🛡 "What's going on?" - Every Reinhardt Main Ever

I want this carved in stone, this man has found a strat that will completely shut down the sniper meta: playing Soldier and ducking

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You dont need to have rank to play game btw :stuck_out_tongue:

but you will get a rank when you play comp. apparently after 10 games.

But comp is not whole game, is just small toxic part of it :stuck_out_tongue:

never said completely shut down widow. apparently its just easy for me, but it’s still a risk. been sniped a lot of times, but mostly when i jump. it’s a habit for me to bunny jump because you know you do that in CoD.

soldier is hard?


yeah but we’re talking about ranks, comp, and meta here. i don’t think the rein nerf does a lot in quickplay. most people there don’t usually care about tiny stuff like this.

nope. very easy to play. hard to get to GM as a one-trick in this current meta.

pick one dude, pick one

i pick snipers are no problem for me but doesn’t mean i never got sniped.

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I care about it and i play rein in qp, and i play qp to win also. Not everyone gona think like you.

Most of competive players play it over qp only for gold weapon skins anyway so what is so special about it that qp cant have it? Its the same game with the same bugs, buffs and nerfs.

do you actually realize that if you have dropped from GM to Master, it’s because you are on a losing streak due to you feeding/softthrowing by one tricking Soldier in the current sniper meta?

rip i hope they revert these changes

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Thanks you for making this post


the MM forces 50% winrate. it’s impossible to have a losing streak. but one-tricking soldier is what i do man, it’s my own personal style and way of playing the game. everyone has one. so i admit that OTP soldier is probably the reason why i drop from GM and because soldier is so bad in this meta. should that be reason enough to stop playing the game the way i like? i don’t think so. this is why i am happy about this rein nerf and the incoming mercy nerf. because it gives me a chance to get to GM again.

and we’ve been trying to tell you since you decided to peacock in here that it is a bug not a nerf and to please leave if you have nothing constructive to say

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im happy with this bug. please bug all shields

How old are you? Serious question

56 years old. you won’t believe me tho coz i look like i’m 45.