What will players want after 2-2-2 fails

So what exactly is it trying to fix? It only partially fixes the most egregious of annoying 4+ DPS compositions. That’s literally it.

And I say only partially, because Tanks and Supports can still be played as bad DPS.


The video will give you pretty much every opinion I have on the matter.

The difference is the mindset is a lot slimmer. You sign up as tank, you should expect to play a tank. You sign up as dps, you expect to play dps.

Yes, the specific parts of the composition still requires coordination. But the fact that you’re not going to need to play a completely different role to what you selected is a good start toward eventually finding some system that works for the benefit of more people.

As an addition, my personal PTR experience has been the complete opposite of yours. The majority of my teams have been more than happy to have ‘decent’ compositions, to the point that if one of the two dps is constantly willing to switch characters to counter the enemy, it’s already a far better experience than live is right now.

Frankly, if 2-2-2 wasn’t announced so soon, I’d be the one uninstalling, because to me, live is an utter mess.


As people have said, without huge variety, your impact is less significant. And also when you only have like 7 of the entire roster to choose from because you play Tank or Support, you are severely limited and changing will feel less impactful because of it.


Are you telling me 222 won’t magically make everyone treat me with respect while also making me a top500 player and successful streamer so that I can quit my job and play video games for a living?

Because if 222 won’t do that then it’s obviously a failure


Agreed, seems like people just refuse to acknowledge the many benefits because it maybe impacts their paticular playstyle a bit negatively.

News flash: its not all about u

If people adapt rather than throw their toys out the pram by complaining or throwing on tank/support then theyll see overwatch reach its full potential imo.

Way too many coinflip games were happening for a competitive playlist and imo its the reason so many people have left


i remember when he lowered the required xp to level up from 22000 to 20000 people complained that “noobs” will get sooner into competitive.

let’s be honest, if you are tank/healer and switch to hitscan to counter a pharah 9/10 your team loses because they lost a key role and made the comp more confused.

Switching roles mid match is grossly overrated, it’s not something i see do often outside of desperation tactics or the 4th or 5th dps finally realizing a dps only comp doesn’t work.


Some rather contrary views here.

You can play what you want. As long as what you want fits the composition. You can’t flex, because you can’t play heroes equally well, which makes inconsistent games. But you have to flex on to heroes you don’t like and aren’t as good at to fit the composition.

The only thing I come away from that fixing is the 4 support players issue. Which is a very niche issue for very high ranks.

So, I guess this is the usual pandering to high ranks dressed up as a lot of things it’s not for everyone else.

The most ridiculous part of that (aside from that horrible WoW UI) was “well, I’ll play Rein if I get a Zarya”, I mean, what even is that, he’s still nowhere near guaranteed a Zarya… :woman_facepalming:

The vindictiveness toward DPS is uncalled for as well.

The difference is, I sign up as a Tank, I’m still going to be not the tank you wanted, or not as good on the Tank you do want.

You seem to miss the point, probably because you’ve one tricked for so long, that playing a different Tank is playing a whole other role depending on setup. I’m more than willing to accept I’m a trash show as Winston. You don’t want me on Winston. I’m not a good Zarya either.

“But just learn them”. No. I don’t like them. I don’t want to play them. I’m not going to queue Tank when it becomes the expectation that I do.

Not one produced a decent composition for me, I wasn’t even playing against decent compositions, it was just a matter of which composition was worse and who didn’t get the DPS Moira.

It was not better. I felt like I was playing with my hands bound.

It might be okay if you main more generalist heroes, like most of the Support roster, and half the DPS cast, but for Tanks who are more niche themselves, and for more niche heroes; it’s a mess. Especially when those niche heroes demand more niche heroes with them.

That just takes us all the way back to the peer pressure of people unapologetically instalocking whatever they want.


“What will players want after 2-2-2 ̶f̶̶a̶̶i̶̶l̶̶s̶ succedes”

Fixed :wink:

Personally, I want a pizza.


