What's the point of Mercy?

Mercy still does a better job at enabling dps, especially spread long range or spread out dps. She’ll also output more healing in the course of a game, unless you’re playing a comp that likes to stay very close to each other.

I think she’s not far from where she needs to be. All she needs is a bit more healing (either directly or indirectly) so that she can function as a main healer in a 2 tank comp alongside an off healer in all ranks.

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She can REZ as a normal ability. It is one of, if not the most powerful ability in the game.

Please present the logic for your case because you haven’t.

When you paraphrase you actually still encapsulate the original meaning and intent. This is not what you did.

I hope this lesson in paraphrasing was helpful for you.

I’ve read all the drivel you have posted and none of it was actually a defense of your original position that I was scrutinizing. Either present the logic for that original claim, admit you were wrong, or stop responding.

You simply haven’t even presented it.

There isn’t much hope for this kid, honestly. He keeps accusing me of things he is doing and not admitting he didn’t adequately present the logic for his position.

He also sees scrutinizing as a rude and personal attack. This person is necessarily illogical and unscientific

I made a statement about opinions on the shape of the earth, but it wasnt a comparison in the manner described in the statement above

I made no such statement

I have already stated that I do not feel my definition is flawed or dishonest, and I have nothing further to add at this time

Yes it is.

Mercy got reworked because “broken playstyle promotion”.

We know the playstyle was broken because she was reworked.

Circular logic.

When Soldier shoots missiles he is creating a property: a projectile with AOE damage. It exists the moment he presses the button whether he misses or not.

When Mercy presses E, Rez doesn’t exist until it activates.

Yes it does. A long period of time does not indicate impossibility.

It can equally indicate, for example, an indifference to the problem.

This is interesting actually I forgot who said it but they basically said with all the Mercy complaints blizzard took it to heart and then Baptiste came out with some Mercy ish ability’s sry if the person I’m referring to is here and got that wrong I’m just saying this hero looks fun and seems very interesting! Can wait to play him well uh Main him! :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

Again, because you disagree with my points doesn’t mean I didn’t present them.

Nah, I very much did.

You directly compared arguments about Mercy to the Earth being flat.

If you’re not implying that they are wrong and the owners right, that comparison has no meaning.

And I’ve already stated that it’s dishonest, so whatever.

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because it was designed as an ultimate not an ability

Honestly, with Baptiste having a nothing can kill you AoE (regardless of it being destroyable), Mercy should have a multi-capability with resurrect.

Like that 500-1k per 1 resurrect option with a maximum of 2-3 resurrects and an much faster cast and very reduced cooldown in Valkyrie.

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You are welcome to interpret my statements as you wish, but factually, the statement quoted above does not correctly describe my statements

I know the meaning of what I wrote, and I stand by it

If a given reader chooses to interpret that it has no meaning, they are of course free to do so

My question at this point is: given that we have both made our final statements on this matter, and we do not agree nor does it appear likely that we ever will agree, is there a reason to continue discussing this particular item within this overall conversation?

Then you really do not have any sound logic for your position and you should feel ashamed at trying to berate me for expressing skepticism and scrutinizing your position.

Again, incorrect. I cannot choose how you erroneously interpret my statements, but it is me and me alone that decides what my statements mean. For you to tell me the meaning behind my words is the height of arrogance. It’s not a good look, I suggest changing immediately

Do you have anything else to add? Do you wish to present actual logic to defend your position? Or are you okay with just using pseudo-logic that feels good to you?

Beam juggling, rezzing the right person at the right time, finishing low health targets that your dps can’t for whatever reasons, getting Valk asap to have it ready, use it as soon as you get it in the heat of the combat…


Well, you can also not play the game at all, resulting in weaker sales and stock numbers on their end, and instead play a game where the devs do in fact listen more readily to their community. Overwatch isn’t the only game in existence, and I believe the devs are aware that that is certainly an option to consider when feedback is ignored, especially recently.

