What was it about Mass Rez that you liked/disliked?

It was an interesting ult. I must be in the minority to not only mind rez mechanics in games like this but have played them as well. It was different and fit in with how different OW was suppose to be from other FPS games were (yes I know it’s more of a FPS/MOBA hybrid but for the sake a levity, just referring to it as a FPS)

The only issue is that Mass Rez seemed to contradict how the devs viewed OW’s gameplay. Insisting that OW set itself apart from others by having their gameplay be much faster (it’s why they nixed Symm’s healing turrets during her rework because they slowed the flow of the game).

I’m sure with tweaks like LOS, smaller radius, increased ult charge, cast time, and damage reduction INSTEAD of invulnerability could have helped it.

That’s not countering mass rez though. She still has it in that scenario to be used next fight.

Mass Resurrect was my favourite ultimate. Nothing could beat the feeling of bringing back multiple teammates back into a team fight!

I used to love having Rez wars with the enemy Mercy. To see who can get the better Resurrects off! That was much more fun than what we have now. Even when a Mercy is on the other team and we both Valk it just feels so blah. Like before Mercy’s would dive right into the middle and push Q and it would light up the kill feed. It was much more entertaining and impactful than being a flying healing chandelier.

I do however agree with the masses that Resurrect as an ultimate needed changes.

  1. I don’t think it was fair that he ultimate was easily executable. Just because Mercy is a entry level hero doesn’t mean she has to be really easy…
  2. Mass Resurrect needed counterplay. LOS changes, Block-able by barriers and a small cast time would’ve done the trick.
  3. Resurrect needed to have a function for living allies as well. Some kind of a burst heal or something would’ve forced players to Tempo Resurrect more.
  4. Mercy needed an E ability that would give her something to do other than heal/damage boost to change up her base kit and give her some much needed utility. A debuff or some kind of a skill shot mechanic would be needed.
  5. I don’t even mind 50HP/S so long as Mercy has an impactful ultimate and an E ability to make up for how slow her healing is.
  6. GA momentum buffs are the best thing that’s ever been given to her!

But yeah that pretty much sums up my thoughts on Mass Resurrect and Mercy in general! Hope it helps!


I loved mass rez over this… patchwork thing we have now.

  1. It was an earned ability. You had to be a good Mercy to get it as frequently as possible and you didn’t just get it after some arbitrary time no matter how good/bad you were.
  2. It was more rewarding to kill Mercy because you could delay her rez coming back up.
  3. As an ultimate it actually felt impactful to your team, rather than just to yourself, like every other support ult.
  4. Contrary to what people say, mass rez wasn’t used for 5 man upon 5 man all the time. A lot of higher elo Mercy players would tempo-rez a lot, where they’d rez one or two players in order to regain a foothold in a teamfight.
  5. It doesn’t arbitrarily come up at the start of the game for no reason.
  6. There was a bigger thought process to using it rather than “will I die if I rez this person”. You had to consider how impactful your rez would be to a teamfight, if you’d have more or less impact by waiting to rez, and you had to make sure you’d be safe attempting to cast rez and immediately after.
  7. Mass rez flowed really well and was satisfying to use. New rez just feels clunky to use since it just slows down the gameplay. I think a lot of people are happy to sacrafice good-feeling gameplay for “balance” until the hero they main gets an arbitrary change that makes them slower or clunkier.
  8. Competitive usage was innacurate before the change due to an SR exploit. In actuality, before the changes, Ana and Mercy both had a place as main healers in Overwatch.

Mass Resurrect was a thing of beauty and I loved it.

  1. It felt great to use both when tempo rez’ing to keep the fight going and even better when you managed to pull off those big rez’s.
  2. It was earned and gave you a payoff for surviving the scrum and healing your heart out.
  3. It was rewarding as you knew if you got it right it would have a big impact on the game.
  4. It was terrifying as you knew if you died or mistimed it your team could loose a critical fight.
  5. It was risky to pull off if the other team was paying attention to you meaning you had to play hard not to die. It was fun playing tag with flankers.
  6. Using it properly took game sense and the ability to read the flow of the fight and know when and when not to use it. A single rez could change the course of a fight as much as a mass rez if you knew a player was good and would make the most of it.
  7. It made you pay close attention to Ult Economy, your teams and the enemies, as your ult was valuable as using it at the wrong time could easily waste it or kill your team again.
  8. Pulling off a big mass rez was impactful and didn’t rely on others making plays which was refreshing for a healer in an FPS/Moba.
  9. The imagery and sound of mass rez was beautiful and everyone new what it meant when “Heroes Never Die!” when it rang out over the battlefield. It was the sound of hope for your team.

it was awful to just hardly win a fight to have it recet with full hp enemies.
i like mercy now.

