Nicole, I respect that you’re still replying, but unfortunately this is not the case. There was another server that East Coast players could connect to, and it was there for over 3 years. I’ve been playing since OW1 launch day.
When Season 4 launched, it took a dump. Plain and simple. There’s multiple forum threads and reddit posts about this now. Regardless of what it says on the troubleshooting page, it is missing the info about the East Coast servers.
I’ve been watching streamers play on the East Coast and went back through their old VODs/youtube videos where they has the ping times displayed. In season 3, the latency is 30-45ms for 99% of them I checked, now, when checking more recent S4 videos, it’s doubled, if not worse.
A prime example of this is most recently with SuperTF who I believe is still in NJ. His ping times have jumped significantly, AND he also made a video about a huge ping time issue he experienced. This was worse case scenario, but it’s happening to us more and more.
Now we have more people replying on these threads, with over 1.5K that viewed this thread alone. People KNOW there was another server, even @Maurospider mentioned it. The server is gone and it’s ruining the game for people on the east coast.
I have friends further north in Canada and it’s completely unplayable for them now.
Obviously you don’t work for Blizzard, however, we are posting here to make them aware of the issue. Saying that “it’s not on the troubleshooting page” isn’t helping. The ping is so bad that it rubber bands and headshots are impossible. I played for an hour last night and I had to give up because of this.
Blizzard, fix your stuff. If D4 is like this too, a refund will be in order for most of us on the east coast.