OW has become very privacy intrusive

There are many ways to popularize a game. Just because Blizzard has chosen the fastest and cheapest way that doesn’t mean there aren’t better ways.

I didn’t have to watch any streams to know about OW1 when it launched because blizzard spent tons of money to promote the game properly and everyone and their mom knew about it.

Lara is still lying about one tricking Sombra, even though Sombra was less than 7% of her total playtime that season.

Yes, you did. You intentionally misrepresented yourself, and you’ve admitted to that multiple times. It’s dishonest.

Do you actually think that me, a plat player with a diamond rank in competitive team deathmatch, can make a reasonable claim to being top 500?

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Maybe you stop making thigs up when you know nothing about it.

It is not hard to lose 900 sr in 9 hours especially on a new hero who was also underpowered at the time.

Not meting your expectation is not the same as lying.

I don’t care tbh.

No, but that’s not what you did. You knew what Xander was talking about and you know you didn’t tell the truth.

If I claimed to know what high ELO play was like because I was 2700 once upon a time or top 500 in console competitive team deathmatch and that came to light the response would be “oh, so you don’t know what high ELO play is like” and they would be right because it would be a lie.

If you had the skillset you claim to have you could have gained that back at some point in the last 6 years. But I have a hard time imagining that you lost an additional 700 SR between then and now because you kept playing Sombra.

Top 500 is not indicative by any stretch of the imagination of the bulk of your playing experience, and pretending like it is years later is a lie. Your top 500 rank was lower than your peak, and your peak happened in a glitched season.

You’re mad because people put too much weight into top 500 opinion, which is fair, but this is at best stolen valor and a disingenuous way to try and force yourself into those discussions.

If I bought a top 500 account and tanked it to bronze because that’s my rank it wouldn’t make sense to tell people I’m top 500.

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”It feels like I’m watching a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation and the button to change slide is broken."

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Yeah but you still would in the moment someone calls you a bronze.

Also gotta love people acting like saints when they probably have some dirty secrets.

Fun fact: I was diamond in the role queue beta season. I’ve never claimed to be diamond because it’s 1 season out of 35.

But sure, go low for no reason.

Well now you just did. Congrats. Next.

You do need to know the rank of your teammates esp mostly they are similar give or take a rank from yours.

I need to know who is the weaklink and strong link in both my team and enemy team.

for example enemy support is a plat but mine is a silver i have to be careful in taking rein 1v1s cause that ana is waiting to nade sleep me the moment i drop shield and is going to keep their rein up, while mine maybe playing anamaker.

That’s literally the first time I’ve said it on the forums, and the context of “I had a peak in season 18 but it isn’t really indicative of my skillset or experience” is world’s different from “I was 40 in season 1 so obviously I’m top 500 and know what I’m talking about in top 500 discussions.”

You’re being intentionally disingenuous. Virtually everything you’ve said in this thread is bad faith.

I also have to point out that this isn’t even a refutation of my point. It’s pretty much just saying “yeah but you’d lie too.”


It was still a legitimate peak though

Sure, but I’m plat (and gold DPS) in virtually every other season. It’s not my experience. Plat being next door to diamond makes it less egregious, but that doesn’t change the fact that trying to tell people I’m absolutely a diamond player and don’t belong with the metal ranks is disingenuous.

“I peaked in diamond [or top 500]” has a much different connotation than “I am diamond [or top 500].”

Being bronze but a top 500 in season 1 with a 2700 peak doesn’t mean you’re top 500.

I have a higher peak than Lara, does that mean I’m better than top 500?

I wonder what excuses people will make if I get a decent PC some day and get to top 500.

I hope you get there.

Do it!

I will if the game doesn’t die before that.

Yes but they are being honest about it, unlucky you deliberately obfuscating the truth and playing dumb when people call you out on it.

I want to point out that Cleopatra is a perfect example of why we should contextualize our feedback with our rank.

Cleopatra told me she only heals tanks as Mercy as there is no point in healing DPS as they did too quickly.

When pushed on what she wouldn’t play the hero optimally, she stated that her goal is to “not die, not to win”.

This is fine, however, when they give feedback, is it not important that her goals and understanding of the game differs greatly to a GM?


Lol, OW2 will bring a lot more new players you’ll see :joy:


I just want to point out that supertf made it as a pro playing on a PC with at most 20 fps. He was t500. I assume he was probably top 100. If you’re good enough for top 500 even with a low end pc you won’t be bronze.