What was it about Mass Rez that you liked/disliked?

Rez seems to be a crutch to Mercy.I don’t play her usually,but I played her once the other day,and she feels bad.I’d rather they removed rez and gave her back decent healz

A few reasons.

It was incredibly swingy and at max value was the single largest burst of impact in the game. To balance it, it was put on a hero without an E ability who basically only existed to heal and churn out rezzes. This kneecapped her viability.

The concept of killing Mercy “too first” was the most unintuitive thing in the game when it existed and it’s something I never see anyone really talk about. Kill Mercy on point B of 2CP, wipe her team, but if you take more than 3 seconds to do that she just walks out of spawn into a free multi rez (and in some maps it was just in spawn).

Hiding was a weird thing. I played at around the same SR then that I do now (mid diamond) usually as an off healer. For every teammate that I had that yelled at Mercy to hide I had five that would AFK completely unprompted for minutes at a time to bait out ults that never came, leaving me to “solo heal” many a game as Zen.

Invuln was a terribly change that made Rez unpunishable. Maybe it’s just me but I don’t see anything wrong with Mercy dying after a five man Rez.

Also purely personal thing but Mass Rez was boring as anything because you were incentivized to be as far removed from the fight as possible lest you die with Rez.

There are many issues to E Rez as well. Tbh I don’t think Blizzard is capable of putting and keeping Rez at a healthy place and I wish they would remove the ability for something else that doesn’t either break the game or leave Mercy as a rezbot.


because its not that easy if your only counterplay is to kill them

every ultimate in the game can be countered by killing the caster early but its not regarded as counter because its not a guaranteed way


You and me both, gorl. :^(

I never really liked that my reward for doing my job as a Healer correctly was something that only comes into play if I’m not doing my job correctly.

In the interest of fairness, I’ll say I’ve never really liked TacVisor for similar reasons (“Shot down half the enemy team? Have some auto-aim because clearly you can’t be trusted to remember that you point the noisy end at the bad people.”)

Liked: Better than current Valkyrie in terms of getting enjoyment

Disliked: Similarly to her now, the only reason you picked Mercy is for Resurrect, which isn’t good design.

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What I liked:

  • The feeling of making an impact on the game
  • The mind-games of trying to outsmart the enemies and the decision making (x3 are down but enemy probably has Grav, am I only going to rez them into a team-wipe?)
  • The visuals and audio
  • Having a counter to ult-spam
  • It feeling uniquely Mercy

What I disliked:

  • The pressure of teammates expecting you to survive ult barrages and come through when they failed their positioning
  • The limited counterplay
  • It being purely reactive and not having a proactive aspect

Are you talking about Ilios?

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Wait, I meant Nepal not Numbani. :joy: Crap.
I fixed it!

I never saw it that way.
A 60 HPS beam isn’t going to save anybody from…really any offensive ult in the game. Every game your team is going to get offesive ults thrown at them and at some point they’re going to mess up and get caught out by them.

That’s where Mass Resurrect comes in. Mercy is still the most defensively focused hero. Seriously… she does almost zero damage in most matches. If you as Old Mercy have managed to get your ult… well then you aren’t useless when the enemy ults start flying. If you as New Mercy have your ult… well it doesn’t matter if enemy ults start flying because you don’t have the damage/CC/strong defensive ult to DO anything about it.

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I felt impactful, I always felt like I had a shining moment in the match and was always engaged with my team communicating and just felt like I was important.

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It let Mercy have a significantly impactful moment and it countered ultimate ability spam.

I want to lose a match because I was outplayed in primarily a conventional fashion. I don’t want to lose because the other team all hit Q at once after losing every other team fight.


it felt like cheap garbage on the other side lol


As someone who played Mercy a lot both before and after the rework, I didn’t dislike Mass Rez itself as an ult. What I did dislike however, was people dictating to me how and when I should use my ult and criticizing me when I did. I think it was an impactful ult but the amount of work you put into executing it basically meant the potential for high impact for little to no work.

Despite what some people will tell you, Hide n Rez Mercy was absolutely a thing and a large percentage of the people I played with were hellbent on perpetuating it as the only way to play Mercy. There would be people who demanded a solo rez, there would be people who would scream for healing and then scream at me for dying with rez while trying to heal them, there would be people who would flip out if they were just out of range and did not get rezzed… I think the design of Mass Rez cultivated this school of thought on how Mercy should be played but it was players who perpetuated it.

Also, despite what other people say, I find Valkyrie more hands-on and fun (it very much suits my playstyle) and was super stoked when it went live, and even though it’s been nerfed and watered down several times, I still find it fun, still get results from it, and still prefer it to Mass Rez.


Not for me. I’ve been on both sides of it. In an intense match you could get 2 or 3 good rezzes each on the final point alone. Your emotions would be all over the place, but at the end, win or lose, you were just left thinking, ‘Wow! What a match!’

Only the most sourfaced tryhards wouldn’t love that kind of experience from a game.


That was the issue! Both team needed her since she could reset bad plays, even if she only got one or two people with it. Not to mention good heals and buffing.

I never played Mercy, but I loved everyone that did it well. They had the same respect as good Rein players have. They could actually make an impact back then.

Now it’s just another grey-tinged character… just another carrot bobbing in a bland soup.


What I liked was that it was the only way a (BRAVE, because everyone past bronze seemed to know to target me) Mercy player could dive in, and do something about the Zarya/Hanzo or Zarya/Junkrat wombo combo of 2 ultimates wiping your team, hopefully just as they’re realoading after murdering 4-5 of you.
What I didn’t like was that ressurecting your allies in no way guaranteed that you actually won the fight that happened afterwards; If the players couldn’t hit the farm from 5 feet then they sometimes just did the same nutty things that got them killed the first time.
As they say “you can’t heal stupid”.
This was frustrating when you felt like you did as good a job as possible, went un-interrupted/blocked/thwarted all game at maximum efficiency, and your best efforts still didn’t carry enough impact to win the match solo.

I know my experience differs from how a lot of players felt the reality of play actually was, I just remember things being this way.

The invulnerable frames meant that if you had a team bearing down on you, and no one (living) in reach to run away to, then that corpse team-mate I reached can be a speed-bump between me and the enemy team, rather than just me being instagibbed.

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I liked it because it was a counter to dps ultimates, and the only two supports that can do that now are Lucio and Zen.

I like reactive ults too.

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I didn’t like that it’s the only ult in the game where you know how much vaule you’re going to get before you even press the button