What's the deal with the East Coast servers?

GUE1-4 were active since the OW2 launch and just recently have been turned on/off intermittently.
Is the player base too small to justify keeping them?
It’s incredibly weird that a server located in Chicago is supposed to serve 70% of NA.

Edit: I’ve been tweeting at https://twitter.com/SrslyPaladin the lead “server engineer” almost daily but I’m yet to get a response. Maybe if more people @ him they will address it.


I have been lagging since the update

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Overwatch 1 only had two permanent servers. I believe the others, like GUE are temporary when they have a routing problem or an excess of players. However, it doesn’t look like they are using that host anymore.

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They were running nonstop for over 6 months, has the player base really shrunk that much that they aren’t worth keeping?
What’s weird to me is that EU has kept both their new Google servers in Finland and Germany along with France and Netherlands meanwhile NA only has 2.

Not sure about the playerbase since I don’t work at Blizzard or with their network team. But if I had to guess based on my experience, I’d say server strain is less months after launch.

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It’s simply unplayable now on the east coast with 100ms ping times. Before it was 35ms. Can’t play anymore because the connection is so bad and I’m on 2.5G down and 1G Up fibre connection.

The east coast servers need to come back.

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100ms ping for an East Coast location sounds like something else is happening. I’m in the Southeast connecting to Chicago server and my ping is 56–60ms.

The servers are completely unplayable at this point. I have 0-10 ping on literally ANY other game I play besides overwatch… whatever update was done to the servers was not the best one in the world.


to put this into perspective with how terrible routing is… I have less ping from Florida to vpn to California than I do to play from Florida. My ping has triple in the past month without vpn usage

netduma . com/site/assets/uploads/OW2_map . png go look at the map… why did it seem like a good idea to put 3/4 of the NA servers right next to each other.

The distance between 3 different servers in 3 different states is less than the distance from Miami to jacksonville…

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I am in Florida, but my ping is still incredibly reasonable. Not sure where you’re at, or which ISP, but haven’t had any issues since OW2 launched. I know that sucks to read when you’re having issues, but it makes me think there is a different problem happening.

So we going with the “my ISP changed stuff that made the game unplayable while all of the other blizzard games work the exact same with the same ping I had before and just so happen to start happening the day blizzard put out an update” theory. With them kinda odds I need to run and get a lotto ticket…

Also reasonable is a terrible term. Your own post said up to 90 ms. For a fps game 90 ms might as well be me playing on a controller.

A different problem isn’t necessarily your ISP, no need to be hyperbolic. I’m talking about a routing point where your connection merges to relay to Chicago. If you VPN to California and have excellent ping, it sounds like you might be near Miami. There is a quick-hop network node from there to California, which substantially reduces the latency. But if you’re in the southeast of the state and connecting to Chicago, you’d likely have a totally different route from me, since I’m on the Suncoast.

Hi Nicole,

This issue is widespread on the east coast. I’m in Nova Scotia on Bell Fibre and used to get 38ms now I’m up to 60 and sometimes 100ms. Nothing change except the launch of season 4. The east coast servers are gone. There use to be a better server to connect to and now the game is unplayable for most of the east coast.

I have friends in VA and DC and they have the same ping issues. Before they were getting about 34ms on average, now it’s 70 and 100ms+.

This is a not an ISP issue. The server are simply gone on the Blizzard side with no acknowledgement from Blizzard. I can no longer play the game as we are all just lagging around the screen everywhere. There are multiple threads with the same issue.

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The ping from DC to Chicago should not be 100ms (700 mile distance). That’s higher than my ping to Chicago and I’m down in Florida (1400 mile distance). It could be that they are getting matches on the Los Angeles server. When I match there, my ping is around 76–80ms.

But again, I don’t work at Blizzard. The only servers mentioned on the troubleshooting page are the same ones they had since Overwatch 1 launch, and share the locations of WoW servers. About 10 years ago, they used another network on the east coast to supplement heavy traffic for patches, but it wasn’t a permanent arrangement. I suspect the same happened with Overwatch 2, but have no confirmation other than the experience others are reporting here.

Hello, I live in VA and I get about 60 ms in the Chicago server and around 90~100 ms when i get matched in the LA server. I used to get around 20~27 ms when the gue4 server was still around and was wondering if they’re permanently gone for good (due to lack of players playing??).

GUE server needs to be reactivated again!!! is the one with good ping and stability for me, now in ORD server pure laggy and packet loss most of time!! makes the game unplayable for me!

Nicole, I respect that you’re still replying, but unfortunately this is not the case. There was another server that East Coast players could connect to, and it was there for over 3 years. I’ve been playing since OW1 launch day.

When Season 4 launched, it took a dump. Plain and simple. There’s multiple forum threads and reddit posts about this now. Regardless of what it says on the troubleshooting page, it is missing the info about the East Coast servers.

I’ve been watching streamers play on the East Coast and went back through their old VODs/youtube videos where they has the ping times displayed. In season 3, the latency is 30-45ms for 99% of them I checked, now, when checking more recent S4 videos, it’s doubled, if not worse.

A prime example of this is most recently with SuperTF who I believe is still in NJ. His ping times have jumped significantly, AND he also made a video about a huge ping time issue he experienced. This was worse case scenario, but it’s happening to us more and more.

Now we have more people replying on these threads, with over 1.5K that viewed this thread alone. People KNOW there was another server, even @Maurospider mentioned it. The server is gone and it’s ruining the game for people on the east coast.

I have friends further north in Canada and it’s completely unplayable for them now.

Obviously you don’t work for Blizzard, however, we are posting here to make them aware of the issue. Saying that “it’s not on the troubleshooting page” isn’t helping. The ping is so bad that it rubber bands and headshots are impossible. I played for an hour last night and I had to give up because of this.

Blizzard, fix your stuff. If D4 is like this too, a refund will be in order for most of us on the east coast.


As some of you have posted an increase to 70ms or even 90ms, these numbers are considered playable and not game-breaking.

It’s totally game breaking.

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Bump because no response yet

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I’ve been tweeting at https://twitter.com/SrslyPaladin the lead “server engineer” almost daily but I’m yet to get a response. Maybe if more people @ him they will address it.