I know it has to deal with mercy but what was it?
Mercy basically had 100% pickrate.
As for the meta there were kinda 3 versions of it.
ah, thank you. I kinda thought it was her 2.0/2.5 state really.
When Mercy had instant rezzes on cooldown and a 100% pickrate, it was a dive meta.
At the start, Mercy had the res she has now except it was instant, recharged immediately when she used her ult, got reduced to a 10 second recharge during ult, and her ult lasted for 20 seconds
Basically, Mercy just resurrected people for days and risk free by comparison to today
I think it was during the first patch after Mercy got reworked. Instant rez, Rez cooldown refreshed on ult and other stuff. Also having 100% pickrate.
It was also possibly the most toxic for healers in the history of the game.
Mercy was sooooo good at 95% pick/win rate, that if you did not have a Mercy on your team, you lost. And even worse, anyone who picked someone not Mercy, was instantly shunned and excommunicated. Support mains HAD to pick Mercy. It was, dare I say, Totalitarianism for supports.
Yeah, being able to potentially rez up to 4 people in ~30 seconds was game breaking at that time. And pulling off 4 rezzes was difficult. For most you would only get 3. 1, Ult, 2, and a 3rd. The 4th was difficult as your ult could end before the timer was reset.
It was by far the worst meta in Overwatch history. People think Goats was bad, Moth was a million times worse.
It’s the only meta that made me quite Overwatch (I came back when it ended of course).
I remember I did win one comp game where the enemy had a Mercy and we didn’t, and I still remember to this day how infuriatingly stressful that one match was. We had an Ana that would simply refuse to switch and kept saying “you don’t need Mercy to win. Why does everyone think we do!” It was on Numbani, and it got to a point where all we had to do was cap part of the last point (enemy team didn’t fully cap 3 points when they attacked). We just had to win one team fight and push the payload a little bit more to win.
We the attacking team kept winning team fights over and over, clearly demonstrating that we were the better team. But every teamfight we “won”, Mercy would just Valk and rez two people. That kept happening over and over until finally, we won a teamfight before Mercy earned her Valk. We never had a Mercy or a Valk of our own. We were simply better than the enemy team and never properly lost a team fight to ever need it.
But it was so infuriating to win a team fight over and over only for Mercy to Valk and Rez two people. Even after we won the match, I was still pissed because of how incredibly stressed out I was from that match.
Besides what they’ve already told you, I think the average rez per game was like 36
And I think thanks to that my Rez record was like 48 in a single game
Yeah, these days you are doing awesome if you manage to pull off 8-10 on one side of a match.
Most of my mercy play came from this time when there was no RQ. I wasn’t good with mercy and I hated playing her but If you didn’t have a mercy then you lost. This felt like the only meta that heavily impacted every rank
It’s was also when the forums were at a damn civil war. The entire general discussion would be flooded with mercy threads
Yeah, I legit had people argue over who had to play Mercy in my comp games.
Insta-Res, higher speed on her Ultimate, and i think her Ultimate also reset her CD for Res ?
Oh yeah. I think that was also the time people finally got tired of playing ranked. It killed Rank. DPS and Tank never got blame during the time for anything. If you weren’t fast enough to inst-lock those roles, guess what? You had to pick Mercy.
And even worst, all blame came down to support for EVERYTHING. If your team won with a Mercy, ehh you might get a pat on the back. If you lost with a Mercy, you took all the blame. And if you picked anyone not Mercy, your team practically forfeited before the game started. They threw the match. I can hear 5 grown adults complaining over the mic if you didn’t pick Mercy at the slection screen. And if, heaven help you, you did win a match without Mercy, you STILL got negative feedback.
From what I hear it was basically pick Mercy or lose.
This may sound bad, I always thought the Moth meta was the most healthiest metagame in 2018.
Definitely objectively wrong on that one. Mercy has been the only character that earned absolute must-pick status, and that’s never a good thing.
Not going to lie, Mercy was a must pick, but considering most of 2018 consisted of the Goats metagame, and Brigitte quickly became a must pick throughout most of 2018. This is why I think the Moth meta was better because it enabled some really damn good Tracer and Widow gameplay.