What will supports look like in Overwatch 2?

I disagree that Brigitte’s stun of all things is what her identity is. You know as long as she’s got a mace, a shield and she gives out armour, we good.

Why are you responding to me? What are you even asking me lol?

I just go mad when I see that guy face on a video lol , literally the worst dps complainer.

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Use of her shield as an offensive and defensive peeling tool is a huge part of her identity. That’s what paladins do. They heal, and they protect. Traditional fantasy trope even holds that a paladin is a warrior first, a priest second. If all she has remaining for peeling is her boop, that erases a huge part of her identity and makes her unable to do her job effectively. Briggite cannot effectively protect the other support hero if she can’t peel for them. She can’t protect her Reinhardt or Zarya if she can’t peel for them. Her heals are less than mediocre. Her ability to peel is who Briggite is.

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That’s perhaps one interpretation, sure. But I don’t know where you heard they are removing Brig’s ability to use her shield as an offensive and defensive tool?

All Andy said is they’re removing the stun.

Which is the only thing that it has. It does so little damage it may as well do no damage.

She cannot peel effectively without the (very short duration) stun on shield bash. This is literally Briggite’s job. Take it from her, she can no longer do her job. Her healing numbers in a vacuum are terrible and they are talking about lowering heals even more.

Briggite’s job is to heal, and protect her teammates with peels. Once you remove her ability to peel, she is no longer Briggite.

For all we know, they’re gonna replace it with a boop that sends enemies flying across the map :smile:

But anyway, she’ll still have her shield and mace etc. so her identity will still be very much intact, at least by the particular interpretation of her identity that I (and I assume the devs) am going with.

And I’d be all for that. I’d also be all for an extreme slow or a disorient-type effect which we don’t have right now. Yes a disorient is basically a stun, but you can usually still move and take certain actions, making it a soft CC rather than a hard CC.

No. Just having a shield and a mace isn’t her identity. Identity isn’t just in a hero’s appearance and equipment, it is in their specific role, niche, and how they operate within the team. Once you change these things you also change or remove that hero’s identity.

Symmetra, for example, is a completely different hero now than Symmetra 1.0. Her identity was erased and replaced. I’m not talking about a character identity, but a gameplay identity. Now, I actually really enjoy current Symmetra, and have enjoyed her since her original swap from 1.0 to 2.0. I endured the beam nerf that I felt was unnecessary and can still make her work in a lot of situations where others can’t. But she is not the same Symmetra she was originally, and this genuinely bothers a lot of old-school Symmetra mains.

Briggite is one of my favorite heroes to play and has been since her release, even if I don’t main her because she doesn’t work well outside of a brawl comp (and I’m technically a DPS main anyway). I didn’t ever enjoy her for being OP even when she was, I continued to play her when she was gutter trash, and I play her now that she’s mediocre but decent in her niche whenever I need to counter a Ball, Doomfist, Tracer, or Genji and the rest of my team refuses to make an appropriate swap.

Take away her stun and I can no longer juggle Doomfist. I can’t stop Tracer from killing my Ana. I can’t stop Genji from blading my entire team. I can’t punish that stupid DPS Moira for thinking she’s Reaper. I can’t protect my Reinhardt from the other Rein’s shatter when his shield breaks. I’m suddenly just a lame version of Lúcio with less than a third of the utility and no movement abilities.


As I was trying to say, following your interpretation of her identity that may be true. But your interpretation isn’t the only one and seemingly isn’t the one that the devs are rolling with.

This is why they could replace sentry mode or tank mode and Bastion would still retain his identity as a “transforming robot”

Only 2 supports have “contribution to damage” of that form, rest just use their own guns.

That’s the whole point - you should let enemy DPS destroy your team. Save yourself.

The changes are completely out of context. I’m not liking what we’ve heard for changes as a support main, but we don’t know how things are changing as a whole. I imagine brig is being completely reworked.

Shield bash will either need to have some other effect, or the damage needs to be increased, or it needs to be replaced.

I hope that there are more changes to supports other than just nerfs across the board.

Surprisingly enough, no.

Oh please, you should thank them. They made all this long journey through your oblivious team to kill you. They could easily kill someone else, but decided to choose you.

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Rosetta Stoned backing music

“And I never made it into comp mode!”

That is not what a paladin does.

This is more like

“he had a lot of nothing to say”

In this game, you usually have a choice - save yourself, or try to save your team and die trying. Your call.

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I sure hope not. I play support because I find juggling health bars to be a lot of fun.

If a support is dealing damage more often than they heal, then at that point they’re just a dps character who heals on the side. I don’t want to play that.


i.e. Soldier 76, a character we already have and do not need umpteen copies of


Exactly. This is also the reason why I’m not a big fan of playing Ana or Baptiste.

Will we ever get a dedicated support in overwatch again?? :sob: