What will players want after 2-2-2 fails

Oooo, wisdom tooth surgery, make yourself a fruity smoothie, it’s all my fiance would have when she got her wisdom teeth out for the first 3 days after.

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Better get a life time supply of popcorn dude.

Yeah, vindictiveness towards a section of players is unnecessary.

Because it only fixes it for those high ranks who aren’t going to experience “I’m just here for my loot box, and I can only play Roadhog as Tank”. Sure, great, they’re a Gold tier Roadhog, amazing, that doesn’t mean it’s not going to feed when the other Tank cries they can’t have Hog because they’re in for the exact same reason, then you end up with 2 Tanks who don’t know what they’re doing.

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Appreciated. Man I do love smoothies.


why fails?
its a great system that needs a lot of work to bring people on the elo they belong…

the next thing i want regardless: better smurf protection, phone verification

so, we’ve been playing 2-2-2 for three years, yet 2-2-2 is bad for the game.
Come again?

it gives player far more control over their experience. Queueing knowing you’ll get a roughly balanced team and won’t have to worry in filling heroes you don’t like.
And it actually discourages onetricks, because now you can’t count on your team bailing you out.
Also, if you play tank, you should at least be proficient on most of them.
I play main tank, so i can go rein, orisa, winston or hammond. I can also play zarya decently in case i get another main tank.

It’s impossible to always get 100% what i want, but my trick is that i broaden my horizons.
People one tricking will climb less and the game will actually prize people who can adapt.
And you’ll have to focus on your role.
Yeah, you might get bad dps. But that literally wouldn’t change anyway. That and a tank that switches to dps is a worse choice than you think.
Maybe start focus on your role instead of thinking how you’d play a different role.

i mean, they are both main tanks, you should be at least proficient with both of them.


A hero queue seems like is going to be inevitable or queuing by favorite heroes.
The current way of queuing is not good but just bare bone with 0 though processing when was created.


Honestly the only complaint outcome will be that dps queues are too high, dps players refusing to learn other roles are the main reason why so many matches are awful. These particular players will simply stop playing overwatch. Good outcome.

HI, I’m from Brazil. One of the biggest ways we fought hunger about 15 years ago was exactly building schools and giving the kids good lunch. In the poor part of the country, many kids went to school to eat as a primary motivator.

Just saying that this analogy is a terrible one. :kissing_heart:


There will come a point when players demand every heroes to have self sustain, so that even if all 5 teammates of yours are dead-weight, you can still potentially carry the game.
Though that would make the core mechanic of overwatch - teamwork - to be pointless, but less frustrating.

Why is this an issue in Overwatch but not as much of an issue in other games where roles are available to be selected from?
Many games where there is no hero switching will suffer if you stack the same role.
Why is it an issue here?

Again, why is this not as much of an issue anywhere but in Overwatch.

What if some of my best games have been solo-healing with one tank and 4 DPS? Basically games closer to the Paladins style where it is 1 tank, 1 support, and then the other 3 slots filled by damage or flankers.

Sure, it may fix this issue. But is it going to be worth it when you end up losing the core concept of what made Overwatch special. Hero Switching from the entire roster was part of what made Overwatch an exciting experience for me.

I never cared that I was solo-healing or solo-tanking. IMO every role should have the capacity to solo heal and there should just be less players in a game in general. 2-2-2 is restricting and does not provide a challenge to the tank and support players. Being able to solo your role is impressive. Perhaps its time to just drop the 6v6 idea altogether and go for a 1-1-3 and give every hero the capacity to successfully play their own role. And maybe then hero switching in your own role will also not feel as bad because 1 person choosing from 7 heroes feels a bit more impactful. And the DPS have a much larger roster to choose from between 3 people.


Disagree, credit where credit is due, and you guys earned it in full. You been ruining games for three years with the selfish playstyle. That’s like kicking someone in the nuts and then they call you a butthole, and then you upset about being called a butthole. It’s totally called for.

Role based SR. And the mutual desire to win. And also, two off tanks isn’t the end of the world, it’s actually one of my favorite strats for map segments like Nepal Villiage, you can ignore bunker comp because of all the extremely short range engages on the map so thats great. It’s certainly better than a 3rd and 4th dps.

It looks like a win win to me.


You talk as if everything your saying is a fact. I hope that’s not the case…because it’s not. In the same example you gave; those two tanks may not know what they’re doing. However, they could also learn from their mistakes and do better next time. You may need to start sayin things like “in my opinion” from now on. Speculations and assumptions can be bad, and make you look like a negative Nancy.


Except in my experience getting people to switch when it was needed, were the worst experiences I’ve had in the game. If switching heroes was the core value of Overwatch, well it seemed to me that stubbornness was the real core value. In my experience anyway.


Not every dps player is like that. Just like how every tank players isn’t perfect or every support makes the right call.

Heck one of the best players I’ve come across in the game was a Sombra player.

If you starting painting everyone with the same brush you don’t see them as an individual anymore and can let even worse attitudes develop then what you vilified.

Also Forced 222 will just make having a leaver hurt more with no one to fill and that’s what I’m not looking forward to.

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The next evolution after 222? It will be the game automatically picking your character for you based on the meta…and then after that fails it’ll be people telling the game what SR they want (don’t even actually play the game)


It’s not your job to get someone else to switch.
I found suggesting solutions to a problem we were having and offering to switch if someone else would pick up on what I had to switch off of was more successful in getting people to switch around at all.
No one likes to be told what to do, but people did like to think that their switch when successful was one that the team would appreciate it. So offering a solution and praising someone later I found meant it was more likely to see people switch.

I would see people switch all the time. Not necessarily to the most obvious hero to deal with a problem (eg. Winston to deal with Sym or a team of predominantly squishies). But people switched.

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to be fair to him, healers are some of the most obnoxious and entitled players around. Most act like everything is thanks to them and them only.
DPS are an important role after all.

Only dps players could get a full year of not being meta and still be the punching bag of the target.
Basically, dps players are white american people. Insult them as much as you want, no one will be offended.

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I’m a 600 hour tank sunshine.


But enough to make a majority share, if there were more flex players like these almost near unicorn players who almost never are in your game, then it wouldn’t be the case needing role queue. But since such a large share of it existed that it became untenable, role queue is kinda sweet revenge, or justice for it.

When looking at the big picture, you do end up painting things with a broad stroke. Certainly I wasn’t painting every DPS that way, but since it’s a majority share coming from one portion of the community, I will use the term DPS as a generalization.