What will players want after 2-2-2 fails

I see the direct opposite. The new system ensures that there is only one other player picking from the same hero pool as you, so now if you enjoy a specific character, it’s easier than ever to one trick, as long as you have a single reserve hero.

People don’t pick roles. They pick heroes. They like playing X, Y and Z, and will develop their own strategies to make those heroes viable in as many situations as possible. One tricks just narrow that pool all the way down to only X.

That’s before we even touch the subject that we might only like one or two characters in a specific role. Sure, it might be “good for the game” to learn all those heroes you loathe, but at least for me, Overwatch is my leisure time. I don’t like playing Widow, and I will never ever touch her again on my own volition since I got her achievements (I only play her now when RNGesus demand on Mystery Heroes). I have zero desire to learn Widow, to git gud on Widow, or to any hero that play similarly to her (Hanzo, McCree, Ashe, etc).

So while previously I had 10 heroes I could swap at any moment in the match, now I only have decent swap options if I’m queueing as tank, and even there I don’t trust my Dva or Ball skills to be on par with the others.

When I’m on support, I’m OTP Moira (because Brigitte, my other hero, is being nerfed to the ground). When I’m on DPS, I’m locked to builders, and sometimes Pharah in certain maps (not all-around).

Since I get bored if I play the same hero over and over, I developed a very diverse hero pool. It just happens that they are split across all roles. And it saddens me that this was the way the game was supposed to be played, and now they are throwing me under the bus in favor of those that specialized in a single hero or role.

I will not, I ensure you. Especially because I stopped caring about climbing around… season 4, I think.

I stand that if you become a better player, your SR will follow you up, not the other way around. And that was true for me up to the moment they deleted my main and put her evil twin under her alias. At that moment I stopped trying to improve, and just as predicted, my SR became stable.

The moment the annoyances in the game surpass any excitement I get from playing the game, it’s the moment I quit. It already happened once, the second time is usually easier, and often final.