What's it like for y'all PC peeps

I always tried to, but I could never work with over 65 since I couldn’t stand aim assist and precise shots became practically impossible for me without it at high sensitivity.

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Same I play on 100-100 when the default sense is like 30-15 or something…smh

Yeah I’ve also seen him rocking his new swaggy hairstyle

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PC is more likely to have unstable FPS which is really gross to look at. Though for some reason people brag I have 120+ FPS when what they mean to say is I have 80 stable FPS. Chances are they’re going for 1337 BiG nUmBeRs ECKS DEE XD instead of actual stability. Or prettiness. Then they complain-brag about their big numbers not being cool enough for them.

Consoles are optimized to be as pretty as possible while having 30FPS or 60FPS at a stable rate. With the added bonus of making ALL console players on almost equal playing field in terms of hardware (TV’s input delay and Internet are still factors RIP). So instead of having hardware/visual nonsense to worry about, they just have to worry about the godawful controls… Thank goodness Keyboard+Mouse can be used on consoles.


Once you try 144hz+, you don’t want to go back. Search for the “testufo” website, and try it with 60 FPS vs 30 FPS. On 60 FPS, the image will be much clearer than the 30 FPS one. Well the higher you go, the clearer and less blurry it becomes.


I would say it might look a bit nicer, won’t make any noticable diff to my performance though XD.

I still can’t reach top 500 with it, so the salesman had lied to me about “unlocking your true potential” when I was buying the monitor.

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Welllll… Yes, but actually no. OW devs don’t want KB+M specifically because it’s an advantage not all console players would have. I like that mindset personally, because I never really used a computer much until I was in college (3 years ago) so controllers come much more naturally. As a console only player, I appreciate that consoles are such an even playing field (or should be)

Typically, Lower FPS/FPS drops on PC appear to be dramatically worse than on console. This is because on PC, developers have to design for basically an infinite number of hardware possibilities, whereas with console they can optimize it for the platform. When I’m gaming on console, I rarly notice if the game is running at 30 FPS… on PC, 30 FPS is a stuttery unplayable mess… and I have all the tools and toys that make those experiences as smooth as possible.


I hardcap my FPS to 60 in every game that allow me to do so. I live in a hot country, and in really hot days, if I tune things up my PC simply crash all the time from overheating.

Because of that, I never even tried a high frequency monitor. Not worthy the risk of losing expensive parts earlier just to make things “look better” when I grew up in the 16-bit era and current gen graphics are already way better than I expect them to be.

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Yeah mouse and keyboarders are also often seen as cheaters

I don’t think it’s cheating in the sense that it’s playing for you like a bot, but it is an unfair advantage imo. The game was meant to be played like a console game on console, it’s better for the platform to keep it that way

Plus the workaround with XIM gives you aim assist AND KB+M if I’m not mistaken, which can be a benefit for some, but can also be turned off if not… Idk it’s just a bad scene, man

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Playing below 120 feels bad for me.

Water cooling? :o

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Your potential is locked by not being able to aim just like me

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As someone who played 60fps on Ps4 for 3 years and has transferred over to 144fps on PC… Fps dropping underneath 100 is incredibly noticeable.

When I played on 60fps, I honestly couldn’t really imagine any games looking smoother. I thought people were highly overexaggerating about how much better 144fps was. But after trying it… theres literally no going back. Playing on 60fps, I can now see all the frames where things aren’t clear and the constant gaps inbetween frames.


7 year old GPU (gtx970) can run overwatch at a stable 220 FPS, even a 1050 will run ow at a stable 150+ FPS. I can’t see anyone bragging about 120+ FPS, because it’s very easy to achieve on PC.

Now you could push your points to the people that want to push their frames for no reason. Like people that REALLY wants to get 300FPS.

Expensive for my region, and requires too much maintenance.

I sometimes go from 144 to 30 on switch and I suffer
It feels like the game isn’t moving. With my 40fps potato PC I only felt like that below 15

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That’s kinda cool though, years of 60 FPS makes me feel like I’ve got eagle eyes and gave me wayyyy better reaction times than before I started Overwatch (the only FPS I play)

I can only imagine what it’d be like to have double that all the time

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Personally, I think this is an archaic leftover perspective before modern consoles.

Consoles are literally just pc’s with proprietary hardware and software at this point. We are heading into a new age where cross platform is becoming more and more common. Which means the only difference is hardware performance and control scheme preference.

Mouse and Keyboard will very soon become native in most console games. Just like controllers have been possible on PC for years.


I figured, a 50 percent accuracy increase with “144 Hz nano boost” won’t improve my 10 percent accuracy with Widow by much.

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Your potential is locked because of sombra lmao

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