What will players want after 2-2-2 fails

Wouldn’t call it isolated at all, but sure, and yeah, I’m salty about how robbed my gameplay experience has been for the past 3 years. So I would much rather do that :stuck_out_tongue: Playing on the PTR has given me a taste of the good life, so now I can recognize just how bad we’ve had it for so long.

And good on you for that. Would’ve been nice if more people played like that, but that didn’t happen.

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Lets follow up on your logic shall we?

If every single person on both teams have less impact on the match, what does that mean on the grand scale?
Let me tell you.

Throwers gonna have less impact.
1 person underperforming wont have that much impact.

You can twist everything as much as you want but it wont change the fact that after 2-2-2 will become a thing, it will be guaranteed, that you will have 2 person/role on your team who can play on the required level. (not counting the occasional throwers)
In 2-2-2, things will always be relatively close unless more than 1 person mess up in the team on multiple occasion.
If that is the case, they dont belong there and should be getting a defeat, regardless of how others do in the team. if others were doing fine,they will get their SR back on the next match,but the ones who dont,will eventually fall.

The first few months will be a total “brown thingy show” until everyone eventually fall into the rank they belong,once that is somehow stabilized, all will be fine and roflstomp matches will be very rare.

It did and I was against it initially. Why? Not because I enjoy playing tarded comps(I do not) but because I wanted to play Tracer and nothing but Tracer.

For me the solution(when the game was smaller) was to buy 32gb of ram and setup a Ram disk while also hooking up an xbox controller to the pc to guarantee I have first pick every game. And when I did not get Tracer I’d immediately quit the match and requeue.

For a large portion of the OW community this behavior has not changed. You see it most often whenever a new hero releases or when a otp has their character taken or multiple support mains are in the same game. For me that has changed quite a bit as I do flex between DPS and Tank now but that’s only because they put fun into the tank category.

Rolequeue is in no way similar to 1HL and it’s only being implemented due to OWL poor viewership numbers. They don’t give 222 craps about the core game anymore. You see that with the effort they put into their events. Think I’ll make a thread.


To me, doesnt matter what we want anymore if 2-2-2 fails. Its probably the first and final attempt to save the game. If 2-2-2 doesnt do it, Overwatch is done-zo.


:clap: hit the nail on the head.

Remember when Baptiste came out not to long ago? How with his release came multiple changes to other characters.

People flocked to those characters instead of him because they liked the familiarity and wanted to see what’s different now instead of learning a new character.

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I’ve kinda run out of golden weapons I want, and since I’ll still mostly be focused on one role, all the others I have on other specs won’t see use.

This is probably the dumbest reason I’ve seen.

I honestly am liking the system on PTR, but would like to see how it feels on live.
I also suspect some things won’t change, like “don’t play comp on weekends”.


Before you do, look up stage 3 statistics or watch some games. Hell, just watch the finals. If you think Goats was the reason they implemented rolequeue, you’re just wrong, because Goats was no longer the issue in stage 3. It was still the most popular composition (there’s always going to be a meta), but it was only slightly more popular than other compositions, it was probably played about 40% of the time towards the end of the stage, and most of the best teams this stage were ones that didn’t play any Goats, or played multiple compositions.

Another question you have to ask is, if they only wanted 2-2-2 because of OWL, why not just introduce it there? It’s so much easier too, you just have to tell teams “you always have to play 2-2-2”, and they’re good, instead of having to develop this incredibly complicated and expensive system for the rest of the game too.

I think you’ll find the same to be true for 2-2-2 a few months down the line. Just give it a chance, you were wrong once, who says you’re not wrong with this one too? :smiley:


Probably hero queue, since we’re already seeing complaints of “wrong heroes” in their games

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Yeah that will always be a problem :stuck_out_tongue: I mean I see less of them in my comp games since I’m GM, but I still use it as a general rule because when you do run into them MAN are they annoying and immature, so it’s not worth the risk still :stuck_out_tongue:

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Unlikely, that goes against the core philosophy of Overwatch, it was always supposed to be about hero switching. You can maintain that even with a 2-2-2 lock, but if you prevent hero switching, it becomes literally impossible.

And what would they accomplish with it anyway? What problem does it solve?

I can’t think of any.


It’s up to you lol. Nobody will force you to get golden gun if you don’t want to.

The “core philosophy” of Overwatch has changed several times over these 3 years and means nothing anymore.

What would I accomplish? Forcing everyone to play “the most effective team comp”. Exactly what 222 is trying to do, except twofold. Make games “more fair”, I guess.

No more double snipers. No more Symm and Mei as DPS. No more Hog and Dva who suicide every push and offer no protection. We’ll force every team to have a shield, a main healer, a flanker and a hitscan.

There. It’s fair. Enjoy your game.

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Take your negativity elsewhere then?

No, specific hero queue would make it so you are unable to switch, an make more games unwinnable because they queued into a hard counter to their specific hero, and they are powerless to swap to something useful, or the other way would be to match the exact hero in a mirror match so that every teamcomp is always a mirror match, which would be really really stupid imo.

It’s a lose lose update.

Has it? Last I checked Overwatch is still a team based 6v6 hero shooter. Tell me one thing they said about Overwatch where they were like “Overwatch is a game about ____” that’s no longer the case, I can’t think of any. Sure, a lot of the mechanical systems have changed, but their core philosophy remained very consistent.

So when you say “hero queue” you don’t just mean forcing players to choose a hero before they get into a match, but actually force them to only one of 6 predetermined heroes? Come on now, I get that you’re making a bit of hyperbole, but do you really think they’re release 30 or 40 heroes and then make 80% of them impossible to play?


That will happen now too, since a DPS can queue into a match with a decent Widow, but only the dedicated support is able to counter.

Support main queue into a Doomfist who won’t stop harrassing. Too bad none of DPS are good at Sombra or even care for the Doomfist in the first place.

With hero queue every person will be able to choose who they want to see on their team.

Everyone is happy. No one can complain about having “wrong heroes”.

I’d say hero bans which is what i’ve been looking for since forever.

When 1 hero limit was put up for debate, the devs literally said that “hero stacking is a core design element of the game”

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the 222 meme is basically the worst thing that happened to overwatch, ever since it became popular people have been picking heros they cant play to make " a good comp" throwing because the comp isn’t 222 or because it is but one hero is “wrong” and their obsession with 222 stops them picking one in the same role, or switching away from comps that are working so as to make things 222

its completely ruined the quality of matches in competitive and increased toxicity and i expect it to get worse when the forced 222 system hits live, right now people are being polite because they are just there to try it and they know progress on test means nothing