What would raise Sym pickrate

Someone explaining people when to use her primary.
As it is now, people don’t play her to her value.

Hardly. A lot of Damage category characters get close to 180 dps AT RANGE. 180 dps on a unit that has no mobility, no sustain, no shield, with 200 unarmored HP at 10m range? That’s barely good enough.

I mean, Reaper must really be a problem for you if you can’t handle that.

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12 meters. And unlimited ammo from shields.


I’ll be the first to admit I’m no pro with Symmetra, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the state of her currently.

I didn’t say she couldn’t be effective, I said she needs work.

Yes, I can regularly pull down gold medals for kills, assists and damage, but that doesn’t mean she’s fine the way she is. It means that your turrets tapped someone, your right click splashed someone, or you actually managed to put some damage into people. Medals might as well be a participation prize. Congratulations, you did something.

Was that damage impactful? Did it secure a kill? Did it actually hamper the enemy enough so that it led to their demise? Those are the questions that need to be asked. Were you alive to see it happen?

I sincerely dont think anything is wrong with Symettra apart from past reputation and comunication.

taking away the lock on beam has turned off a lot of lower ranked players using her, (I know my little brother stopped using her because of that)

You also still get the resident grumblers at the start of the match when she is chosen, which is entirely unfair.

At my level quite often I find myself grouped with a sym thats just kind of putting teleporters down and expecting the team to know what shes planning, because they are that used to abuse from chat that they dont have mic on.

The times weve had a good symmetra is when she has been calling shots and potential strats, making DPS and Support aware of areas she has zoned off with turrets for safety and where she can place her ultimate so that the rest of the team can safely pull off theirs.

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Step 1: Give her the passive of Wallclimb
Step 2: remove both current abilities. Replace with a movement ability and a small wall hack ability
Step 3: Remove her weapon and give her a bow and arrows
Step 4: Give her an amazing ability that shreds tanks and squishies

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Oh yes, because I want my DPS reloading on shields rather than shooting the enemy.

Reminder that they nerfed her Ammo from 100 units to 70 units, AND that if you’ve used more than 12 Ammo, it’s faster to reload than it is than to reload on a shield.

It takes Symmetra 10 seconds to refill her clip on a shield. If a Sym is doing that during a battle, it’s time to get new DPS.

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50 extra health so you don’t die before the fried enemy because using the primary fire is too risky. Her health pool just isn’t enough.

The ability to compete for the dps slot without pro level communication which 90-95% of the playerbase most certainly does not have

Better primary fire. Doesn’t help that heroes with small player bases tend to keep a small player base and lose players easier than enticing new ones.

That sounds like my suggestion for a new support

No you need to move her back into support,

  1. Give her a weapon that damage boosts/heals
  2. Ability - Being able to put and enemy to sleep
  3. Ability - to Phase into a matter form for 4s
  4. Side weapon are Ball floating around her neck
  5. Ultimate Picket Line - Buffs Allies by healing and providing shields
    Passive Ability - Wall Riding

She would obviously need a new character design, possibly something that came out a vat of acid but hadn’t completely disintegrated yet

You’re not trying to reload on the shield… you’re trying to break it or build charge.

The only time you get the opportunity to do that is in the midst of a team fight. If a Winston jumps on you, you can’t be charging your gun on his shield. If you’re that close to an Orisa shield, you’re close enough to get pulled by her Halt. If you’re trying to break the shield, there’s far better units for that who can do it at a safe range.

And again, building charge is pointless. There are other units who can do 180dps BEFORE HEADSHOTS. You start at a disadvantage, and can only reach average damage after 4 seconds of charging.

The short of it all is, if you are good enough to make Symmetra work, applying those skills to a different unit will yield better results. If you’re good at her close range combat, play Reaper. If you’re good at volleying her orbs, play Pharah. If you’re good at tracking her beam, play Zarya. They all have better numbers than Symmetra and cover her niche while providing their own.

The ONLY thing Symmetra has over those units is a rarely-used team teleportor.


Agree’d. I’ve been playing a lot of Sym lately and she really is a lot better than people give her credit for, maybe not top tier material but you can get results with her.

Not to say that there isn’t room for improvement though, primary fire could definitively be a bit better, but even then it’s got its uses against tanks and such.

And yeah, if I’m being honest, I don’t like a single one of her legendary skins, pls add more Blizz.

Not even her Dragon skin?!

I never got it :frowning:

Would’ve used it if I had, it’s probably her best one, but I’m not crazy about it either.

Your opportunity to get it again will be here sooner than you think :smiley:

I suggest you get it then! (It really is her best skin, but I really only use it on Kings Row, due to it blending in once you get into the lower areas.)

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Its not like symmetra has any other means of doing damage or being useful to her team

That’s a good one. A 180 damage beam at all times. You’ve seen Zarya at full charge right? I don’t want a mini Zarya running around disintegrating my whole team

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Her beam feels nicer with the length extension, tho the weak damage is still a bit if a problem. Faster teleporter would be a nice way of giving her some defensive mobility, which is definitely a problem for her survivability. Aside from those small issues tho I’m liking how she plays now. Tp bombs forever.

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