You were vehemently opposed to 2-2-2 before even trying it, went onto the PTR for a few nice rounds of confirmation bias and now it’s “the worst thing” ever because it didn’t fix things it wasn’t really supposed to and that also occur on Live?


What is it supposed to fix?

I’ve seen people telling me it’s not fixing what I think it’s supposed to fix, so tell me what it fixes, because I’ve seen zero evidence of it fixing anything but the GM problem of getting 4 support players.


Nothing from me. When season 18 hits I’m quitting. 222 is something I didn’t want, but I could try to make due but they directly or indirectly nerfed almost all of my mains with the balance changes. I literally have no character left I enjoy playing so screw this place


You were in the threads where that got explained, lol.

In short: better hero balancing because role stacking is prevented; more accurate SR for the role you’re playing; better general experience for tanks & supports because they won’t have to solo quite as much. And yes, no more 5 X mains on one team, against a team with 2 mains of each.

It’s not suddenly going to make silver teams synergize perfectly, that’s for sure.

And yes, there are downsides. But players have the tools to overcome them unless they’re dead set in their ways and refuse to adapt. And you can’t design around that attitude, imho.


Just give me Hero Bans, brig is dead so is sym with there new nerfs. Dont want GOATS ban Brig and one more hero. Similar to R6S. Sure 222 gets rid of Goats but stale metas, SHD beating 3 Top teams who used goats/ varients using 1-3-2 was the greatest thing . I’ve watched during OWL and also better mm

Honestly the biggest flaw is the player base and negative selfish attitudes… Thank You for leaving, honestly! A positive step to making overwatch great again

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Yeah, I’m someone that has to deal with that, because for some reason, there is a congestion of support players around masters that ruin so many games.
But that shouldn’t be the only thing you come away from that with.

And I mean, is it though? It’s kinda been the state of overwatch for three years, and they proved single handedly that they need regulation because their own selfish desires were winning them over, so now they have to deal with the queue time effect of the regulation.

I mean if they weren’t so selfish in the first place then role queue wouldn’t be so very needed, so DPS players kinda did this to themselves right? The vindictiveness isn’t out of place if it is undeniably true. That’s basically being offended by the truth, and that’s just dumb xD

So like, that’s that tho. Glad it’s incoming, PTR is all I’ve been playing since it dropped, and I have not had so much fun and hard games where both teams are able to put up a good fight tooth and nail, back to back to back to back. No more empty wins or one sided stomps because the matchmaker put in too many support players, and no more thrown quickplay games where the team decides to 5 DPS on either team, because those losses are meh, and the victories are hollow and weren’t very fun.

Simply this role queue business is by far THE BEST overwatch has ever felt to play, every game is fun, rather than one game in three hours of playing.


12 months of hero buff/nerf/rework churn. Okay.

Nope. Different heroes are different. Again, I’m a trash show Winston, mid-Gold Orisa/D.Va. I can’t play Doomfist to save my life, again, mid-Gold Pharah. Silver tier Baptiste, mid-Gold Mercy.

It does nothing of the sort in terms of better SR.

Hardly ever had to solo anyway, and my experience had nothing to do with whether I had another tank or support in my role, it had a lot to with whether the support or supports were doing their job. That’s night and day, but the quantity of them has nothing to do with it. It could be every bit as bad with 2 or even 3 supports.

I mean, it will, because incentives, role tourism, queue times will encourage players into roles, and onto heroes they’re just not good at; and since it’s such a temporary thing, it’ll take a long time to adjust, but they’ll create awful compositions along the way and they’re even more likely to have wildly disparate skill sets in the role.

So tell me. What does it fix?


It’s a game. And social media is a complaint factory. Put the popcorn down and enjoy your life.

I can’t have popcorn yet… (wisdom tooth after surgery)

What shall I have then?

Apparently nothing. I mean, I could try and keep arguing, but you’re just rebutting everything based on either speculation or your very subjective experiences.

Maybe you’re right, maybe not, we’ll see. In the meantime, I’ve been enjoying 2-2-2 quite a bit already, and so have many others. I hope you find a way too.