And for the record voicing your opinion that a dev agrees with, is what I would call a success in helping them decide on what to do with the game. Tracer’s over the shoulder pose being changed due to backlash is just one example of them directly listening to the community. Hanzo’s anniversary skin having a facial hair change due to community feedback is another example. Factually, they most certainly will do as we the consumers say, if enough people call for it. Because the truth is - they cater to us, the players, and the customers. Not the other way around. :blush:

No need, the example’s I’ve given proved my point thoroughly. But if you need more examples.

Seagull saying DF is too strong on twitch on his release. He gets nerfed on his first day of OW play.



Here are Pros stating that Tracer need to be Nerfed. And by the way, this video was done in January 2018. Tracer’s first ever nerf happened in April. 3 months after. Coincidence? I have my doubts.


About pros saying that “snipers are fine” before the nerfs, that is also not accurate. When asked about the state of Overwatch, Muma brings up how the game has been the best it’s ever been but it’s not good enough. Specifying, the first thing he brings up that on what he thinks would make OW “objectively better” is “nerfing Widowmaker.” This was in June 2018.


A month after his statement, can you guess what happened?

You are free to look this stuff up yourself, but I’ve paid a dreadful amount of attention with this pattern, as you can see. And it’s quite convenient that things like this continue to happen under the radar to be seen as “coincidence”. Care to provide an explanation? :blush:

If you think that pros had no say in Mercy being called “unfun to play against” and eventually reworked, then I’m going to have to humbly disagree with you there.

One can simply look back and realize that this is pretty much how all of this “hide and rez” stuff started and blew up to be such a big deal. Twitch streamers and pros have constantly harped on both Mercy and Ressurect. In fact, it was such a big deal, that even IGN covered it.

With regards to the misconception still happening on twitch streamers and in interviews, I made a thread talking about this specifically in my thread, MASS REZ MERCY | INTERVIEW, DICHOTOMY & THE FALSE NARRATIVE which discusses how it is still happening now. I would suggest giving it a read. :blush:

You… do realize that Blizzard owns OWL right? It is produced by Blizzard Entertainment. I am unsure as to what point you are trying to make.

Also I believe you are oversimplifying.

Blizzard = Owns OWL and writes their check.
OWL = Has Teams and writes their check.
Teams = Consists of Pros. Who recieve said check.

Whether it’s the Team owners who pass the players the check, or Blizzard themselves, isn’t relevant. The point is, they work for OWL, and by extension, for Blizzard. And thus, they effectively have elevated weight or access, via exclusive discussions with the devs (something an average gamer such as you nor I cannot have) and in their elite status allowing them to offer suggestions for changes directly. Of which far supersedes anyone on the outside making threads on a forum. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

But that’s false, we know it was broken because of the reasons that were given.
Like a healer/support stopping to support the team, ignoring them and letting the team die, which goes completly against the idea behind of a support.

The broken playstyle is a cause of an action that was taken.

Resurect actives the moment one presses E, just because it has an animation doesn’t change that.

So it has zero correlation to my comment because I didn’t say it was impossible.
I said:

When there’s over a year and a half of discussion, an entire movement and it comes up with zero ideas that aren’t completly OP, UP or broken.

It’s safe to say that fixing Mass Ress wasn’t/isn’t as easy as people make it seem to be.

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Pretty sure any hope she had for a revert died in the forums raid. Jeff also just had an interview with stylosa saying he’s fine with where she is.


Well, there’s at least 70 people who apparently disagree. I’ll continue having hope for a revert as well. Here’s hoping! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

You’re right, I should’ve said any “chance”she had instead of any “hope” she had died in the forums raid.

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Well, that’s your opinion. For me, I think there is still a chance, and apparently many others do as well.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Yes, there is a chance that Blizzard will decide to completely change a character that they have said is well balanced many times in the last few months

There is also a chance that a civilization ending meteor will crash into the earth in the next few minutes

On a somewhat related note, I will probably win the lottery a few seconds before that occurs


Which is what happense if you use Resurrect right now as the only “main healer”.

You stop assisting in any way for nearly 2 seconds, likely leading to other dying. And if your argument is to use it out of combat or when the fight is over/in down time, then there isnt any value to bring them back at that time and would get just as much by letting them respawn.

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