What's it like for y'all PC peeps

I always see posts going like “ugh my FPS is so low it dropped below 100” and as an xbox one player, that’s just such a weird concept to me

I’ve been locked into the same 60 FPS for years which would apparently be vomit tier for y’all, even though it feels so natural for me, it feels like it’s plenty to see what’s happening and react quickly. Not to mention Switch, which is rocking 30 FPS and while not… Awesome… It still feels playable. Kinda.

What’s it like for people with double the frames I get? I imagine it’s like when you look at an HD TV for the first time and have a small crisis because “WTF IT’S MORE REAL THAN REAL LIFE HOW DO THINGS MOVE LIKE THAT” except all the time


Its really not that bad at all to play sub-60 fps. Its only extremely noticeable when you get inconsistent frame rate like playing on a laptop or something and you do not even get a stable 60 fps and get like 20-30 dips. That’s when stuff feels weird.


Honestly 60 FPS is more than sufficient for a playable game but higher FPS is more enjoyable


Honestly, after moving to PC 30 FPS now feels totally unplayable. It feels like I’m watching a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation and the button to change slide is broken.

60 FPS is fine for me though, but the more the merrier.


Doesn’t there come a point where more frames kinda become unnoticeable?

It’s better trust me
I’d say is closer to seeing VR for the first time but without using your body to move


Yeah, probably around 1000 frames per second


I play both but i only got pc recently and pc just feels more smoother


Oh my god I think my brain would be microwaved trying to process that after years of 60 lmao

I will tell you a story of mine. I bought a 144 HZ monitor, so I upped my frame rate in OW to match it. I would tell myself it was heaven and earth difference, that I hit more shots and reacted faster than I used to.

Then half a year later I found out that I still had 60 Hz cap in the monitor setting all along…


Well as pc gamer I have always played games in 70-100 fps on 60 hz monitor and I wonder too how it would look if I had higher refreshrate monitor

When fps drop below your refresh rate you feel that you are playing in 5 fps and totally lose aim and concentration because of it

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FPS Drops can cause input lag making aiming much harder.

If i were to keep on playing on 60 FPS constantly it wouldn’t be an issue, though if i were playing 144 FPS constantly and it drops by alot it will certainly affect me since it’s much different.

FPS higher than 60 will definetly make aiming much easier because it’s much more smoother. It’s pretty much the only upgrade i’d say that actually has an effect on how good you play.
Keyboards… Mouses, eh it’s more of a preference… though being able to play with a higher framerate is definetly much greater.

Also even if your monitor cannot run above 60Hz, it will still reduce imput lag if you have a higher FPS.

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VR makes me feel like I’m about to die at all times, but also it’s really really cool

Ohhhh that makes sense! It’s not so much that 60 is bad, just that it feels less smooth if you drop to 60 suddenly when you’re used to a higher framerate

So it’s just how I feel when I play on Switch basically


Lmao sadge
The power of brain tho

Did 144 look good?
Higher framerate still reduces input lag even though you don’t see it

Me too, I think it’s because of motion blur tho
Also your eyes are not .1cm from the screen, which helps

I’ll never go back to 60 fps.

I instantly fell in love with 144 and my gameplay improved across the board in competitive fps games. It’s a night and day difference for me.

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I’d love to try one o’ them new fangled Xbox machines with 120 FPS just to see what it’s like, but I’m… “HAHA! POOR!” - Sackjepticeye


That is true. When you play in 60 fps your simulation (lag beetween producing frames) is about 15 ms. But if you play in 144 fps your simulation is about 6 ms and you naturally feel game more responding.


I can confirm that I quite enjoy turning around at a rate of more than once per year.

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It’s been so long since I’ve watched the madlad oh my god

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I just play on basically the highest sensitivity for that very reason. Default console sens feels like the air has been transformed into syrup

You should give him a watch sometime, he’s still entertaining after all these years imo