šŸ›” "What's going on?" - Every Reinhardt Main Ever

I never said they were effective in the attempt, just saying thatā€™s probably why all these new bugs came up when we noticed Reinā€™s Shatter visual changed

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Yes true, but when you called it a finished work I almost lost all hope that they will fix himā€¦

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You might be rightā€¦ that would suck. I just know they were finally trying to fix all of Rein ultimate bugs like missing a whole team thatā€™s standing in front of you, hitting flying targets, one tiny pole or 3 inch ledge blocking your whole ultā€¦ they said they would try to make it more consistent and do what itā€™s supposed to do, but to do that they had to redo the entire ability from scratch

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I do care about the lore, which is one of the things that makes me love Rein <3 but I totally feel what you guys say about the bugs. But specially, about the matchmaking.

Yesterday I had against me in QP a masters Rein, and Iā€™m silver. I mean, I honestly had a good time having my face broken x) and I have never played against someone this good, but the matchmaker should not work like thisā€¦

Speaking of which, I think I saw some people talking about the new cycle of PTR changes and I was wondering if any of you guys can confirm whether thereā€™s new changes or not. I cannot access the PTR, so I decided to ask someone who can.

Some interesting stuff on the PTR patchnotes.

Now will consistently hit enemies near walls
No longer will hit enemies that enter the damage cone after the ā€œwaveā€ has passed that area
No longer will damage enemies behind barriers blocking it, even if the barrier is later dropped or destroyed
Will always travel up inclines and around the payload

Shield Bash
Now knocks down and gets knocked down by other charging targets (e.g Reinhardt and Doomfist)

Sadly, no mention of anything related to his animation cancels. Though the notes are really chaotic and probably not finished yetā€¦


Maybe they fixed it without any patch notes, the same way they ruined it without a single mention. We need someone to go there and experiment with Reinhardtā€¦

I just tested Earthshatter on the PTR and itā€™s just as inconsistent as before when you shatter on or near non-flat grounds.
I guess we will see how much better or not it actually is when it goes live.

As far as all the rest of Reinhardtā€™s issues, nothing was changed, they are still all there, as well as the sluggish slow movements.

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(Screams in frustration)



fix that sht plz and bring his pre-doomfist charge back

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Just made a post here showing the difference.

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If Blizzard did in fact ā€œfixā€ Earthshatter, its a start.

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I too donā€™t care much for the changes and am a Rein player, Dva main this season though, but for not wanting to turn this thread into one of the Mercy ones i will just decide to trust the Devs on this one.

Iā€™ve been watching Jayneā€™s tests and it seems Shatter is better :open_mouth:

https :// www. twitch. tv /videos/ 300422702 watch from minute 47 or so.


Try and use the </> and you wonā€™t need to use spaces.

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Meanwhile at Blizzard HQ: ok, we fixed Reinhardtā€™s ultimate that took us 2 years to fix, but thereā€™s still a bunch of angry Reinhardt players complaining about other stuff that we first hear of because we never read the forums. What should we do to make them happy? I know, letā€™s make Reinhardt sing some karaoke in the new map Busan!

Reinhardt players: not going to work this time Blizzard, fix the character right noā€¦

ā€Reinhardt start singingā€

Reinhardt players: god dang it Blizzard you win, heā€™s so precious :broken_heart:


At least heā€™s so self-aware. :wink:

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