What was your reaction when you realized you can't play OW2?

Please share details! I cannot play because I do not have a phone and I need a workaround

Sounds like something worth fixing.

Try 8% of united states population. or 1 in 12 americans. or 27 million people.

Annoyed, then I solved it and I understand why they did it so “meh” I guess.

Went to forums, found an off hand reference to a voip app that was said to work, had working number hours later, spent rest of day trying to spread the word about it.

Hard truth here.

Sms protect is good for the game. You get banned now for being toxic and you arent getting back on without another phone contract. In OW1 and most f2p games people would buy another copy/make a new account. Im glad this is here to protect from that.

I have a prepaid phone as well but it works for me probably because iam from eu.

Thats a reason not to spend any money they might and will lock me out when they figure out eu phones…

I doubt you understand anything.