Whats going on in here?

Aight, am I missin something or why are people so upset with the Brig changes? I mean, idk whats going on, so far i got that her shield bash cant go through shields anymore and does 5 damage instead of 50. And her inspire got tweaked?

But y are people so upset? Just gimme a reason why. Maybe I can debunk a myth for you or get to know yalls thoughts better. And please dont just go “the brig haters won, which hero are they going to hunt next” because that aint helpful folks.

Aight, see yall around then, im waitin

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the casual community is upset that the devs tend into the skill = reward

Brigitte does her job worse than other characters now.

She got an empty “buff” as compensation

And it might not even stop goats.
That or it will bring back Dive.

That’s why people are upset.
At least make her healing meaningful… Instead of being an undo-bot on cooldown.


I’m fine with the nerfs. However, the Inspire “buff” is just insulting.


Personally, I’m pleased with brig’s changes, except healing buff. 16 hp/s currently and 16,7 hp/s is the next PTR patch. Feels like nothing is changed.

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Was it really that hard to read one of the dozens threads on that subject first?

Brigitte onetricks that spammed “JUST ADAPT” last week are upset this week because they don’t actually understand why her kit counters tracer (or dive in general). The shieldbots think shield bash is actually the primary source of damage mitigation towards tracer and they think that 45 damage is the reason shield damage is such a great ability in midfights.

This is the OW forums. This is normal.

We just change the flavor of the season. lol!

If they did that they would have made the hero harder, not nerf her to the ground

Like i showed in my thread: almost at the bottom, under the “What i would do” section

THATS how we change a hero to make them harder


heal while being tanky and hard to kill, making space? a damageless stun will be fairly enough in addition to all she has

I just hope everyone is happy after these nerfs. They pretty much gutted Brig and I’m sure people are happy about that but I just hope it’s enough already.

I read half a dozen of em, and all i read about was people running around in circles with their arms in the air panickin, thats why I was wondering what was causing this sudden apocalypse that some think is happenin ^^ Thought i would just ask directly