What will players want after 2-2-2 fails

Yeah you get some bad teammates, no matter how the game is shaped you will always get that. Simply something that cannot be fixed.

But it’s a stupid idea. It’s a really really stupid idea. Sorry to shoot it down so harshly, but, it’s just really stupid. I get that you are being hyperbolic about it since somethings got you in a twist, but I thought I’d give my honest opinion on it.

Obviously you didn’t understand the point being made in the post if this is your reply. lol

Goats was on the way out in Stage 3, yes but they’ve been planning on implementing it for over a year (when goats was still prevalent). And yet 6 months ago Jeff got on stream with Frann? and Emongg he farted into his influencer’s megaphone and made it seem they were really whishy washy on the idea when they KNEW they were going to be doing it for more than 6 months at that point.

They told you in the special preshow thing

Hey, I don’t want to see Lucio and Zen as my healers. That’s not enough healing. We’ll lose.

Same goes for double snipers that can’t do squat because the enemy is shield heavy and we have 0 shields.

Hmm, I checked that, you’re right, they did say that at one time. I guess things change when you double the size of the hero roster :man_shrugging:

That said though, from what I can find it was a statement they made once in regards to a specific question about hero stacking, while switching heroes was always a part of the way they advertised the game.

I agree it’s a stupid idea, but 222 seems just as stupid to me. And don’t look now, but people are already asking for “off tank” queue.

Brace yourself.

dude, even since closed beta the meta has been a form of 2-2-2.
Then ana came out and triple/quad tank became popular, then it was dive for over a year, then double sniper (still 222).
Then after 3-3 goats we had bunker which is yet another 2-2-2 meta.

It’s not a meme, it’s how the game was designed.

i mean, if people get toxic if it isn’t 2-2-2 shouldn’t forcing 2-2-2 solve that?

No, metas aren’t toxic, people are. Meta will be Dive again and everyone will complain when it isn’t Dive. Etc. It’s an online game, what do you expect.


no now they will be toxic about the lack of a rien or how we have a phara but they have a mcree or because the moira is doing damage, you know the stuff they are already toxic about, but now with the added frustration that they cant switch to solve things them selves


That’s how most of the posts are painting it up as.

It’s the solution to all of our problems!

People will ask for many things. It won’t ever be a reality though.
It’s going to keep happening because the forums are mostly comprised of disgruntled players who have some form of negativity on their mind that they think they have the magic bullet answer for and that everyone else is wrong about it.

I have faith that blizzard won’t listen to the stupid people, and I’m sure they’re aware that the forums is predominantly used for whinging and that the ACTUAL majority of the community have a very different opinion.

with brig existing and the various buffs to other dps and tanks i don’t see dive coming back how it was.

Uh… 222 isn’t supposed to fix that?
And yes, the tank going hitscan will dps definetely win you the match and not throw off your other tank, stagger healer ult charge and waste your ult charge.

uh, no? I’ve only ever read anti-222 say that.
Most people hail it as being an improvement over current competitive.
Is it perfect? No.
Does it have to be? No.

Can we stop with this “if it doesn’t solve EVERY problem then it’s bad”?

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It was an example. Whatever the meta’s gonna be, people will demand that.

See, this is just completely wrong. Brigitte was released between during stage 3 in Overwatch League season 1, and the first time she was played competitively was in stage 4 (she was not part of the stage 3 patch). Even then, for the first half of stage 4, only a few of the weaker teams played with her, and often with DPS heroes in the mix rather than actual goats.

In other words, Goats hasn’t been prevalent for a whole year yet. It’ll be a year in about a month’s time, which means if they’ve been developing role queue for over a year, they started developing it before Goats was even a thing.

It’s game development. They’re constantly developing systems they’re not sure are going to end up in the game. A ton of stuff, from whole concepts like this to individual heroes or maps get scrapped when they try them out and feel they aren’t beneficial for the game. At the time of the interview, they evidently weren’t sure whether or not they could make it work, so they didn’t want to promise something they couldn’t deliver.

What did they say?

Not exactly.

Because people get toxic towards getting a 222 comp with the objective of forming a synergistic party. Their mentality is that if the team is 222, then it’s inherently balanced, which gives them a better chance at winning.

The failure in this assumption is that not every 222 comp is inherently balanced. And now that 222 will be the only way to play, people will start realizing that. So they will start getting toxic at any other thing that they believe are responsible for not always get a synergistic party.

It might be utility DPS heroes. It might be going double off tank. It might be not having defensive off healer ults.

The specifics don’t matter. In the end, people just want good teams. But Blizzard is taking a hands off approach towards teaching their players how to play their own game, which means a lot of misconceptions are flying around, and they let it roll. I mean, we don’t even have data on basic stuff like damage and cooldown of abilities on their own website.

That’s why after role queue goes on live, soon some youtuber or streamer will make some wild claim that will go popular and people will start asking about the devs to fix that. Remember when they said off meta heroes had an easier time climbing because they abused PBSR, then it got removed from high ranks, and those high tier off meta players still kept their ranks?

the way the game is designed there will always be a meta that’s more prevalent. I mean, that’s what META means (most effective tactic available).

2-2-2 isn’t supposed to fix that anyway, so why are you even bringing it up?
2-2-2 is about average match quality. You can nitpick situations all day long, but those are just very specific scenarios that usually don’t come up very often or assume worst case scenario.
Of course it’s not gonna erase toxicity, but it’s not supposed to do that.

It’s like chastising a person who helps homeless people because he didn’t solve world hunger.

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there are literally hundreds of posts claiming forced 222 will produced good team comps and coordination, thats not going to happen

That’s not the assumption. The assumption is “if both teams are playing 2-2-2, the baseline games will be more balanced than when you have a 5-1 composition on one side facing a 2-2-2 on the other”

And that’s true.


It won’t produce good comps and coordination, but it will improve the average composition quality and coordination. It’s all about raising the baseline. We had 3 years to do that in an environment without rolequeue and we’ve clearly proven that we’re not capable of doing it, so now it’s imposed to an extent :man_shrugging:

Everyone would prefer a world without rolequeue where team compositions were balanced nonetheless, but that’s not the world we’ll ever live in.


Look, 222 has made the game extra boring in my eyes. And the problems some people claim it fixed, it didn’t.

What it did was:

Make matches more mirrored.

Ensured the existence of tanks and heals in every team.

Am I willing to take that over the fun I’ve had with winning with 6 supports? Of having a Bastion protected by three tanks? Personally, no.

Toxicity is staying the same. People complaining about wrong picks is the same. But at least we have two tanks! Look at that Hog, he thinks he’s a DPS!

I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind. And I have already made up mine. I’m upset about 222 in QuickPlay the most. And yes, I’m 80% sure QP classic won’t be permanent after like a week. Not to mention it probs not having endorsements or achievements.

I guess one good thing is that I can queue as Symm and if someone complains I can dismiss them by saying “if you wanted to see a different DPS, you should have gone DPS”


This part is about pre role queue. You asked any random player, and they would constantly tell you that going 222 was the best strat, which show that they didn’t even knew what makes a team composition good.

That’s not what meta means.

Meta is just short for “metagame”, which is the assumptions you make before the game even start.

Meta formations are pretty much assumed by popularity, not necessarily efficiency. Things like “It’s Ilios ruins, be careful of enemy Widow” before the spawn doors even open. Because you know that’s a good map for Widow, so you preemptively tackle this issue.

Meta is a really useful prefix, and it show up in a lot of areas, not only games. Saying it’s just a funny acronym is plain wrong.

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