What would you want for next experimental?

It’s been a really sad year for Mei. I would honestly love at least half of the nerfs reverted, they were uncalled for as I said when it first happened in January. It destroyed the flow of characters and it’s a chore playing her atm (you do a lot of effort for little to no value).
Let her be healed in cryo, give her back the ammo she had, make freeze a threat again by reverting january nerfs. If they don’t, they need to consider making her a better dps and actually giving her ult a faster travel time and less time for charging an icicle on secondary fire.

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I’d be respectful enough to try your change on an experimental. I’d reserve my actual judgement on this because it makes me sort of want to hide under a bucket as a tank player myself hearing this.

To each their own though. :handshake:

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I’d revert her armor changes. Her tankyness and fortify allowed her to be effective whilst having a weaker shield.

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Absolutely, I also hate that they nerfed her ice wall cooldown when they already added the pillar concept.

The ammo kills me. :sweat:

Okay, that gives me hope. Touché then I’d try your suggested change but then my fear is double shield coming back…

It would be really interesting to see how it would play! For sure a experimental game.

I mean this would just decrease the ttk and force burst damage again, they did that and that’s why the game is what it is now

Haha thanks. I’ve banged on about this sorta thing a couple times, usually in threads complaining that some maps just end so quickly cos your main healer gets picked in some crazy fashion and BAM, 2 CP is done. Or on other maps where the defenders/attackers have a long walk and one gets picked, suddenly the whole team either has to stand there for a minute, or push in a man down :man_shrugging:t2: There could even be extra penalties later, like having a fraction of the respawn time skipped this time added to the next respawn or even have it taken off the clock :man_shrugging:t2: that way you still get the benefit of killing someone and making them regroup BUT everyone doesn’t have to just stand around while they walk back :thinking:

I’m fully aware it’ll bring its own share oh shenanigans and may end up being ATROCIOUS but I figure that the experimental mode should be used for something grander than subtle number tweaks. Like, I didn’t like the idea of 132, but I don’t think they really did it justice as a lot of the changes were just reverts to previous power levels, and they weren’t even that crazy to begin with :man_shrugging:t2:

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Lmao that’s definitely more than QoL that’s a straight up buff.

Come on bees!

Give me the bees knees! What’s your take?

Hog rebalance, Sym buffs (hopefully a new hitbox that doesn’t suck), 100 HP Orisa shield buff.

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More nerfs, more reverts, reduce healing and damage, reducing power if oneshots

Idk. Next experimental we could do with:

  • Hog nerfs.
  • Slight buffs to Lucio (probably a buff to his ult charge rate).
  • Maybe try 250 HP Symmetra.
  • Some actual nerfs to Widow.
  • Slight Dva buffs.
  • Nerfs to Ana’s anti.
  • Mercy and Zen damage boosts nerfed to 25%.
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Beef up tank HP. Big time. Leave barriers trash.

Reduce tank movement in general.

Increase DPS movement in general.

Any specific nerfs or reverts that come to mind? Curious.

I like it bees. I love it actually because it involves nerfing what I hate about the hag the most. Lol.

So what about rein then?

High burst healing and damage aswell as spam, basically what they did in the most recent patch but more, bring everything in line with how shields were nerfed. Also add 50 armour to orisa

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I dig it. I’d give it a go most definitely they could do more in the direction they did on last patch. But no more nerfs on support please… lol unless if it’s nade or mercy’s dmg boost (so long as it’s not too harsh).

I mean I’d like supports to be what they used to be, supports, the new supports are just healers which are lazily designed with little utility which has forced the sustain meta we’ve been in for 2 years, Lucio mercy zen imo were a perfect balance of utility and healing whereas the new supports are mostly ‘i heal lots lol’