New update raised ping

I used to always get a steady 45 ping on Overwatch, and now with this new update having come out I’m stuck in the 70 range for whatever reason. Can somebody explain to me how this happened, and maybe a solution for it as well? Thanks.


If you’re playing on North American servers, you can match to both the Chicago and Los Angeles data centers. It sounds like you live close to one and not the other, based on the original ping. This swap happens when players aren’t available in your rank or selected mode on the closest server.

You can see the server you’re on in the netgraph on PC (Ctrl+Shift+N to toggle).

No, this is something different. I’ve played OW at various times throughout the day, and I’m consistently getting higher pings across the board since this latest patch, and I’m seeing many players here and on Reddit having the same issue.

Something has definitely changed.

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See staff reply below,

I’m having similar issues on Australian servers where I’m usually on 60-70 ping but after the update I’m averaging 90 ping.


Overwatch 2 server hosting is subject to change, and the Overwatch team is always looking to ensure that routing is the best. ISP routes change all the time around the world, but if there is an issue along a specific route or maintenance, it’s possible a newer route may not always be better which might be outside of your and our control. As some of you have posted an increase to 70ms or even 90ms, these numbers are considered playable and not game-breaking.

Though if you wish to troubleshoot, you may consider following our troubleshooting located Here. If the issue were to continue, try running a WinMTR for an entire match when this issue is occurring. Note the server you connect to and post the WinMTR back here.

I can’t promise anything, but we can forward that data upward if we see a common theme such as a peering partner reporting higher-than-normal latency or other issues.

Thank you.

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I live in North America on the East coast, but in this past patch I’m getting the same kind of ping I would’ve gotten on a West coast server. I would generally average 40-45 ping on East coast and 65-70ish on a West coast server. I checked the net graph and it said I was still on East coast, so I had to compensate for it by getting ExitLag which brought my ping down to about where I was before and then some thankfully. I have seen a couple people complaining about this same issue as well though.

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So the issue is between you and the Blizzard server if a VPN (which is what ExitLag is) removes the lag. A lot of ISPs on the coast share the same peering partners.

i live on the east coast as well and im also experiencing issues. i usually get a consistent 20 ping but now im consistently getting 60. I figured out that it will no longer connect me to the Washington DC server as it usually does. Ive queued plenty of times and it still only connected me to the Central server.

Edit: Updated for clarity that other servers are not permanent.

There isn’t a permanent Washington DC server at this time. There are Chicago and Los Angeles servers available on a permanent basis.

What can I do to fix this then?

Talk with the ISP, and continue using a VPN in the meantime.

Pretty sure there used to be one before the last update, called gue4 hosted in Washington DC.

He’s talking about the removal of Gue1-4 and he is probably playing on Ord1. So is Gue1-4 coming back?


Gue4 is Washington DC. Can we get some clarity as to why this Washington DC server was removed in the patch last Tuesday and if it is coming back? This is on the games end and not on the ISP.


I’m not a network engineer for Blizz, nor do I work for them. Usually East Coast servers are temporary for downloading content/patches.

Exitlag is not a VPN.

Nope, it has to do with blizzard releasing a patch last Tuesday and removing the Washington DC servers.

That’s fine and DANDY, but the reality of the situation is that from the patch last Tuesday, the Washington DC Gue1-4 servers were taken out of the game. So that’s on Blizzards end and not on our ISP’s. Blizzard is the one that released the patch and got rid of connecting to these servers. So all we want to know is this… Are Washington DC servers coming back, yes or no?

if they arent coming back im not gonna play comp anymore.