What will players want after 2-2-2 fails

I’m a 1500 hour tank main, and I guess I made an assumption about you because your career profile says you have most of your time spent on widow.

But still, the same applies to the people who always lock DPS.

Here’s a news flash for you: Bad behavior is everywhere in life. If you expected this game to not have such, you were mistaken.

Personally, I’d rather send them off to Paris Island to get some discipline drilled into them so that they’d stop being like that.

Does that tell you the extent of my anger? :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Of course, I don’t get that particular option.

It’s already on the PTR and you’re already getting an idea of its affect.

Once it goes live, it’s not going solve the problem people claim it would and it would make the game worse for people who main and flex.

It’s not even mid match.

Even in your own roster, you likely have a hero that you prefer depending on the map that you get.

You have no control of the map that you’re going to be put in next, and then it turns out that the map that appeared is something you’re good at on a different role.


that sounds like an amazingly specific problem.

Hardly, unless you already are a one trick, you’d have a hero pool that you already know what situation to use them in.

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I cannot agree or disagree with anything you said because that was literally never my experience. However, I will say this though. Managing egos, personalities, etc. Should never fall onto any one random person in a game lobby. If player x is the type of person that can do it, that’s fine. All I know is that with role queue I do t have to ask people on my team to please pick a healer or another tank. These people would have willingly chose this role at the beginning of the game. If find that it would be much easier to reason with people who decided to play the desired role. As opposed to someone begrudgingly choosing it because of the pressures to win the game.


U can tell jess is already dead set in her ways always nitpicking everything and refusing to acknowledge the positives on every thread i come across. For example:

‘More accurate’ is correct. No more will we have mercy mains playing tank or rein 1 tricks playing widow which have zero transferable skills and make the game less balanced.

Better structure and balance is great for any competitive game imo

This is such a bad counter argument lol

So because its not PERFECT, its apparently not good enough. We will still see people on heroes they may not be familiar with but its still a MASSIVE improvement and makes games MUCH more balanced in terms of gameplay AND matchmaking.

Id stop personally

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A pony.

And a trip to Hawaii.

Given the demonizing of DPS players by the pro forced 2/2/2 crowd, I’m guessing 0/3/3. Don’t have DPS, just tanks and healers.

Except we already tried that and no one liked that either.

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My guess is asking for hero bans once the new meta settles and people get bored of watching mirror matches in OWL again, with a side dish of preventing their teammates from selecting “bad heroes”

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I don’t benefit from 2/2/2 as a flex player.


Why not? You can do your placement matches all on higher level and get more competitive points

If there were enough flex players 2/2/2 wouldn’t be so needed though. The eradication of the flex playstyle is sad, but the flex playstyle was a small minute subset of the community and didn’t have any real impact on the game at large.

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Im going to have the best time in the world when 2-2-2 patch comes live, this patch is golden for the players who been playing fps games for decades at high ranks. Pretty sure im actually going rank higher by miles when this is going live :wink:

Agree, hoping it will be here today,
but I already see problems that are coming.

Nobody is be able anymore to fill the bad dps when roleQ is enabled,
and people like me will camp the spawn when they have such a dps…

All of this because people are to lame too fill.

I actually experienced the opposite, I’m only 3800 on my main role on PTR, and I’m 4100 on live. The coinflip of the matchmaker putting me in uneven games on live where we were pretty much sure to win made it so it was easy to rank up (or fall) but i guess I got lucky. Games are way more tooth and nail than I am used to, but I’m LOVING THE CHALLENGE. Also lobbies are way less toxic since there is no role deliberation, i haven’t had any games where I had to play the social minigame of trying to keep my team positive and happy in order to win :smiley:

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Interesting! Well i haven’t been on the PTR yet, maybe i should try it out lul. Im actually glad to hear that , hopefully it will stay that way :slight_smile:

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PTR is basically the real game to me at the moment, it’s literally all I have played since the patch dropped, even at 180 ping it’s just overall more enjoyable, you’re probably gunna love it c:

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Zen lore.

I know it’s not effective to the gameplay, but some of us want some Zen lore.

To actually answer your question, I truly have no idea

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Guess I’m a mythical flex player then.

I’ve gotten every achievement for every character I wanted. I’ve learned all these characters and adjust accordingly.

The problem is no one thinks that way anymore. It’s why smurfing and alts happened. People just tunnelled themselves thinking they should be the star of the show or even running it instead of being apart of the cast and crew.

All those alt accounts made to flood the system clogging a competitive environment and removing accountability because your main won’t be effected.

That and many more issues make up the bulk of competitive. That won’t change when 222 comes along.

So you’d rather throw vitriolic hatred towards a group by association when it’s just an isolated incident you and many others experienced? DPS has a larger roster so of course it can be just a subset.

Tanks and supports are limited by comparison. But hatred can be spewed more towards them for being limited on choice and poor calls.

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