What would raise Sym pickrate

Is if the teleporter was faster to reliably allow a team to escape a GravDragon.


A better ultimate and primary fire


is if her primary was not terrible.


Make primary start with a higher beam charge.

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Or we could have it not charge at all and start at its max power. The charge only made sense because of it latching onto someone, but now that it doesn’t do that anymore it doesn’t really make sense to keep that mechanic.


primary fire is a joke and teleporter isn’t any better.


most players seem to disagree with your proposal

so there’s a good chance the devs will implement it


An India Server?

That would be OP without lowering its damage.


Reducing the charge time required for the primary beam from 2 seconds to 1.5 could be nice.

Maybe also granting a passive where she gives +50 shields to everyone within a 12 meter radius of her.

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Give me 300 OWL tokens and I will play Sym all month every game.

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Sustainability would raise her pick rate.

The ability to remain alive on the field of battle. That would raise her pick rate.

Not being an easy kill for every other hero would increase her pick rate.

Being something other than a turret dispensing orb chucker would increase her pick rate.

Offering something beneficial to the team, like a get out of grav free card, might increase her pick rate.

I can think of a number of things that could be improved with her kit to make her a more desirable addition to the team.

Make it so that if you pick her your team automatically gains 1000 sr

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I think if people actually played her, they’d realize she’s better than they think.

Honestly, the best thing Blizz could do is add new cosmetics (mainly skins) for her. People would play her to use the new cosmetics, realize her potential and play her more. Problem solved.


Make an hero death animation game change that only symmetra can do.

Input the right Key Strokes or Button combination to do a gore annihilation death scene.

Where primary fire melts their skin off and then finally and orb exploded them in into a gore bloody mess.

I think tons would play her :smile_cat:

Like yes more skins, preferably a Summer Skin she has yet to receive cough

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Agreed. Wish I could play her more, but we always already have 4/5 DPS on our team, and I can’t help but flex.

Shield gen as ult and photon barrier as an ability again, revert primary fire and let the new secondary fire go through barriers. A straight up revert would be best; the new turrets are the only new thing I am slightly okay with.

You’re kidding, right? You can’t be serious…

You think skins would fix her flaws? You think more people playing her in the state she’s in now would magically make everything disjointed in her kit magically go away?

Yeah, you’re pulling my leg. That was pretty funny. I’ll give you credit where it’s due.

Well sorry if you’re just bad at her…

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