Whats the funniest thing that has happened on the forums?

Thats the one.

Really wished HanaSong’s account wasn’t banned though :frowning:


Remember when that one Mercy player wanted to try and raid the OW forums, and ended up getting their account (and many of their accomplices’ accounts) banned?

Pepperidge farm remembers.

It was kind of comical to watch posts go down as fast as they were going up. The internet janitors earned their keep that day.


I have an extremely short memory, so to me, the funniest thing that ever happened on the forums was when someone made a thread asking which hero would look best in the “Sugoi Dekai” shirt and practically all the answers were dudes (including mine, of course :smirk:).

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A joke topic I made in the past and it’s it’s literally why I have a new account and name just to post on here :zipper_mouth_face:

It involved Brig and fake nerfs I made up. Like literally thousands I wrote up, in one post

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When Jeff stated that the best waifu is Hammond


Well, well, well it seems I’ve been invited

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When some guy said he was wrongfully banned for hacking

An Jeff (The Beard) Kaplan came in and personally responded something like

"we have detected multiple cheats on your accounts, GOODBYE!"


I remember that one.

Nothing says, “Typical Mercy Main,” than those accounts.

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Getting accused of being a biased [insert random hero or role] main for having an opinion that wasn’t popular.

Creating controversial threads, opening to the first few people and then watching chaos erupt from anyone that entered those threads lmfao

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Idk. I still think you’re kinda sus.



your the one using weird eye emoji!



My favorite moment on the forums was when somebody created a thread to call me out for using :eye::lips::eye: too much.

We got into an epic face duel and I won.



That is my face. At least respect it.

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Probably the Aria Rose drama.
For anyone who doesn’t know she is a Mercy main who really spoke out about wanting Mercy changes on YouTube. One day she tried to get her followers to raid the forums but the moderators were ready for it lol. A lot of people got banned on that day.

The raid was about spamming the forums asking for Mercy changes pretty much.


when was this? that sounds funny as hell lol

“Those are brave men knocking at our door! Let’s go kill them!”

It happened in 2018 I think. Sometime after the mercy rework.

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Hey I remember that time!

For me, I chuckle every time I see somebody claim that x hero can “do anything” or that y hero is “totally useless.”

Sometimes we just suck at the game until we adapt.

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It’s funny. You’re so bad at the game, then you start playing differently, and all of a sudden, you’re better. Life is weird, huh?