What would you do to fix Mercy?

ana has the most powerful kit in the game, the issue is its so unreliable it comes off as extremely weak. She was op in s2/s3 because her kit was 100% more reliable.

You cant balance it, it needs to be unreliable otherwise it will be insanely overpowered, they nerfed nanoboost once and the grenade like 3 times to reduce its reliability insanely


Yea mercy zen and and brig are the only one that can heal through barriers which makes them more reliant when healing dem flankers

Not really if you’re suggesting to nerf her kit :confused:

The main reason ana got dumped was also dive comp picking her off extremely easily and her not being able to heal through barriers I believe

a sentiment I can agree with, but that becomes the same issue that we have currently with snipers.

Do you want skill to be strong in this game?

Or do you want the game to be on even grounds for everyone.

I think people don’t understand what they really want.

People thought they wanted dive gone and skill to matter, now in double sniper, the most skill reliant meta that ever existed, people are mad because skill wins games.

Well one of the reason’s for sniper meta is Hanzo and his rework made him way easier to play, by far. Don’t think that’s skill…

Example of why its 100% more reliable, her grenade did more damage, healed more, gave more healing % increase i believe, and had a bigger radius(maybe even shorter cd), that all got nerfed, and due to how good her grenade was it encouraged a triple tank meta, which means enemy had triple tanks which were easy targets for sleep dart making it 100% more effective, and her healing was more reliable due to the bigger targets

I don’t think I suggested a nerf to ana, did I? I could be wrong and have done it by accident.

I think nerfing mercy is the answer, definitely not ana.

i want ana to be meta, but i know if ana is meta itll encourage a way tankier meta, and i dont think thts what anyone really wants.

I try to look at things in the bigger picture like ‘if this gets buffed what gets effected’

Oops, thought you were talking bout mercy…

With mercy 50hps Ana would still win the race to healing daddy rein

idk man, people love goats, I don’t think people liked og triple tank because it was sooooooo slow. but people are okay with goats because its fast, think about it. if its even a slight issue the forums talk about it.

Ive yet to see a “nerf goats” post.

for example of a nerf that impacts someone else. Mercys healing nerf is a huge nerf to the pharmercy combo, and also a buff to winston, yea he will still take an eternity to kill someone being healed by mercy, but at least he can now kill them

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lol nah, we talkin about grandma, shes been neglected for so long :sob:

But the question is, should a winston really be outhealing an ultimate?

im talking about her normal healing dva, with 60hps winston literally couldnt kill anyone being healed by mercy

Mercy healing nerfs effects anyone getting healed by her

Dammit. Keep interpreting it wrong…

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its okay, weve all had a long day here

ofc, but it heavily nerfs the pharmercy combo since her hps was a reason it was so good, and is still a buff to winston