What's the point in playing more complex characters?

But, the answer is the same. The reason to play them is that they are better.

Yeah, and to be fair to both of yall, Junk is an odd bird… Like you approach his kit from both ends of this discussion. The OP used Junk as an example because you can play him in super-braindead fashion by just spamming chokes and get huge value.

But you can also play Junk at an usually high skill ceiling as well. Junk has a low floor but high ceiling… I have mad respect for skilled Junk players for sure.

cuz wrecking ball is stupid but probably the most fun, convoluted, flexible, and adaptable hero in the game imo, despite how simple he sounds on paper; flipping from completely useless ult feeder to hellish demon spawn depending on the player and team’s skill levels


pharah is so ez that i can roll despite her having my lowest playtime and hero level relative to practically everyone else i’ve played, but also i think she is sooooo incredibly boring. i find shooting that fighter jet out of the sky way more fun than arial bomb two tapping every enemy player, but to some people fun is getting funny kill montage rather than having to play mind games with the enemy so w/e

There is no point. That’s why they added autopilot support characters in the first place.

Because you like the complex character better. I seriously don’t understand these types of threads, like.

Also Junkrat is more “complex” than Widow.

HA Sojourn is NOT high skill. I think the redditers refer to her as Lowskillorn

There’s a reason you only see the difficult heroes on the T500 rosters. Junkrat is simply not viable in higher brackets, meanwhile heroes like ball and widow have the complexity and skill allowing them to thrive.


Three types of players. Meta chasers who play whatever is strongest, meta cognizant players who understand the matchups and try not to play into hard counters and then the players who play the heroes they like even if they aren’t optimal.

Enjoying complexity, if you are that kind of player.

Because for some people they are more fun?
Whats a point of video games, if not to just have fun? Some like complecs, some like simplicity, it get muddy when you only see win or lose as fun tho.

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bap, sojourn, widow, Cass and Kiri Don’t require skill

The only high skill hero that isn’t generally among the strongest is Sym. Try again.

Junkrat is a more complex hero than Widow by far. What you actually mean is “mechanically difficult”. Difficulty and complexity aren’t the same thing.

As for why you’d play Widow? Probably because she’s the most consistently powerful character in the game (on certain maps) and cannot be easily contested by anyone besides another Widow with any sort of support.

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Here’s low skill Junkrat for you xD

And by the way, for complex characters, and as Asia holding the best players in the world, no one plays Ball there

Its all Winston or GG


I don’t know much about other competitive games, like League, Apex, or Valorant and how they handle things, but I can tell you that part of Overwatch’s charm is that every hero is viable up to a certain point.

More complex characters exist, not to be the de facto best choice but to be an option for people who want a little more out of a character.

Say you like the idea behind Soldier, but want something a little less…Basic. You might decide Sojourn is more to your taste, or perhaps you might go in a completely different direction and decide to pick up Tracer.

It’s not as though Soldier needs to be gutted just because Sojourn and Tracer exist.

You cant actually just do that part, there is all sorts of technique to Junk to actually play him and get anywhere. Also Pharah.

I see someone watched the patest dev talk.

Heres the actual reason why anyone would want to play a complex character… they enjoy playing them

Pride and accomplishment.

When you get good with the complex characters you’ll pretty effortlessly outpace the simple ones

Blizzard has gone on record multiple times in OW2 about Sojourn’s performance across tiers being worse at lower than higher. My own experience reflects that as well where in the plat-master range we see absolutely no strong performing Sojourn players until closer to maser ranks entering lobby.

Sojourn is not an effective hero for lower tier players because so much of her power is baked into landing railgun shots to the head. Landing railgun shots to the head is far harder to accomplish than most players can consistently do.