What would you want for next experimental?

I’ve been saying this since double shield 1.0. One shield tank per team needs to happen or it’s either going to be:

Double shield or No shields at all forever.


something for dva. probably just one, definitely not all of these options:

  • 300hp/300armour
  • DM grants something the way grasp and zarya bubble do, maybe DM uptime? or a selfheal?
  • Baby DVA ejects with far more force, and you can influence your direction of travel upon eject more, giving her more chance of clearing the danger then remeching

Basically, either make the mech less fragile, or grant her a way to mitigate that fragility with skill, or lean into disposable tanks and demech/remech being a self-heal and grant her more chances of it actually working out like that.


You are a brave soul. Honestly though I’d rather they make her a tank and just try it many some day.


I think the game would benefit the most from dva seeing more playtime. A lot of the games current problems would go away. I don’t know what that change would have to be though.


This is actually a really really interesting idea! Kudos for originality

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Reduce all tank health to 200-250 & increase tank abilities. This would go along with reduced dps max dmg to go with it.

She’s been throwpick for more than half a year and she really deserves better, right now everyone dominates on her, cryofreeze does more harm than good, icicles are harder to hit but do less damage than arrows or hitscan bullets, wall is easily avoidable and on long cooldown, you are playing reload simulator, 0 mobility, her kit overall was gutted.


Oh I’d like mass res to come back, but that’s not what I was trying to say in this instance.

Basically everyone gets her res ability as just a thing they can do like other games have knockdown/resuscitate style mechanics.

I’ve always found it a bit odd the way there’s one shot kills in a game with such low numbers class based game, where a single pic means either a lost fight/standing around for them to respawn. This keeps the satisfying one shot mechanic in, but gives a chance to reposition and res the downer player ie a shield/body block would have to be used otherwise the widow (or even any Damage player) would just kill the person bringing them back.

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I love everything you just said for D.Va I think the first is a good idea and the third for more safety when demeching.

Honestly I thought if they could stall one second of damage after getting into mech. She just can’t react fast enough. It’s like you get into mech to just be at 1/2 health or sometimes less.

I rarely have a problem with anything anybody mentions for D.Va, but if I could suggest one thing, I’d like the projectile speed on her light gun buffed to at least 60 mps. That would make it as fast as Genji’s shurikens. Surely a gun can shoot bullets at least as fast a Gengar can use Swift.

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Oh I totally agree. Mei is my most played dps. She was the first hero I ever played. I love her and defend her. Sadly most people hate the living :poop: out her and want her drop dead similar to brig.

She didn’t deserve any nerfs but we speak taboo from the majorities point of few.

I’m with you my fellow ice sister/brother.

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D.va buffs and Hog nerfs.
Plz papa Jeff


So would the health of the dps still remain the same? I trying to envision your suggestion-

Will you elaborate? What is the end goal you are looking to achieve?

Revert some of Mei’s nerfs, give Reaper a movement speed buff and/or slight spread reduction, revert Doom uppercut nerf + 2 more meters slam range, give back Sigma his old Shift cooldown + 100 health on his shield.

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I’m down with everything but wondering why buff sigma when other tanks are suffering? Not that Sigma is bad. Just like to know reasoning.

Hog HP to be dropped to 500

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I’m not against that if they plan to keep him in this super bacon state.

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His shield feels paper thin IMO even after the hitscan changes. I understand that they were trying to get rid of the shield meta but what were they trying to achieve by nerfing his SUCC as well.

So I wonder what your thoughts are on orisa because she has been made into dog food my friend. His shield is paper but so is Orisa’s.

Orisa’s halt is super tough even after a slight revert plus hp nerf.

I’d argue Sigma is rough but Orisa worse.

Instead of making tanks bullet sponges health wise, the focus would be tank utility. Kinda the opposite of what they went.

More well rounded gameplay across all three rolls. Support would have more of a impact on dmg just as for healing. Tanks couldn’t dive bomb support and delete them in seconds. Bad position would be more critical if you are a tank because of the lack of health.

Health for dps & support probably stay the same, just damage adjustments for sure.

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