Mass Resurrect was pretty good tbh.

1.) 50/50 chances of success.

2.) Good Mercy’s get rewarded with a good ult and bad Mercy’s don’t get any ult or end up using it incorrectly, gaining new value from it.

3.) better than Valkyrie by a long shot.

4.) Isn’t on a 30 second cooldown,

5.) ressing people actually felt impactful since it was best used during fights u like res which is literally only ever used now before or after a fight.

6.) I don’t like invulnerability but it was pretty fun to just res one player when a tracer or doomfist were about to ult me.

7.) requires some skill and thinking.


The purpose of Mass Rez was to allow players who would never get a skill based POTG (mercy mains) to still be appreciated by their entire team and thank them for a victory.

Usually, you would have to be really good at the game to get praise like that. Teamwipe with blade, dinks galore with widow, a 4k pulse bomb, etc.
It’s clear in those cases that a single player was the reason for the victory because of their sheer skill advantages they have over the opposing team.

Mass rez allows “bad” players to still recieve this praise. I did not like this system because it was clear that they ability existed solely for this purpose.

Mass Rez was basically Overwatch POTG version of a participation trophy.

“Nobody who plays Mercy will ever get POTG”
“Ok lets give her an ability to change that. They deserve to feel good too.”

To me, It streamlined fights.

Waiting for 4-5 res targets is a waste, so the ideal way to go was ressing 2-3 targets to keep up the team fight. Remember she’s an on field medic, hide and res was a very bad (and underused, despite the community and developer comments on the tactic) tactic.

Forcing better ult economy for both teams, positioning, and awareness, I think Mass Res gave a different mindset to players.

Also, kind of unrelated, tell me the last time you saw a Mercy POTG with her current state. Curious.


You have a little blurb vs. Paragraphs

At least be more descriptive on WHY you didn’t like it rather than just “She made it harder to win”

It felt like it always was a free win or it resulted in your team getting demolished by deadeye. Games with Mercy in them generally never felt good. Things were much better in season 5 with the introduction of the dive meta!

Yeah that wasn’t the reason for mass rez.


What was I was thinking. :sweat_smile:

I loved mass res for the fact that it made me truly feel like a hero, and had huge impact, but I disliked how players abused the no LOS requirement (there are even guides based on where to hide as Mercy).

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Mass Rez was her playmaking ability as a pro, however it was broke in lower tier play due to lack of coordination and bad in the higher ranks due to how predictable it is.

My biggest gripe with it was that whenever the Mercy didn’t have it or decided to save it for a ‘big rez’ you’d lose most team fights against teams that just brought Lucio Ana, and later Lucio Zen. Because Mercy brought no real utility (damage boosted snipers carrying wasn’t a thing back then) and merely provided a health buffer that didn’t really swing fights or contribute to any particular strategy besides ‘everyone die on the point to get rezzed and probably die again because they still have 5 players and we’re all out of position.’ She was also a lot easier to single out and kill off before Valkyrie.

So yeah, my problem with it wasn’t that it was too powerful, but that Mercy was too popular of a hero for her limited usefulness.

I hated the people on my team saying that I should just hide and wait for everyone to die then res.
It was the reason I turned off voice chat and never turned it back on.

Not saying hide and res was a problem just that people insisting/demanding that I do it was extremely annoying for me.

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Nah. Blizzard put a nail in that coffin in February.

The people still asking for it are in denial.

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I disliked mass rez and dislike rez in general.

A game like OW without any rez would really force Healers, no matter which is picked, to really play their part well, and for player to, hopefully, protect them.

The devs, however, may not have forseen all the problems that are coming up now. Unfortunately, not all things can be fixed with patchwork, and eventually, the structure must be rebuilt to a certain extent… which we most recently saw with the Symm rework, and may soon see with Torb.

McCree’s ult had more impact. You could bait out the rez by picking one or two people with it, allowing your team to save a more powerful combo or you could pop it as rez is cast to build up charge on everyone before they regain control of their character.

Now you can just ult dump and hope for the best in many cases.

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