What's the point in playing more complex characters?

When brain-dead characters get more for less? For example, what’s the point of learning the complexities of ball, when to get the same dive effect you can just play Winston, or what’s the point in learning the aim skill needed of a widow, when you can just spam chokes as Junkrat. I feel like in an effort to make high skill characters not OP, and to make low skill characters like Moira viable in higher tiers of play, they’ve made it so that getting to the point of being good with high skill characters isn’t worth the effort in all but the highest tiers. I think the team would be better off in accepting that some characters are only viable in lower tiers and balancing them around that, rather than trying to make all characters viable in all tiers. Or alternatively, balance exclusively around the higher tiers and not do things like nerf torbs turret because bottom of barrel players can’t kill it.


Because Widow is S+ tier on her maps whereas Junkrat is mediocre everywhere.

Not that meaningful chokes even exist on OW2 maps.


That was merely just one example

Pretty consistently throughout OW, Mercy/Moira have not been meta defining top 500 heroes. They can get there, but they are usually fewer and far between.

Your problem I feel as many others is that player want these heroes so badly gutted they can only be useful in silver or gold tops.

Blizzard wants heroes to be usable up to Master+, but keep a clamp on how popular or effective those heroes are at the top. At the end of the day, with how wide skill is in OW, some people will never get out of gold on Mercy some will never get out of gold on tracer.

This is simply the reality while wholistically across all ranks the usually harder to use heroes do outperform the easier ones for the few who stick to it.


If you look at S10 top 500 heroes, you see stuff like Baptiste, Kiriko, Lucio, Sojourn, Widowmaker, Cass, Tracer, etc.

These are the perfect high skill heroes you want at top end of gameplay. There is almost no Torbjorn, Mercy, Moira, Symmetra, etc. to be found.

This is generally pretty consistent as well across OW2’s lifespan in top 500. Heroes like Winston, Reinhardt, Mercy, Moira, Brig, LW, etc. have not stayed in top 500 much at all. Instead has been dominated by other picks.


The point is enjoying the character.
If you are learning a hero just becuse you think they are hard, you are wasting your time (especially when also complaining about them being hard).


More satisfying to be successful with.

Also, as a side note for Junkrat, he is actually a complex character against non-potatoes.


Simply because they’re fun. 20

Which adds to the fun. :smile:


What’s the point of playing complex characters when low skill floor heroes exist? Because you enjoy playing them.

If you hate playing high skill floor heroes because the grass looks greener on the other side: Don’t play them then.

If you think the effort isn’t worth the outcome: Don’t play them. No one is making you play high skill floor heroes if you’re not enjoying it.

This game isn’t made for some imaginary gaming elite that focus on a single gameplay aspect. That’s why we have low skill-floor heroes that come with HUGE caveats like short range and no crit damage/utility.

It’s why high skill floor heroes become more viable the higher you climb. And also why low skill floor heroes will experience a drop off in success the higher they climb.

Of course there will be exceptions (with occasional one tricks mastering such heroes into high ranks.) But that is because they are good players, not that the character itself is ‘propping them up.’

High skill floor heroes aren’t usually OP in low ranks because the players behind them aren’t that good. They don’t have the aim or gamesense to make them work. That’s why low skill floor heroes do better in lower ranks, because the skill floor matches the ability of the player.

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its a video game, you play it for fun in the first place, if you think Dva is more fun than orisa, you’re gonna play Dva lol.

people treat this game like a 9-5 where they have no choice lmao.


I will never understand why people like you hold your hero choices over us as if we should kiss the ground you walk on for playing what you want to play.

You chose to play a difficult char, stop complaining to me about how difficult they are to learn. Quite frankly, nobody cares. It was your choice to learn it and nobody elses, you do not get a special reward for doing so and others shouldn’t be punished for not wanting to learn your hero


The point is simple: some people like complex playstyles and some don’t.

And those who like to play Ball, will play him no matter what, even if the winston players are getting the same value for less complexity.

And by complexity here we mean mechanical complexity.

tell me youre bad without telling me youre bad


Well, you can “feel” like that all you want, it’s not true though, lol. there is a reason GM players are not all junkrat mains. Point being, the more complex characters are better. So that is the point in playing them.


people often forget the skill curve for the “easy” heros basically have a natural skill cap, whereas complex ones go much higher,

its quite literally a skill issue if someone thinks moira is inherently better than baptiste, ana or kiri

I don’t want them adjusted to just be useful in silver or lower, I just don’t want to play against the same heroes every single match.

Some heroes, especially hypermobile ones, are like a virus. They are jn every single match and im sick of it.

Pretty much for people’s own enjoyment.

I play Mercy when I want to turn off my brain and still help my team out, there are also days where I’d play Kiriko/Ana/Lifeweaver if I want to spice up my gameplay or something.

Let people enjoy things.

Because you confuse “high skill” with competency. All a high skill ceiling really means is that the character has enough utility in their kit to allow for more than one option for each decision they make.

Characters you deem “brain-dead” are actually harder to play in the higher tiers of play. You have less utility, less precision, less choices. To be able to survive and thrive with less utility is ironically more skillful than having a bunch of util in the same scenario.

I’d even be willing to argue that “brain-dead” characters require more effort in the higher ranks.


I wasn’t talking about GM tho, I was talking more about the middle ranks where most people are.

Winston is NOT easier to play than ball. Both require a different method of playing them, and winston is arguably more difficult to play correctly.