What will players want after 2-2-2 fails

No, we couldn’t. Then people would just queue for Tank for shorter queue times, when they had no intention of actually playing Tank.

Only if you have a system that lets you switch roles with other teammates, but that makes it impossible to have a role based SR unfortunately, which is a massive part of the reason 2-2-2 is a good idea.

No, there wouldn’t be any “q times”. Everything is like it is now, except the game makes you have 222 during assembly.

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the only two actual problems i can think of are queue times (which is something the devs are working on) and flex players being more limited.
First one is something that is already on the chopping block for fixing it.
The second one is more sad, but it’s a case of “the needs of the many”.

All the other arguments are basically “222 is bad in ths ultra-specific situation therefore it needs to go”.

Everything is like it is now, except we all play 222.

Exactly. Nothing would change. All of the old problems would still be there. The whole system would be pointless.

glad you didn’t read anything I said, because it literally spelled out why 222 is fundamentally a problem because of how win conditions work in this game.


You talk as if noone else can take those objectives aside from you. Maybe get your head out of your a** and trust your own team for once. And the “people will play support/tank as dps” is pretty much the main issue we have with the current system. Now we will actually have different SR depending on the role so those players you talk about will be down in bronze before you can blink. Just don’t play the first week if you are so afraid of it.

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The problems that are still present with 222, you mean?

People are worried about the impact they have as a healer or tank, but the amount of healers/tanks is the same as before. That is not an issue with 222, that’s just a lack of supports/tanks which is an issue now.

Focus on your tank mmr/dps mmr/support mmr improvement. This system gives a cleaner system read to do so. Yes, Rein doesn’t play the same as Winston or Roadhog, but we the players don’t know the stats Devs use to indicate how well a tank/off tank plays. If after ptr testing, if they see there’s enough variance between those roles they may separate the roles further, or perhaps they do have a means to correlate off tank/tank stats.

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So far I’ve really liked 2-2-2 on PTR, mostly the Role based SR. Now I can play support on the higher ranks and if I want to play DPS, I’m not playing it in a rank I’m not up to yet. Plus it’s nice to always have some sort of team comp each game.

The most surprising thing is the amount of differing comps I’ve seen, I worried it would just become SniperWatch again


God the amount of pouting and childishness in this post is off the chart.

Seriously, like something a teenager would shout out of room at his parents after they do something he/she does not like

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3 Tank 3 support
2 Tank Sombra 3 support
And every other derivative of Goats is still being played in OWL today.
The only team I’m aware of that does not run some form of GOATS is Shanghai.

You can try to narrowly define it as Rein,Zarya,Dva,Brig,Lucio,X but the point still stands. People expressed outrage over GOATs being ran and this is why they took action.

If they gave 2 craps about the core game you would not be playing vanilla Lucioball 4 years in. They would have significantly expanded on the Lore. They would have put effort into their PVE campaigns. They would put more effort into hero releases instead of releasing generic recycled mechanics. Ashe is a straight up Red Dead cash grab.

222 doesn’t even address the core issues people have with the game. Non synergetic comps and teamwork. Structure does not get you either, just a very elegant looking pile of dogcrap. Guild would have done both though, what happened to that?

And it doesn’t make it easier to balance unless they’re willing to across the board
make changes to every single character and all interactions with all other characters. There is no objective balancing. They wait for mass outrage on the forum and neuter whoever is the flavor of the month. Or mass buff heros that don’t fit the current meta so whenever a meta that revolves around that character pops up they end up broken.

And 2.2.2 does not feel beneficial for the game, especially when most of your games are already 2.2.2. If GOATs is the issue for OWLs poor viewership it will benefit that though.

Made a comparison to how TF2 competitive play ended up as it was no longer in sync with the base game. I skimmed portions of the interview and then the caster show but something like this was said “If 222 was coming to OWL then it had to come to the main game as well.” Then one of the casters did damage control and said “Since 2.2.2 is coming to the main game then we have to put it in OWL”
I’ll be going back and watching both to get direct statements but it’s just more evidence where their focus is.


If our current Rein could play Widow he wouldn’t play Rein.

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Um… no? Just because you’re good at one hero doesn’t mean you’ll be them only.

Yes, your tank switching to something they are much worse at sure would help lol

Why do you assume they’re worse?

DPS insta-picks and one-tricks no longer cause problems for their teammates. Toxicity is drastically reduced, because nobody is forced to fill into a role they dislike or aren’t good at.

I’ve seen this firsthand on the PTR. These problems are solved.

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Because otherwise they would be playing widow at a level the game put them in

We don’t assume the worst, we have been playing the game for 3 years.

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