What will players want after 2-2-2 fails

The people on this forum… Acting like they are so cool for starting out as a D.Va then switching to Junkrat to take out some shields and then going Zenyatta to kill the targets behind the shields. When in reality they just play Lucio and try to boop people off the map.

There’s very little wiggleroom in the enforced 2/2/2 format.
It’s going to be entirely unavoidable to get stuck playing a hero you dont want to play. Second support choose off healer?
Welp, now 3 out of an already small selection of 7 are out of the question.
Don’t like Moira or Mercy? Well now there’s only 2 options.

We don’t have nearly enough heroes for 2/2/2.


Cry more and post I’m quitting in the forums.

Oh wait… that’s what they’ll do not want…

My bad ^^

How do you mean that the current system make you free from this? I personally don’t care about “off healer” and “main healer” since I’m just a diamond scrub but what in the current system enables you to break free from this, if you for reasons unknown have to play the metagame?

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I never get stuck on a hero I don’t want to play. I might be frustrated that I can’t play a hero that would (IMO) solve the team issue in the match, but I will never pick a hero that I hate playing from social pressure again.

And yes, that means when/if I’m doing my DPS qualifiers, I’ll stick to Symmetra and Torbjorn. Because those are the only DPS I enjoy playing.

I advise everyone to do the same. If the only tank you like to play is Hog and Dva, by all means, only pick those two. Don’t try to pick Rein to be a team player and then start lashing at the team because no one else is making the same sacrifice as you.

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2-2-2 is a good baseline. When you have a team of random players, who you’ve never seen before, you have no idea what they play, you have to start building somewhere. In a world without rolequeue, there’s more than 500.000.000 possible team compositions. Seriously, that’s not an exaggeration, do the math. It’s very hard to suggest specific heroes when odds are half your team can’t play any of them.

So before you go about actually deciding which heroes to play, you want to decide how to formulate your composition, and historically 2-2-2 has been the best composition, except for the year of Goats, it’s always been the way the game is played at the top level, and it’s the structure the game is balanced around.

So yes, for 80% of the game’s lifetime, going 2-2-2 was the best strat, and even during Goats it was more effective for 80% of the playerbase than Goats was. :man_shrugging:

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why do pro 222 people think that 222 doesn’t bring more problems than it solves?

because they want to ignore the reality of it to get what they want forced upon others?


222 will not solve everything but I’ll be damned the games are miles more fun than what we have currently live.
Plus I queue as all three roles and I still get dps slots so clearly it’s not a devastating queue time.

People also fail to realize that with tanks being to lowest picked class it will be easier to climb if you are half decent.

It doesn’t, people claim that it’s because “a different player can switch, who prefers to play main support”, but that’s a fairytale.

For every game where you’ll actually have one of your DPS switching to main healer of their own accord, instead of letting you either play second offhealer or a main healer yourself, you’ll have 20 games where they don’t switch.

The only difference is that you’ll actually be guaranteed 2 tanks now, instead of having 4 dps in half your games. :man_shrugging:


hero bans

What are the problems it will bring? You will have different SR for each role so you will actually get tank and support players on your level. You will get rid of the “please one more tank/support” talk before the game has even begun. You will be able to play the role you want to play every single game.

Even me, a person that can play every single hero at diamond level except for Genji and Widow don’t mind being stuck in one role per game.

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and whats to say you aren’t doing the same thing being pro 222, a few rounds of “man I had a tank and healer every game” and you think its the second coming of Christ.

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Hero bans most likely. But there won’t be anything to complain if the mm won’t be this generous like it is now on the ptr, matching gold to gms in a game just for the sake of having games, creating a big imbalance.

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Pretty much.
People have no control over others switching. And when 2/2/2 goes live, that freedom is stripped from those filling the undesired roles.
They don’t want you to switch because they think you can not or should not make that decision on your own. People are convinced that 2/2/2 is the only workable comp, likely because they’re not that great at the game in the first place and require the amount of safety nets that come with 2/2/2 to compensate for their shortcomings. Which of course, they would deny vehemently.

People are control freaks.


People don’t want to play roles, they want to play heroes. They want to play Widow on Ilios ruins and Lucio on Well.

Have you never ever had that situation before? I’m talking mostly qp, to hell with comp.


No, because each player has his own hero pool. For tank i have Orisa and Hammond, for DPS, i have Sombra, Bastion, Mei, Tracer, Genji, Reaper, for healer i have Zen, Moira. If the map or the team needs a Reinhardt, i’d have bowed out and switched to healer and let someone else who actually knows him tank. In one of my comp games, i actually went from Tank to DPS because they wanted more mobility than i can do on Orisa so someone else took over as tank and i went Bastion, next round i switched back to Orisa, they told me to switch back to Bastion since i did pretty good as shield breaker (I did originally pick up bastion to counter Orisa).

True, that comp was still 2-2-2, but we won with a different 2-2-2 than the one we started with, as in Tanks became DPS and support, DPS becoming Tank and Support, etc.

(BTW, the widowmaker was hammering us that game but her team forced her to switch, we didn’t say anything because we didn’t want them to realize what she was actually doing to us :smile: )


overwatch is a map based game with different win conditions for different maps, different roles fill those win conditions better than others.

on Girbraltar the win condition is control high ground a win condition best met by tanks

on hanamura the win condition is kill faster than the enemy can contest a win condition best met by dps

I am a flex player who has always played to win rather than to one trick, tell me, how am I supposed to know what to que for if I don’t even know what map I will be on?

Now lets talk about the current power creep of bunker comps, before beating bunker comp was getting more dps and just killing the bastion quickly and snowballing from there, but now you cant do that anymore so I guess its just we are stuck playing bunker v bunker at high levels until Jeff blesses us with another meta that will get stale in a month?

the forced 222 makes meta even more dominant than before

Long que times

Players queing into roles and just playing them like dps

not being able to swap between roles to pick up the slack for someone playing badly

theres a plethora of problems, you putting blinders to them doesn’t change that

and it doesn’t really solve any problems other than the perceived problem of entitled whiny players who believe you should have to play the way they say. GOATS is no longer meta even without 222, so the excuse of goats is out the window and we are forced to the will of whiny children that want to blame everything but themselves as the reason they cant climb.


QP Classic will still be available in the Arcade.

But no, I’ve never personally felt that way. I only want to swap heroes within the dps role, depending on the map and enemy team comp. I understand that some people are frustrated by not being able to swap heroes outside of their role but seriously, how often can you do that in a comp game without your team going crazy, especially if you swapped from tank/support to dps?

Do you think we could’ve had 222 but not lock people into roles, mm? So if your current Rein can counter Widow with Widow, they can still switch?

I’m one such player, and I’ll definitely miss the ability to do so, but it just means you have to adapt your strategies within your role. So maybe you play Ana on ruins (taking advantage of the long sightlines), or you play Pharah on Well (making use of her boops, and also because it’s a fantastic point for her).

Yeah, it sucks that it limits your creativity a bit, but it’s a price worth paying to finally have decently balanced games.