What's the point of Mercy?

It’s almost as if there is some gamesense required to see what’s better.
Ressing a teammate, keep healing, damage boost.

Ooh there it is again, looks like gamesense is coming into play or maybe communicating with your team. Shields, bubbles, matrix etc.

So people pressed Q when they were waiting for teammates to die?
Interesting thought…

Aah the irony, calling others ignorant while saying doing nothing is the same as using an ability

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I have been able to pull of rez in mid-fight many times, and have watched many others do so at many different tiers of play…and in none of these cases did the Mercy hide

Personally, I find that resurrecting a teammate is helping my team - helping the team greatly, in fact

thats why I do it

Hello. Many’s the time when I was killed while in mid-rez. Please tell me how you pulled it off without dying in the process.

I think it might be better to observe some of the best Mercy mains in the game doing so - I think that will serve your need to learn how to do so better than any textual explanation I can offer

I personally recommend Animetic’s videos, as she provides onscreen explanation of what she did well and not so well as the video runs.

Quite a few replies stating that as Mercy is hurp durp super easy to play with no aim needed, that she deserves to be trash tier.

I disagree.

Consider Lucio. You can do fairly well with him in low ELO just by existing with your heal aura on.
But then you add in, boops, sound wave use, wall riding, fragging out via diving attacks or just good aim, speed boosting at critical points…

Lucio’s got so much extra that he can bring to the table. I’m far from mastering him and I just reached a career high (2450) with an 80% win rate with him. If I get better with him I could conceivably get higher.

But the difference between a GM Mercy and a Bronze Mercy?
Positioning for survivability and applying healing/ damage boosts where needed more often. The Animetic vids are indeed a joy to watch.

How about changing her kit so that she’s still easy to use at low Sr, but make her far more rewarding to play if you are a more skillful player?

As it is she has almost zero carry potential and her ult is insulting lacklustre.

I dont agree with either of the points made in the second statement above, but in regards to the first - have you taken a look at the Dodo compromise rework?

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Cool. It’s a start at least.

At end of day we won’t know if Bap utterly broken until we get more feedback. Maybe he’ll be released broken like Brig was and fixed later?

We’ll see.

Which is poor game design. Mercy can be made to grow with a player by increasing her skill ceiling. It’s an insult to us who got into OW seeing these play styles, only to have them patched out of the game, and greatly simplified to be nothing more then a causal mess in a game that pretends to be some competitive masterpiece.

What’s the point of mercy?

Just look at the current PTR boop changes. Now mercy res is even harder to get off because lucio can swing in easily and boop you out without any resistance that existed previously.
And the dmg boost changes are also questionable.

Mercy exists to get nerfed. That’s the point. :rofl:


Well you have a “LOW-SKILL” hero that provides very good results keeping 11k healing averages a lot more than Zeny is 7.5k and a lot more than ANA is 9.5k asking you for DOUBLE amount of efforts

Mercy only need “gamesense” and 0% mechanicals
Zeny & Ana need 50% gamesense and 50% mechanicals

The point of Mercy is to be the laughing stock.

People for months have asked for a rework after the failed and miserable Valkyrie…

Things like, removing Rez completely and giving her a way to keep people alive no matter what as her ult. Giving her some high jump or a 5 second long flying (Valk) on E.

Things like that…

And what does Jeff and his team does?


I will never ever take Jeff and his team seriously anymore. I mean, I haven’t in months, but this is just hilarious… its… I don’t know how to put it… just… a big F-U to all Mercy mains. Then he is like, Mercy is fine and I don’t care what anyone says… you know, despite saying Mercy is fine for months and then nerfing her even more. Jeff doesn’t care about the fans. Trust me on it.

This. lol.

Factually, it does. You compared the people who disagree with the owners to people saying the Earth if flat.

So do I.

I don’t know. Why do YOU continue to repeat it?

I clearly do, because you even agreed with the part about bad players not having an opinion as “reliable” as good ones. So you definitely see the logic, but just want to be contrarian.


I’m okay with the actual legitimate logic I applied, yes, but we already know you don’t see it.

Again, this logic describes current Rez as well, so the argument is still flawed.

Yes it does. When you press E, nothing is happening.

