What's the point of Mercy?

Disagreeing with you is not rude. What is rude is calling someone rude for disagreeing with you about your seemingly arbitrary compound inequality

They are also the most biased towards making their character better.

They are the most biased towards making the character bad or ineffective

I’m pretty sure there is a quote by Jeff recently that confirmed they reworked Symmetra (actually Torbjorn, but same principle) to make her more playable in more situations because they didn’t expect people to main or 1 trick heroes. They intentionally created situational heroes and had to change them because people refuse to only play situational characters when the situation calls for it.


Being bad at the mechanics of the game doesn’t mean you cannot comment about the game as a whole. They can talk about balance changes at the high level and low level because things are understandable even if you cannot apply them. Sure, they may not be as reliable all the time, but just because you are bad at the game mechanics doesn’t mean you don’t understand the game or the character enough to make an informed opinion.

Onto your example about Bastion. Well, I would say that the Bronze player is correct within the context of their rank. Blizzard wants to balance with all ranks in mind if I recall correctly, so this is definitely still important.

I wouldn’t say their opinion is worth less (That would be rude by the way, to use your own accusation). No, I would say their opinion is more tailored to the rank they are in.

I understand why people would think your inequality makes sense, but I can’t accept it at face value, sorry.