a post where there is no discussion going on how broken an idea is?

Please link it, because apperently you have more information than I do.

No it isn’t. The damage reduction doesn’t have to be a lot, but the point was it was TOO WEAK with no damage resistance of some kind. Hence invul. Invul may not have been the best choice but the idea that damage reduction needs a caste time is bizarre.

Only people who were horrible at the game did that. I never saw hide and rez myself (I was in silver, gold, plat) and I sure as heck didn’t spend all my time hiding as soon as I got ult - winning take precedence to getting potg. Every time.


So exactly how does one give damage reduction during the usage of an ability when it is instant?

Like, you get 50% damage reduction during your instant ability, that doesn’t work.

Yeah top 500 players are definitly horrible at the game…

Unfortunatly there’s a lot more people that want to use exploits and gain easy SR than there are people that want to learn how to properly win a game

… I’m not sure you really played back then.

You would know that the Mercy would come in, rez and then at times die while her team was in the stationary invul phase, depriving the team of the primary healer. For that period she needed some type of protection.

Also… Top 500 hiding and rezing eh? I’ll believe it when I see it. See I remember I was glad I didn’t get into Diamond because I didn’t want to get reported for picking Mercy. So… yeah.

As for SR exploits, yes people will always like to exploit stuff but the only times that’d have worked for Mercy is for low ranks and/or if your team is winning so hard they can afford the Mercy to do gameplay sabotage by not healing as often as possible. That was true in Silver let alone Gold let alone Plat. I tended to group up with people so while player ability varied wildly, in even partial groups hiding would make you lose. And losing is not a recipe for going up in SR.

That was indeed the period before Mercy gained the Invulnerability buff, and then it was useless.

Here: "Only bad Mercies hide & rez"

Plenty of videos etc that showcase it in GM/top 500.

There were Mercy players that climbed to GM using the exploit, so saying it only happened in lower ranks is false on it’s own.

Now if you please answer the question to your idea.

Much less than before. Before you could risk trying to get everyone back together and just feed ult charge or tempo rez while maintaining yourself in combat.

RIght now you are deprived of that choice and are forced to do that.

Which you could do more effectively before.

Rezzing in combat is demonstrative of a lack of gamesense.

As much communication as it was to tell everyone you were ready to resurrect them.

You couldnt while waiting. They had to die in order to use it.

Rezzing now requires you do nothing for nearly 2 seconds. Rezzing then was instant. Waiting for a larger rez to bring people back together took less time.

The lack of understanding is really amusing.

The enemy teams incompetence at being unable to shut down a cc’d mercy with a near 2 second window is not justification that it is useable in combat.

I do not if it will lead to another death and the fact I must go to cover or use it after a fight is over in which case having them respawn would be just as valuable.

Exactly how?
Somebody reads the game and decides what’s better, to resurrect somebody or not.

That directly fits into gamesense.

So they we’re doing nothing when they were hiding, thanks for confirming it.

In those 2 seconds you are Ressurecting your teammate, the ability takes 2 seconds.
The moment one presses E it will start the ability and the player is doing that.

Yeah it’s kinda astounding that there’s people like you that think that doing nothing is the same as using an ability…

Like holy hell, there’s reaching and then there is just completly form your own logic to try and make a point.

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Right, An animation that requires you to do nothing for nearly 2 seconds.

As did old Resurrect.

When you press E you go into 2 seconds of a casting animation and are doing nothing. Until the casting ends, you have not used Resurrect hence why if Mercy is CC’d or killed in that time, nothing occurs since Resurrect’s effect did not take place.

Which again, requires nearly 2 seconds of doing nothing in which time if she is CC’d or dies, she has done absolutely nothing beyond put the ability which did not take effect on cooldown.

There were no top500 who did that.

DId you watch your own video? None of them are doing that.

RIght, and it was fixed.

Because putting yourself into a state of doing nothing for 2 seconds when you could get more value elsewhere is a lack of gamesense.

As much nothing as using current resurrect yes. Only then you could use it in combat as well and do something in the meantime where you cannot right now.

You are not. the ressurection only occurs at the end. if it is interrupted nothing happens. They do not return at 25% health if you went through 25% of the cast.

No, the moment the cast is finished the ability will start. In the 2 seconds leading up to the effect you are doing thing.

Using an ability that has no effect until after 2 seconds in which time if you are interrupted nothing happens is exactly the same as doing nothing.

You’ve attempted to, but your argument fails its soundness at its premise being false.

I’m not the one saying that using an ability with cast-time is the same as doing nothing.