If Mercy leaving her team and doing nothing is a problem, then her current Rez does exactly the same thing.

Again, this is the world’s smallest hair to split. It’s not impossible, nor is it “very likely impossible” (for the ridiculously small difference that makes).

The problem here is that just because YOU don’t agree with the ideas presented doesn’t meant that none of them work, nor does it mean that it’s likely impossible.

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Mercy on the other hand has the ability to fix team mistakes unlike Baptiste since rez is THE MOST powerful ability in the game which is why it has gone through so many changes. A good mercy could survive longer than a Baptiste could since her ability to use GA to allies/valk/superjump at a faster speed/passive self healing is much more effective than a stationary bot and a slow vertical super jump. Mercy provides a better ult since it amps EVERYONE within the range of the selected target the healing/damage boost while Baptiste provides a small window of damage and healing boost. The only thing in Baptiste’s kit that makes him good is his AOE healing and hero damage rotation capabilities along with the damage boost stacking with other damage boosting heroes.

I didn’t agree with you. I said they may not be as reliable. Not that they are not as reliable.

I also don’t agree with, you know, the entire rest of the thought process.

And no, I’m not trying to be a contrarian. Are you that arrogant? So arrogant that if someone disagrees with you and thinks you aren’t using logic (you really aren’t) that they must be a contrarian?

You’re boring now. Even while getting paid while bored at work you are boring, so bye.

Doesn’t describe current Resurrect, the moment one stops healing and presses the button to Resurrect, you go into the animation to do so. That’s part of the ability and you’re currently using that ability in an attempt to bring a teammate back, supporting your team.

When you press E, you’re using Resurrect. That or you have unbound your keys.

Again no, she goes into the animation of said ability.

So there is one coherent idea from the movement?
Or a post where there is no discussion going on how broken an idea is?

Please link it, because apperently you have more information than I do.

No it isn’t. The damage reduction doesn’t have to be a lot, but the point was it was TOO WEAK with no damage resistance of some kind. Hence invul. Invul may not have been the best choice but the idea that damage reduction needs a caste time is bizarre.

Only people who were horrible at the game did that. I never saw hide and rez myself (I was in silver, gold, plat) and I sure as heck didn’t spend all my time hiding as soon as I got ult - winning take precedence to getting potg. Every time.


So exactly how does one give damage reduction during the usage of an ability when it is instant?

Like, you get 50% damage reduction during your instant ability, that doesn’t work.

Yeah top 500 players are definitly horrible at the game…

Unfortunatly there’s a lot more people that want to use exploits and gain easy SR than there are people that want to learn how to properly win a game

… I’m not sure you really played back then.

You would know that the Mercy would come in, rez and then at times die while her team was in the stationary invul phase, depriving the team of the primary healer. For that period she needed some type of protection.

Also… Top 500 hiding and rezing eh? I’ll believe it when I see it. See I remember I was glad I didn’t get into Diamond because I didn’t want to get reported for picking Mercy. So… yeah.

As for SR exploits, yes people will always like to exploit stuff but the only times that’d have worked for Mercy is for low ranks and/or if your team is winning so hard they can afford the Mercy to do gameplay sabotage by not healing as often as possible. That was true in Silver let alone Gold let alone Plat. I tended to group up with people so while player ability varied wildly, in even partial groups hiding would make you lose. And losing is not a recipe for going up in SR.

That was indeed the period before Mercy gained the Invulnerability buff, and then it was useless.

Here: "Only bad Mercies hide & rez"

Plenty of videos etc that showcase it in GM/top 500.

There were Mercy players that climbed to GM using the exploit, so saying it only happened in lower ranks is false on it’s own.

Now if you please answer the question to your idea.

Much less than before. Before you could risk trying to get everyone back together and just feed ult charge or tempo rez while maintaining yourself in combat.

RIght now you are deprived of that choice and are forced to do that.

Which you could do more effectively before.

Rezzing in combat is demonstrative of a lack of gamesense.

As much communication as it was to tell everyone you were ready to resurrect them.

You couldnt while waiting. They had to die in order to use it.

Rezzing now requires you do nothing for nearly 2 seconds. Rezzing then was instant. Waiting for a larger rez to bring people back together took less time.

The lack of understanding is really amusing.