What Valkyrie really looks like

So what was the point? To show us that Valkyrie is bad in the wrong hands?


If you have to ask, you’ll never know.

Could say the same about your video. Super jump spamming to prove Mercy is balanced. gasps so amazing.


Sure thing



Thanks guys.
I’m not the only one to say you’re passive or using it wrong. You should rewatch your games and try to improve your gameplay, really.

That’s what was akward for me in those plays, to many moment when the OP is waiting doing nothing.

Clip 10 -> doing nothing most of the time

This vid is so cool :heart:


You gotta abuse crouching more when someone is shooting at you.

For example:

This was also done in a QP game, where I had Ana as a second healer.
At the moment, we were 6v6 I used valk and she nano’d me.

I pulled out my pistol and killed 3 (Ashe, Mcree, Rein) leaving my team who were already full health to eliminate those who remain which is Bastion, Hanzo & Mercy, The enemy Mercy also couldn’t revive anyone since she had revived Bastion already. That Valkyrie helped my team 6v3 and win the game, That’s how you use valk, keeping track of abilities, ults and helping your team win fights.

I’m not a good player myself, although I do play Mercy a lot, she was what got me from low gold to now platinum, She is good to those who use her well.


Mercy is better in comp where her teammates are better and she can flourish.

Theres nothing to do, our team had it covered.


my judgement of games are always “if mercy gets potg, it’s a bad game” xD

Regarding this statement:
All of the heroes, who have something more going on, when it comes to mobility, than just WASD and jump, have their own movement tricks.
It just happens that some of them rely on them more than others… (Mercy, Winston, Lucio, Pharah…)

Mercy’s superjump is not a bug either. To remove superjump you’d have to remove the whole GA boost mechanic.

not to mention she’s balanced even without utilizing super jump.


My judgement is “If we have Ana/Moira, and I still have gold healing as Mercy, something is clearly wrong here.”

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Our experience differs…I almost always get gold healing as Mercy when paired with a second healer - any healer

However, in my opinion, when a player plays Mercy with the intention of solely pocketing Pharah, said Mercy player should expect poor overall healing performance

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You forgot the instances where…

Torb turret locks to you and kills you because there is no safe place to GA to
Bob aimbots you down
Soldier/Mccree ultis you down instantly
You try to harrass a widow since she’s a problem but they’re practically aimbot when it counts
You try to harrass enemy supports but they heal each other
You valk to dodge ultis but genji/riptire kills you anyway due to low ceiling
You valk for increased healing and the person dies because valk disconnected for a microsecond
You valk and everyone runs in 4 different directions
You valk to push but your whole team keeps standing on the choke, wasting it

And many other reasons why valk still feels like a horrible ultimate. But mainly because it blows as a support ultimate, because it’s not powerful enough to be an ultimate.


Mercy’s new ultimate ability is called Valkyrie, and when she uses it she’ll have the ability to fly. Like, really fly, Kaplan said.

“She can fly, and I don’t mean that she can Pharah-boost in the air briefly, I mean she can fly,” he said. “And it’s super fun. You have complete control of your character. After all, Mercy has those wings we might as well put them to real use. I mean, Guardian Angel’s pretty good, but imagine flying with Mercy, how much fun it could be.”

It turns out… not that fun!

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Just play Ring around the Rosie.

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Factually, Valkyrie is an ultimate; and I personally find it to be one of the most powerful and most versatile ultimates in the game


That’s just, like, your opinion.

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Lol all the butthurt downvotes on the video.


(I think it can be fun)

just not particularly strong.

Well, it’s fun to fly away from death…but your teammates most likely won’t have time to appreciate the view.