The cast-time is part of the ability.

You form your own logic and there is no point disussing anything in that regard when you refuse to accept that the cast-time is part of the resurrect ability.

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And saying that it isnt is exactly wrong. Having a cast-time and waiting to use an ability that is instant is the same.

If you use Resurrect, after 1.75 seconds the target is brought back.

If you waited 1.75 seconds and then used the old Resurrect, the target is brought back.

In both cases, the target would have to wait 2.25 seconds before being able to act again.

In both cases, you did nothing for 1.75 seconds.

I never aid it wasnt.

But the fact is that during a cast, you are doing nothing until the cast is over because until then, there is nothing you can do other than move 75% slower for the duration of the cast.

Just because there is a cast-time doesnt mean that you are doing something during the cast and in fact means you are doing nothing during the cast, since you are channeling in order to possibly make use of the ability.

Right, are you understanding this now? That proves you didnt understand anything.

My argument was that you are doing as much nothing then as you are during a cast-time that requires you to do nothing wheras back then you could do it in combat without having to be forced to do nothing.

Now you have to do nothing for nearly 2 seconds.

You are doing as much then by hiding for 1.75 seconds to use resurrect as you are now using resurrect only to have nothing occur until after 1.75 seconds.

In the end, you did nothing for the same amount of time.

Still trying to split the world’s smallest hairs I see.

Mmhmm. It was fun.

By this logic, a Mercy that is hiding to Rez her team is also “supporting” her team. She’s supporting them by staying out of the enemy sight and making them divert resources to find her.

If a Mercy flies in to Rez a teammate unnecessarily, in a situation where she’s almost guaranteed to die, she actually hurts her team MORE than a Mercy that hid and died before she could press Q.

No, when you press E, you are CASTING Rez. There is a difference.

Yes, an animation that removes almost all other functionality of the character, making it functionally the same as being hidden and doing nothing.

I’ve already given an idea you liked, so why do I have to?

Again, just because YOU do not like an idea does not mean they weren’t presented.

Baptiste is not that aim intensive so Im sure people will be able to adapt, I know Im going to be playing him for sure.

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The casting is part of the ability.

No, you’ve presented an idea that would solve Hide and Res. I also said that said idea brings a whole lot of other gameplay issues.

Hence I asked for an idea/post or whatever that doesn’t have a heavy discussion in it because of the state of an idea.

Apperently you fail to deliver, further proving my point that fixing Hide and Res isn’t as easy as people make it seem to be.

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No it isn’t.

To prove this, let’s say Mercy dies while casting. Did this help her team in any way? No. In fact, they’re now without their most powerful support ability for 30 seconds.

Or, literally in a WORSE position than if Mercy had hidden and then got sniped by Widow on her way to the Rez.

There’s no such thing as an idea that doesn’t bring “gameplay issues”, so…so what?

And as I said, you are not the arbiter of worthwhile ideas. Nobody here has to prove anything to you or present anything to you. Even if we take it in good faith that you aren’t going to dismiss good ideas out of spite, you are no better at making that decision than the rest of us.

She still used her ability.

Actually it is possible, like how there are people who bring up great ideas to improve Valkyrie without harming any form of gameplay, better it would actually improve her gameplay.

And I never said I was.
An idea that already creates controversy is not a good idea.

So I asked you to deliver some ideas that aren’t involved in a major discussion.
That has nothing to do with proving anything.
I asked that because I haven’t seen them, and am interested in it and you made it seem like you know some. But apperently you don’t

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No she TRIED to use it and failed.

And this means what? It served no purpose and actively HURT her team. But I guess it matters that she tried, for the feels?

There are no ideas to improve an ability that won’t have gameplay issues. By definition, every idea has consequences

This is a ridiculously low bar. The rework itself created controversy. Baptiste is creating controversy. Nerfing armor created controversy. Buffing Sombra creates controversy.

If you aren’t calling yourself the arbiter of good ideas, then what gives you the authority to declare if an idea is uncontroversial or not?

She tried while taking part in the game.

Like a Zarya shooting a grav that get’s eaten, they participate in the fight.
They might mess up, but they are taking part.

Something that wasn’t the case with hide and res where people would do nothing untill multiple teammates died and then come in.

There’s a difference between having consequences and being harmfull. Consequences can be positive, like the idea of giving Mercy Valkyire more healing on her main beam and less on chain beams. Which allows for beamjugling during her ult and no longer makes her a spectator like people name it.

The definition of controversy itself does that

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