What Valkyrie really looks like

If i didnt have a crappy PC i would make a montage of what the other other OTHER side of Valk is

You mean for teammates or for enemy team?

Blink spamming to prove Tracer is balanced. Gasps, so amazing.

Mercy: Heroes never die!

Team: dies because of Mercys bad pathetic ultimate

Mercy: Am I a joke to you?


Factually, a player receiving 60HPs/s healing has a substantially greater chance to survive in a given situation, especially if the teammates around him are also receiving this same healing and are therefore also better set to take out the enemies in the area

Too much truth, unfortunately the forums are full of Mercy haters.


Would you be willing to make a video showing all of the valks that actually helped you win teamfights though, because this is incredibly misleading. I can round up all the failed genji and rein ultimates I’ve ever experienced, compile them into one video and slap a “This is what [insert ult] really looks like” and it would look pretty bad.

Nice vid. Shows how Valk really works at higher skill levels.

I could do that, they’re incredibly boring to watch though in my opinion. I didn’t intentionally fill the video with plays that paint valk in a bad light. I went for a mixed bag of quirky uses, battle mercy, “valk and watch everyone die”, valk and just left click and win the fight. I guess im trying to show valk is boring regardless of how useful or useless it is


I just figured this probably is an inaccurate description of how most of your valks go, seeing as how you’re maintaining mid diamond you probably win a lot of your games. If you truly believe that valk is boring, make a montage of all of them. Then you can see the whole scope of just how mercy feels based off of your personal gameplay. (You don’t really have to do this it’s just hypothetical, but if you do I’d watch it. More baited genji plays pls)

Haven’t placed this season, last time I played comp I made plat. I’m tempted to make my own valk montage and compare it to other people’s valk montages. I have a ton of fun (usually, can’t win em all) during my valks. I often wonder if the play style I have in plat is just more fun than higher elos. Like just how different are our lives when we’re separated by a couple hundred sr?

I… I must… do research…

I have run out of <3s to give so here you go :heart:
I’m doing some quick play right now and Ive had some okay and boring valks already. A valk where I just left click while sneaking around to a widow. Nothing exciting :confused:


Using it wrong and making a video about it means nothing though, imagine if I go reaper and start recording my random ults without considering how close to the enemies I am or even against two shields

Yeah you find it boring because you use it safely, valk is a tool that allows you to take risks, you don’t use your presence at all and instead resort to hiding and healing even when you know that your healing will not be enough, in all honesty you’re at the brink of throwing when you simply stand in there and your team is getting decimated

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You can’t die, if you are already dead.

Edit: forum took away my ability to add links :disappointed_relieved:.

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Admitting Valkyrie is an awful ult is like saying water is wet.


quick play clips zzz

I’ve seen people mourn marriages for less time than Mercy mains mourn Rez.

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Its great you think you know how I play based off a small vid. Most people I play with describe me as an aggressive Mercy main. I don’t priotise pistol usage because frankly having my beam hitting at least 2 people is much better value than pistoling for the most part. And it allows me to track my allies position better.

Not if they have a widow or hitscan ult. Hence using cover. In games where their long range dps is lacking I will zip all over (or even meme and sit still when I can get away with it). Valk feels awful to use in qp you’re never going to convince me otherwise. I have footage from today where I got a rez and 2 kills on squishies with valk, went back to healing and we still lost the fight…feels like a chore more than anything and it doesn’t break up that regular Mercy gameplay as much as i’d like.

Question is why would you want to take risk? Alive Mercy still more useful, than dead one. And even bad snipers can hit at random.

It’s not a risk when I do it and if it is I’m just being cocky :stuck_out_tongue:
In the vid if you look closely at the enemy team comp on the 2nd clip they have a zar, hammond, reaper. Close range dps. I take a second to relax because in my regular gameplaying im always strafing on the spot in random directions (w, a, s, d, w, a, a, s, a, w, a, s, d) for example.

Water isn’t wet. Water makes other things wet.


??? xD you saying mercy dps with her shytgun should kill 3 people as the " normal thing to achieve" always? hahaha

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