What would you do to fix Mercy?

You were using a loophole. You got caught…

loopholing isnt punishable sadly

What loophole?

Every time he replied he made sure he checking the CoC every 5 seconds to see if he’s breaking any rules. Even if he seems to be breaking it, it’s not punishable

Everyone just ignore the person who just wants to stir things up. Not worth giving them the attention they are seeking.


Yep, Mercy is the topic. Question for you; what would you do to fix Mercy?

Your not even talking about how mercy could change which is why it’s irrelevant which is a flaggable offense

we cannot buff the other supports to be as good as mercy, that would just, ugh i cant even imagine how many things would break.

So what do you think would happen if Ana only had her healing set back to what it was when she was the meta?

brig is pure cancer. she made tanks so unfun to play, especially rein. getting stunned while she is fully protected is pure cancer.

and how is mercy not a failure rework. she was never bad. yet they made her into a support that was either pick mercy or you are throwing. in lower tiers she was the highest picked support. she had a decent pick rate in masters and above as well. The only reason they nerfed her was because certain ocean bird pros complained about mercy’s hide and rez and his followers autistically screeched

Anything that puts rez back on her ult in some way. Like I say:

A new rework with rez in the ult some way might fix things. We just have to figure out her E and we are golden

She was supposed to be a constant, one target healer, who is mobile as long as your teammates are around. A healer whose ultimate is strong tool which can bring your team back to live.

But instead adding a counter layer to the Mass Res and LoS, Mercy was rebuild. She received a Res given to you a silver platter every 30 seconds, and Valkyrie which basically negates every Mercy’s weaknesses.

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ana would need all her nerfs reverted to be on par with mercy, adn everyone who was in s2/s3 knows that would break the game, especially now with brig out

mercy was F tier before her rework, and the rework did its job, make a hero better, the tanks have been unfun before brig, she just makes their problem worse, i agree its unfun but what i find cancer is something you cant do anything about, you can definitely do stuff about brig

Ana would need to be reverted fully to be on par with mercy, or buffed in other ways insanely, either way she would have to become overpowered to overtake mercy, same goes for any support. Zen is used because mercy makes his weaknesses not as effective.

Buffing the other supports to be as meta as mercy would cause a million indirect power drops as well as spikes, the tiniest changes can impact a character

revert to mass rez, remove invuln, add line of sight and require 1 sec aura to work. (not like current rez where you are a sitting duck just within the perimeters before)

“E” become a placeable beacon to GA to only. So you can proactively escape through planning.

It removes the hide and seek, it allows tempo but does not suck the life out of you. all the bs gone and has a ult as an ult

3rd edit; give rewards to primary accounts for ptr and just test wacky stuff

example of a tiny change that heavily impacted a character, soldiers nerf from 20 damage per shot to 19.

So she can heal 5 tap most flankers boost fly delay how you drop.and don’t need health pack.she protecc,she attacc,but most of all she fly

i dont think this ana buff will change much because her nano is still a solo ult, and doesnt give mobility like s2, so its still among the weaker of the support ults, the buff is nice, but i definitely dont think itll make her as good as mercy or a lot more viable. The bigger buff to me is lucios 100%, that 2 ft extra distance of radius is basically a 70% increase due to the fact the radius is a sphere, then theres his ult buff

I want to see ana be viable, the issue is she is insanely overpowered, or underpowered if you tip the scale in the wrong direction.

How does one make ana viable, without being too strong?

I think the only way is to take mercy down a notch or 2

shes balanced in her current state, but mercy is just so good youd never pick ana over mercy.

the only thing I could see making her meta would be giving her the ability to heal through barriers.

I don’t think the community would be upset because shes a skill reliant hero, however the issue becomes

“how do we make ana heal through barriers without damaging through them?”